Make Your Home Energy Efficient To Reduce Your Energy Bills

The energy crisis is getting worst all across the globe and as a result, the prices of energy are soaring higher every other day. Similarly, it is also difficult to ignore the market and economic instability in major oil-producing countries. Therefore, “energy-efficient” is no longer a buzzword but has become a way of life for most of homeowners. In fact, it is very possible to cut down your energy costs without altering much of your lifestyle.

Tips for Energy Efficient Homes:

The following lines contain some of the best tips to save energy in your home.

·         Insulate and Seal:

As a fact of matter, cooling and heating costs account for almost 45% of total average expenditure on energy in homes. Therefore, it is an advisable idea to seal cracks and gaps in the ceilings, attic, and basement and around your windows and doors. Similarly, you also need to ensure that the insulation levels in your home exceed or at least meet the local standards and codes.

·         Energy Efficient Products:

In order to reduce energy bills, you also need to buy energy efficient products for your home with Energy Star Label. Actually there are more than 40 categories of home products that have been labeled as green star including most commonly used appliances and light fixtures.

·         Regular Inspection:

It is also a good idea to get your cooling and heating systems checked annually by a licensed professional. If your cooling and heating systems are not working properly, you will have to pay more as energy bills and might also have to spend on unwanted repairs.

·         Landscaping:

Landscaping around your home is perhaps the best method to safe energy and to reduce your energy bills. In this regard, you need to plant shady plants like deciduous trees on west and south of your home. Thick leaves of these trees will keep your home cool in summer without even switching on the air conditioner. In winter, bare branches will allow plenty of sunlight to enter your home providing much needed warmth.

·         Ceiling Fans:

Ceiling fans are perfect for conserving energy throughout the year and are extremely cost efficient as well. In fact, you can save as much as 40% of your cooling bills by spinning the fan anticlockwise followed by setting your thermostat few degrees higher in summers. On the other hand, you can save 10% of your heating bills by spinning the fan clockwise in winter.

·         Install Skylights:

Another great method to conserve energy is to make maximum use of daylight. However, if you have rooms that are devoid of windows, you should install skylights in them. However, it is better not to turn on any light during the day.

·         Light Paints:

You need to paint your room walls and ceilings in light colors as they reduce the need of high power bulbs and make room brighter by reflecting more natural light. If you think that light color has made the room dull, you should use other decorative items such as lamps, furniture and cheap photo printing to spice it up rather than painting it in bright colors.


It is the need of the hour to have energy-efficient homes to conserve exhausting sources of energy and to save some money as well. In this regard, the above-mentioned tips will definitely help you in the long run.

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