Home Inspections

Home Inspector

A home inspection is a very important part of the home buying process. Some buyers will try to avoid paying for one to save money. This decision can turn out to be a very costly one.  As your Orlando Realtor, I always recommend, better yet insist on one. Can you imagine closing on your new home without an inspection to find out the week after you move in that the AC unit and water heater were not working properly? Oh no! This alone will cost thousands of dollars in repairs.

Your Orlando Realtor will have a specific number of days to order the home inspections, this will be disclosed on your executed sales contract. The typical timeframe is 7-15 days from the date of acceptance.

It is crucial you complete the home inspection, you want to know as much as possible about the home before you purchase.

Another necessary home inspection is a WDO (wood destroying organism) termite inspection.  Visible wood rot is usually a sign of termites. In some cases, this is easily corrected. I recommend this, especially in older homes. You might also want to get a termite bond.

Once all home inspections are completed you will receive a thorough report detailing all items that need to be addressed. Whether it be that it needs to repair or replaced or maybe just needs maintenance. You will have enough time to review and discuss any repairs with your Orlando Realtor.

Quick story, I had a client that insisted he did not need a home inspection as the home had been completed remodeled by the sellers and they had checked everything themselves, so I had to leave it alone after weeks of trying to convince them. A few days before closing we go back to complete the final walk-thru, not only were none of the appliances working but all the windows have been shut closed with screws. What a disaster.

Fortunately, the sellers were very understanding and corrected all issues. This is not always the case…

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