New House: What to Check Before Moving Day

It’s an exciting time, with moving day to a new house creeping up. As you look forward to the new house, it’s important to have a checklist of things to do to prepare. Preparations can be extensive, so a checklist really helps. These tips will help you as you begin your new home adventure.

Call to Turn on the Utilities

It’s important to have the phone, electricity, and other services turned on. Though it sounds like a pain, calling to have them put into your name is relatively easy and straightforward, with a simple call-in to service providers serving as the activation for these services. Set aside perhaps an hour to make these calls.

Hiring a House-Cleaner

Having the house cleaned ahead of time makes a lot of sense. Working with the realtor to arrange the house cleaning makes sense if you set it up for the closing day, or just afterward, as you make the final transition from your previous house or apartment. Be sure to hire someone who can do the work thoroughly, and up to standard. Simple interviews don’t always indicate the level of a person’s work. Ask for recommendations through the realtor.

Change Address

Sending out change of address cards makes sense, and will aid in making the transition smoothly. You can either make these or buy them. These cards simply announce your new mailing address to friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances.

Having a Key Made

After closing, you are going to wish to have keys made, perhaps right away, to ensure that you have backup keys available to you to avoid locking yourself out.

Meet the Neighbors

Before you move into a new house, it’s important to meet the neighbors, so you may wish to set aside time before closing, to pop over with a friendly face and some good cheer. This relationship will be central to your life while you live there, so it makes sense to take it seriously.

Take Care of Formalities

You’ll need to have your address changed, and that is something you can do ahead of time with the postal service offering change-of-address forms that make moving a cinch. Ask for their moving package, which has the form and some coupons included in it. Make sure you are ready with your finances and mortgage payments from Orlando Mortgage Companies as well. You’ll want to have everything set up formally before you move.

Last, be sure to have a good attitude. Moving doesn’t have to be boring or exhausting if you have the right attitude and break the work into manageable chunks. Look into the formalities and change addresses at reputable places like Orlando Low Mortage Rates dot com to avoid a hassle later on.

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