Sometimes We All Need A ‘New’ Home: Updating Your Living Space


Having a beautifully decorated home that is not only a representation of our likes, memories, and dreams is comforting. It’s one of the best ways to express who we are and where we’ve been. While the environment created in a business is commonly thought to be much more important than the inside of a home, guidelines can be used interchangeably. Your workspace can directly interfere with the atmosphere of your home and vice versa.

Create a New or Updated Fervor

Trying to show your guests what you care about most? Does it not feel like your current setup at home is showing off what you like, what you enjoy, what you’re proud of? If this sounds like the case then it may be time to make some changes. Walk into each area as though you are an impartial party (or have someone else do this for you). What things do you notice first? What do you feel when you view each room? How is the comfort? Is there enough seating? Be completely honest with yourself and take notes if you need to. This will definitely help you figure out where you could use a bit of work. Jumping into the project blind isn’t going to get you very far. If you want your entire home to express what you want it to, this is one of the best ways to go about accomplishing that.

Take a Close Look at Room Functionality

An area can be beautifully decorated and ‘perfect’ in your eyes, but without the right amount of functionality in the mix, the room can end up feeling like a complete disaster. Don’t worry if your room isn’t feeling right because anything is fixable. Figure out which things bug you the most and what items are in a place that you would like to keep. Draw various plans out on graph paper if need be in order to figure out exactly where you need a bit more walking room, a light so you can read more comfortably at night or that new television you’ve been trying to find space for.

Ever been in someone else’s kitchen for the first time and tried to help them with dishes? While it may not be the most stress-evoking situation, it isn’t the easiest thing to get done, either. Without proper functionality and organization, these types of things are common. It’s going to take you much longer to get the things done that you need to on a daily basis. The more ‘together’ a room is, the easier life is going to be. A clean and easy-to-use space means much more productivity. When there is a flow to each room of your home, getting what you need done is going to be a breeze.

Don’t Forget About Electronics

While making sure the colors of your room are just right, the placement of certain objects, decorations and so forth, if your computer is a mess, this could cause problems in other aspects of your life. Let’s say, for example, that you work from home. If everything in your life is set up just the way you envision it, but your computer files, documents, photos, and spreadsheets are complicated and confusing to you then this may be something to change, as well. Something as simple as a calming wallpaper that gets you in your ‘work mode’ or having your most important folders ‘pinned’ to your taskbar can make a huge impact. Time is money and our time is also priceless. The less time you spend trying to find things, the more relaxed you’ll be and more free time you are going to have for your family, your friends and your favorite activities.

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