Top 7 Seller Myths For Orlando Homeowners

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1- Price Your Home High Then Keep Lowering It Until It Sells

Big mistake! Homeowners believe that they can always accept a lower offer. The problem is that you’re missing out on the buyers looking in the price range where yours should be. Also, If you keep lowering the listing price and it doesn’t sell, buyers may think something’s wrong with the house.

Your Orlando realtor will prepare a CMA on your home to help you determine an accurate listing price so you can get it right the first time.

2- Don’t Worry About Small Repairs

Retail buyers just want to move in and start living the Orlando lifestyle. The last thing they want is a to-do list. Buyers that are willing to do some minor repairs will want a price reduction for their trouble. Sometimes even small repairs can also scare off potential buyers.

Take care of these small repairs on your own to get the highest price.

3- Curb Appeal Doesn’t Matter Once They See The Inside

Certain buyers will drive by a house on their own before deciding whether they’re interested or not. If it looks horrible, chances are they won’t even care to see the inside. Some people just aren’t able to see anything other than what’s right in front of them.

Keep the grass cut, trim the trees and shrubs, get rid of clutter, and plant a few bright flowers for a splash of color. You only get one chance to make a 1st impression.

4- The Inside Doesn’t Matter, Just Make Sure The Outside Looks Good

Having the inside look good is just as important as the outside. Buyers need to be able to visualize living in the house with their things. If your house is dirty and cluttered then the only thing they’ll be visualizing is getting back in their car and going to the next one.

5- Your Home Has To Be Perfect Before Listing

Don’t get carried away with home improvements or upgrades when your intention is to sell. Just because you spend $30,000 on a pool doesn’t mean that you’ll get a return on that investment, especially if your home is the only one with a pool in the entire neighborhood.

Your Orlando real estate agent can advise you on what improvements you can make that are worth making before listing the home.

6- Your Better Off Selling Without A Realtor

90% of Orlando homeowners that set out to sell their house on their own, ultimately end up hiring an Orlando realtor to get the job done. Sellers that do sell on their own end up making less money from the sale mostly due to their lack of negotiating experience.

7- Sellers Should Give Buyers The Tour Of Their Home For A More Personal Touch

It’s hard for a potential buyer to envision a home being theirs if the homeowners are present during the showing. As a matter of fact, it makes them downright uncomfortable.

You should have enough trust in the Orlando real estate agent that you hired to look out for your home during showings. However,  It’s always a good idea to put away expensive jewelry and prescription medicine when your house is being shown.

If you’re interested in seeing how much your home will sell for, feel free to call us at 407.902.7750 or visit to receive a free CMA report prepared by one of our Orlando listing specialists.

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