Discover The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Underfloor Heating

The vast majority of homes now have some form of central heating system, which is typically used during the colder months of the year. In fact, many of us would struggle to survive in the sub-zero temperatures we often experience if it wasn’t for a heating system. However, in recent times, there has been much more choice available when it comes to a home’s heating system, and one particular popular method is underfloor heating. This post will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of having an underfloor heating system.


One of the main reasons that underfloor heating has become so popular is that it provides warm floors throughout your home during the colder months of the year. It is also said that having such a system installed will actually increase the overall value of your property, so is definitely something to consider if you are thinking of selling your home at some point in the future. You will also find that having a large underfloor heating system installed in your home will ensure you no longer need large, bulky, and often ugly-looking radiators, which in turn will also free up some extra room around your home.

If the walls, ceiling, and doors in the rooms of your home are well insulated you will also find that underfloor heating is far more efficient simply due to the way in which heat will be distributed around your home. Radiators will typically heat the surrounding area quite quickly, although as the heat rises it will usually take a little longer to heat the entire room. An underfloor system offers the ability to heat a far larger surface working its way from the floor upwards, which in turn will provide the rooms in your home with a far more consistent temperature.


To be completely honest, there is really only one real complaint that owners of underfloor heating systems have, and that is the amount of time it takes to heat up when compared to the various other forms of heating. A room will typically take a longer period of time to heat up, although this also means it will take longer to cool down. This will only cause a real problem if you are looking for immediate heat in a room, but most of the modern underfloor heating systems come with pre-programmed controls, thus allowing you to switch the system on beforehand anyway.

You may also find, depending on the type of system you purchase, that you may not have the ability to replace the heat from all radiators around your home. This is usually only a problem if you choose to purchase one of the smaller systems available, whereas a larger system will provide a complete replacement for radiators. You should also be aware that the system should not be placed under items of furniture, which means you may have to rethink the layout of a room. You will also find that this type of system can prove to be expensive if you choose to run it in conjunction with your main heating system, and it is therefore typically viewed as a luxury, rather than a necessity.

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