Home Inspection 101: How to Make Your Home Flood Resistant

There is plenty of damage that can be done to a home by even minor floods. People often underestimate the necessity of preparing their homes to resist flooding until it is too late. However, you can arm yourself with the information needed to secure your home from one of mother nature’s most sudden and dangerous actions. When you have the proper protection, you can count on avoiding rotting wood, ruined carpets, hardwood floors, or dangerous mold.

From the Ground Up

Elevating the home is one of the most effective ways to provide it with protection from flooding. When you elevate a house, it is recommended that you alter the base of the home as well for further protection. Fills or open foundations are ideal ways to keep your home steady while still allowing floodwaters to pass beneath them. For most homes, crawl-space construction presents the most viable option, utilizing piers to get the job done. Should this method not be available to you, explore the options that exist with pile construction. Where insurance for flood damage is concerned, this is the only option for protection that will actually lower your premiums.

Prepare From Every Angle

You can guard your home against flood waters by putting barriers around the structure. The earth itself, or masonry and steel walls can be very effective when it comes to redirecting floodwaters away from the home. This technique is most effective in shallow flooding plains. Small levees are easy to construct and can typically be made from local materials at a small cost. This approach can also protect more than one building. In urban areas, floodwalls can be constructed that take up less room when property space is limited.

Sealed to Satisfaction

Ensuring that your home or building is watertight goes a long way in offering protection. Known as dry proofing, this technique takes advantage of many different sealing techniques. Walls should be coated using specially designed compounds. Additionally, when floods are about to strike, vents and other exterior opening should be temporarily closed off and blocked by sandbags. However, according to Orlando water removal specialists, this technique should only be used for buildings that employ sound, slab foundations that are completely free of cracks and other types of damage.

Reduce Potential Damages

The home can also be protected against the need for water removal by engaging in what is know as wet-flood proofing. This technique is used to limit the damage done by flooding once the ground becomes saturated. Basements and below-ground areas can crack and buckle under underwater pressure. This method actually allows the water into underground areas to reduce the pressure while also replacing wood construction with materials such as masonry work that will not be damaged by the water.

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Five Unique Features to Include in Your Bathroom Remodel

You’ve finally saved up or that bathroom remodel of your dreams and you’ve decided that you’re going to have the bathroom that absolutely no one else in your neighborhood has even thought of. How about five tips for a bathroom no one will forget?

Cremo Marble on the Floors and Walls

Cremo marble is pure white but is shot through with veins of real gold. Have tiles of this marble placed on your walls and your floors. If you wish, cremo can also be placed on top of a vanity. Use shiny polished marble for walls and vanities, but honed marble on the floors to protect against slippage. Keep in mind that marble is softer than many other types of stone and will need to be sealed to protect against stains. Whether it’s stained or not, any acidic material that’s spilled on marble must be blotted up immediately to save the stone from etching. To clean, use warm water, some neutral detergent, and a clean cloth.

Gold-Plated Hardware

Faucets and spigots can have traditional looks or can be fashioned into a number of shapes like animals or unique geometric designs. Choose a bold shape for your hardware and then have it plated in gold.  Gold doesn’t tarnish, and all you’ll need to keep it sparkling is a solution of water and vinegar and a soft white cloth.

Freestanding Mahogany Tub

A true centerpiece for your bathroom with classic charm, choosing a freestanding tub with elegant design is a great option to make your update special. A deep, freestanding tub clad in highly polished mahogany is the best thing for a long and luxurious soak. Again, indulge in gold plated hardware like a hand-held shower attachment. Other options are freestanding tubs made of steel clad in porcelain enamel or Japanese soaking tubs clad in cypress wood.  Any of these freestanding styles instantly serve as a sign of your good taste and sophistication.

A Fountain

A fountain can be a tiny, soothing element in a niche in the corner of the room or it can be the bathroom’s centerpiece. The one thing you’ll need to do is find out if the fountain is in compliance with local building codes that govern plumbing in Toronto or wherever you may live. You may have to install special plumbing for an especially complicated fountain. For that, you’ll want to contact a professional like Brothers Plumbing to be sure the job is done properly.

Decorative Windows

Windows with a touch of leading or stained glass will give even a tiny bathroom a touch of elegance. A west, south, or east-facing window full of stained glass will also glow like jewels when the sun strikes it and throw chips of colored light on the floors and the walls.  This is a very practical choice that can simultaneously provide you with better privacy while also allowing natural light to grace your bathroom.

It doesn’t take very much to make a bathroom that’s ordinary into one that’s spectacular.  Consider these five suggestions as you determine how to make your bathroom remodel truly special.

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Quick Repairs: Five Home Projects You Can Get Done This Weekend

With a few basic tools and a little ingenuity, there are numerous home improvement projects that virtually anyone may complete within the space of a weekend. Transform a room indoors, increase storage, or make a backyard more inviting with one of these simple projects.

Create a Mudroom

Homeowners do not need much money or space to convert a foyer, or open wall into an area that not only provides storage space but also makes dressing or undressing outdoors more convenient. Paint, panel, or add trim to the wall, which differentiates the area from the rest of the home. Install hooks for backpacks, coats, and hats. Add a wall shelf for miscellaneous items. Keep rainy or winter weather gear out of sight with bins or baskets. Creative individuals might take the time to build a bench/box with hinged lid for storage. Add mats for wet footwear.

Face lift for the Kitchen

Remove all of the doors and the drawers from the cabinets. Depending on whether deciding to paint or stain the exteriors, doors, drawers and cabinet fronts, then require sanding or stripping. Damp wipe and dry the surfaces. Apply the paint or stain of choice. After staining, apply a suitable sealant. Replace old hardware as desired.

