Five Common Household Dilemmas And How To Deal With Them

Whether you own or rent a home, it can be an adventure to deal with the myriad of fun issues and problems that can pop up with maintaining and caring for a house. While most of us can hang a picture, replace burnt out light bulbs, and take care of a wobbly table, many of us probably aren’t sure what to do with a few of the other bigger problems that can arise. Learn below about a few of the most common problems that plague home dwellers and how you can solve them.

Refrigerator Is Too Warm

You love opening the refrigerator door to grab a cold drink, but you probably don’t love opening the door and finding your food is sitting in there at room temperature. Before you toss the appliance, get behind the refrigerator and look at the coils. Debris, including dust and trash, can settle in the coils and cause the components to overheat. If you have animals around the house, you might find fur trapped back there. Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to gently brush away the debris. Granted there may be other issues, but this can often do the trick.

Dryer Doesn’t Heat

If it takes longer to dry your clothes than it did before, your filter might be the culprit. Even if you can’t see lint or dust trapped on the filter, a closer look might reveal a thin film of fabric softener left behind. Take the time to check the vent as well. Anything blocking the vent can stop the dryer from working properly. Cleaning the filter vent and reinstalling it should help.

Leaking Pipes and Appliances

When your pipes leak or your air conditioner releases a large amount of condensation, you can have a serious problem on your hands. As the water runs down the walls and settles under the floor, you can develop water damage. An expert in water damage restoration San Juan residents can call has suggested that water damage isn’t always easy to spot. Look for areas of discoloration or sagging in wall or ceiling materials. Even if you already know how to repair the damage or take care of the leaks, you can find more help at Orlando Service Help dot com.

Blocked Shower Head

A blocked shower head reduces your water pressure and can leave you feeling dirty after a shower. Here’s one you’ve probably never heard: one of the simplest solutions is using foaming denture tablets. Take the head out of the shower, place it in a large bucket of water, drop two tablets in the bottom and add enough water to cover the head. Rinse off the head before using it after the tablets do the hard work.

Pesky Insects

You may be able to take care of insects taking over your home with a few bay leaves. Bay has a naturally strong scent that repels ants and other bugs. Drop a few leaves in any jars or open containers that you use around the kitchen, and tuck a few leaves near any entrance to your home.

It’s generally not too long before some issue will arise with a home. Following these simple tips will help you conquer at least a few of the common household problems you might face.

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