Foreclosure Drop Experienced in Orlando

Foreclosure of residential houses in Orlando has shown a marked decrease. This started from the time when the state began to expedite foreclosures as per the new law that was implemented from July 1 this year. According to reports by RealtyTrac Inc, foreclosure filings have dropped by at least 50% as compared to the past year. The total number of houses in the Metro Orlando area which received their first foreclosure notice fell to 678. This is effectively a fall of 63% compared to the previous year. This trend that is experienced in Orland real estate is repeated across Florida. A statewide report published in July by the Florida Supreme Court states that cases related to foreclosure fell 75% when compared to July 2012.

Reasons for the drop

It is unclear if the drop is the result of a new law formulated to streamline the ability of the lender to repossess immovable structures that are saddled with mortgage payments long overdue. According to one foreclosure attorney, this dramatic fall is the result of banks and mortgage service providers being unable to provide documentation as proof that they are in control of the loan as demanded by the new legislation. As per the attorney, the new law was written in such a way that it was almost indecipherable to the lending industry as well as to the courts.

Mortgage companies are taking the only action they can confidently opt for – either modify the mortgage or sell the concerned house as a short sale. Orlando short sales are said to occur when an immovable property or a house is sold for less the amount of money owed on the structure. The incidence of short sales has been increased throughout Florida in the past few months.

Decrease in foreclosure filings

Foreclosures are markedly decreasing. In Metro Orlando, approximately 2,415 houses gave some variety of foreclosure filing. The August report shows that such filings have decreased by 27% when compared to the previous year’s August report and also a 11% decrease from July this year. The Orlando metropolitan area is made up of 3 regions: Orange, Seminole, and Osceola. According to RealtyTrac Vice President, it is premature to assume that the law is not functioning as it should. Although foreclosure activity is down for the Orlando area, the courts have approved an increase in number of foreclosure sale notices as well as auction notices in the metro region. One way of knowing that foreclosure notices will be filed is that the concerned banks have begun to start the search and preparation work important to start the process of foreclosure.



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