Spruce up the Bathroom

Besides a coat of paint, homeowners might install a new mirror or medicine chest and new light fixtures. If desired, splurge and add newer, more stylish faucets and a matching shower head. Just replacing old and outdated fixtures can bring new life into your bathroom without much cost to you.

Install Wood Flooring

Modern wood flooring comes in a variety of patterns and colors that easily enhance or change the appearance of any room. The quick snap-together design of newer products makes installation a breeze, and merely requires basic measuring and cutting tools to complete the project. If not planning on removing molding before floor installation, complete the look with shoe molding. While shopping for the flooring, purchase the recommended underlayment material as well.

Build a Planter/Trellis

Beautify a backyard space by constructing a simple combination planter box/trellis this spring, or summer. Use cedar, teak, or pressure-treated lumber for the box base. Cover the box and build the trellis from decorative bamboo. Depending on the size of your creation, place the planter against an exterior wall, or use it to create a privacy screen.

Before starting your weekend project, make sure that you have the tools to do the job.

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Home Maintenance: Things You Should Be Checking During The Winter

Home maintenance is extremely important year-round, but even more so during the winter months. With winter comes cold, freezing weather, snow, ice, and more that can cause additional damage to different areas of your home. By taking the necessary precautions and ensuring that you have done maintenance to your home before winter hits, you will be avoiding different common problems that may occur simply due to the weather Below are a few different things that you should be checking in your home either during or before winter to ensure that you will be able to live comfortably throughout the season with little to no issues.

Heating System Tune-Ups

The last thing that you will want to happen during the winter is for your heating system to stop working correctly. This may leave you with a cold house that can be dangerous when temperatures reach freezing levels. Take the proper home maintenance steps and take advantage of heating system tune-ups from professional HVAC technicians who know what they are doing. A tune-up includes a complete check of your furnace or heat pump to ensure that everything is clean and working properly. It also determines if there is any carbon monoxide leakage. This standard maintenance tip is highly important during the winter.

Roof Repairs

Before winter, you will want to make your way up onto the roof to determine if any repairs will need to be made. Some things that you should look for include loose or missing shingles. When snow, ice and freezing rain occur during winter, you may be dealing with major roof leaks and additional damage if the necessary maintenance is not done in advance. Other roofing tips include removing any leaves, pine needles and debris that can hold extra moisture on the roof during the winter. Those who have taken advantage of a real estate warranty may be able to receive their major repairs for cheaper than the regular going rate.

Cleaning the Gutters

Another part of your home that you will want to check before or during winter are the gutters. If your gutters are backed up and full of debris such as leaves, they may cause leaks within your home and ice dams to occur when the snow and rain simply have nowhere to go. Roofing, siding and wood trim can be damaged by blocked gutters. Regularly clean out your gutters and inspect for any damage to avoid problems in the winter.

Outdoor Faucets

Check to ensure that your outdoor faucets are turned off during the winter. While they may not leaking water, that does not always mean that they are turned off completely. Un-drained water in your pipes can lead to the water freezing as temperatures drop. This can cause the pipes to burst as the ice expands within them. Simply turn off the water valve in your home and disconnect your garden hose to check for remaining water and to allow it to drain from the faucet with ease.

Air Leaks and Insulation

If your home is prone to lots of icicles and ice dams, you will want to take the necessary precautions to prevent water from leaking into your home. Hire a professional to check for and to repair any air leaks found around your home and insufficient insulation within the attic of the household. Insufficient insulation can lead to ice dams which can cause major problems during the cold winter months.

Other home maintenance tips for the winter include reversing your ceiling fans, caulking around windows and doors, and diverting water away from your home. By taking advantage of these tips, your home is sure to be in tip-top shape this winter season.

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Simple Installations At Home: 5 DIY Projects That Are Worth It

Completing DIY installations can not only save a homeowner a great deal of money but can give him or her confidence in basic skills that involve areas like plumbing, painting, tiling, or carpentry. Generally, the more successful DIY projects a person completes, the more confidence he or she gains. Here are five simple DIY installations:

Install Resilient Tile

Resilient tile is easy to install, especial if it’s self-stick. Whether it’s self-stick or not, the sub-floor needs to be clean and level. It’s also a good idea that the tiles be dry applied before they’re pressed on. Even with self-stick resilient tile, it’s also a good idea to add a sealer and adhesive to make sure the tiles really stick.

Install a Tile Countertop In the Kitchen

Unlike stone countertops, a tile countertop is something a DIYer can do without help. Because tiles come in so many colors, textures and patterns, the homeowner can create a very unique look. Applying layout lines and dry run layouts will greatly help in creating a countertop that’s beautiful, durable, and unique.

Install a Shower Surround

This might take two people to wrangle the shower panels into place. Since existing wall tiles will need to be removed, walls patched, holes drilled and panels installed, the installation of a shower surround might take the better part of a long weekend. However, a new, dramatic shower surround is worth it just for its looks alone.

Install a Door Casing

If the current door casing looks a little careworn, it’s fairly easy to replace it with a brand new one. It does take a bit of measuring and sawing, but the homeowner can choose the type of molding he or she wants and the results can be quite stunning. One tip to make the job go more smoothly is to make sure that the wall doesn’t have a bump, which can make it tough for the casing to lie flat. Any bumps can be smoothed out by a rasp or a hand sander.

Install a Skylight

Installing a skylight can actually be a DIY project if the homeowner isn’t too anxious about working up on the roof. As an extra safety measure to help get you and your materials on the roof. It’s also a good idea to check with the town’s building authority to see if any codes need to be followed and if permits are needed.
Though they might not be the easiest projects to do, these five installations shouldn’t be too challenging for a novice DIYer. If done correctly, they are certainly worth it. If you’re looking to do these DIY projects in order to sell your home in Orlando, you may want to consult with your Realtor first.

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