Updating Your Home? Five Projects to Leave to the Professionals

Every homeowner knows that maintaining a residence requires certain investments. For example, certain home improvement projects require professional assistance. Go ahead and caulk a window or lay that tile in your own bathroom, but when it comes to the big jobs that require specific equipment and training to complete, reach for the phone instead. Here’s a list of five home repair and maintenance jobs that should never be completed without the right equipment and expertise.

1. Plumbing Projects

Despite the large number of DIY videos available on YouTube, it isn’t a good idea to try fixing your home’s plumbing without some expert help. Commercially sold products commonly used to unclog drains can actually damage pipes. Attempting to replace plumbing fixtures without proper instruction or equipment can cause serious damage to a home’s plumbing system. Save time and money by calling a professional first. When is comes to bigger home improvement projects such as this, there are often many codes that have to be met and upheld. By doing the projects yourself, you could be unaware of the codes and not meet it. Then when trying to resale the home cost yourself more money in the long run.

2. Electrical Projects

Most electrical projects should also be left to the pros. Chances are that you could easily replace or rewire a light fixture or two, but if you need to do more extensive work involving your home’s wiring, don’t do it yourself. Risk of electrocution or an electrical fire are too high to justify the savings.

3. Tree Service

If that beautiful shade tree in your yard has grown too close to the house, don’t risk life and limb to trim it yourself. The professionals from say they have seen home owners take matters into their own hands and often cost themselves much more in the long run with the repairs to their homes or vehicles after projects have gone array.

4. Carpet Installation

There are not as many DIY videos about carpet installation available online as there are plumbing projects, but penny-pinching homeowners have been known to try it. Unless you enjoy tripping over lumps in the carpet that result from an amateur installation, don’t do this job yourself. Professionals have the equipment necessary to properly stretch and secure carpet. Home owners tend to spend more in carpet expenses as well. Professional carpet layers understand how to best utilize the carpet, cutting the carpet expense costs in the end.

5. Window Installation

There are a lot of benefits to installing new windows, but this project needs to be done by professionals who know how to safely handle large sheets of glass. While you might be able to effectively weatherproof your home by caulking a window, window installation is another matter. Professionals have the right equipment to do the job safely and keep your home properly insulated.

Many home improvement projects can be successfully completed by the weekend warrior. Certain projects, however, require specialized training and equipment. Leave those jobs to the pros.

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Perfect Patio: How to Create Your Own Backyard Ambiance

Patios today are not just outdoor areas to stop before heading into a backyard. They are living areas and extensions of the inside of the home. Many different options are available that allow homeowners to design comfortable, elegant, and functional patios. Several ideas will help Orlando homeowners to create a perfect patio with ambiance and style.

Pick a Comfortable Patio Furniture Set

Modern patio furniture is just as comfortable as furniture inside the home. A great patio should have a complete set of furniture. This should include a relaxing couch, chairs, and at least one table. They can be made from strong resins or sustainable woods like teak and bamboo. Comfortable furniture will make spending time on the patio more enjoyable.

Install Designer Lighting

Good lighting is responsible for the ambiance on the patio, especially in the evening. Homeowners should install designer lighting in several places. Landscape lights can illuminate the area around the patio. Sconces and hanging pendant lights can create gentle light while dining or relaxing outside. Lights can even be installed in the patio surface for safety or unique ground illumination.

Add Attractive Plantings

Part of the ambiance of a backyard patio is the presence of nature around the property. Homeowners should add attractive plantings on, and around the patio. Large outdoor pots can hold small trees or robust succulents. Climbing vines can cover nearby fences or the walls of the home. Shrubs and hedges can act as dividers. Plants make the patio more attractive while also sometimes absorbing sound and creating privacy.

Consider Patio Heaters

Patio heaters make the space comfortable even during cold days in the winter. Patio heaters look like tall lamps or poles. They can increase the temperature on the patio so it remains comfortable, in all but the worst conditions. They can create a warm and inviting patio all year long.

Choose the Right Patio Surface

The patio surface will largely determine the comfort and stability of everything from furniture to appliances. Homeowners will want to choose concrete when designing a patio. Concrete companies provide mixtures that will pour easily and level simply. Concrete is durable and does not attract pests like some other materials. Concrete can also be finished in a number of ways to create a very distinctive and memorable appearance.

Patios should be designed just like any room inside the house. They must include lighting, a solid surface, and comfortable furniture. Patios today can even be equipped with fireplaces or kitchen appliances so it is easier to spend hours enjoying the outdoors with friends and family.

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Four Warning Signs That Your Home Might Be In Major Trouble

For many common damages to homes, there are telltale warning signs that allude to the problem long before it officially sets in. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with what to look for in a home that is potentially vulnerable to excessive damages. These are four warning signs that your home might be in major trouble.

Clogged Drains or Leaky Plumbing

If you’ve noticed a drain that doesn’t seem to flush water as quickly as it once did, or if you’ve noticed a bit of water accumulation under the sink, it’s definitely time to make the appropriate fixes to avoid bigger problems down the line. Steer clear of excessive damage by shopping around for Orlando plumbers for quick and effective repairs to your plumbing problems.

A Weak HVAC System

HVAC systems are notorious for losing their momentum sooner or later. This is often because they are used almost all year round, and they are constantly working to keep homes and other facilities stay neutralized at a constant temperature. Eventually, this can lead to less than satisfactory results. Take caution if you hear any clunking or banging coming from your HVAC system, or if the compressor stays on a lot longer than it should. This is a sign of the system working harder than it should and the fact that it needs repair.

A Weakening Roof

On most roofs, shingles are layered with a solution of granules that provide an extra layer of protection against natural wear and tear. Over time, granule will wear away and expose the shingles to harsh weather conditions which can, in turn, excessively damage a roof. You might be up against a potentially exposed roof if you find bits of granule on the ground and around the area of where gutters drain. If you attack the problem as early as possible, it’s often easy to reroof without starting completely over with a new roof.

A Shifting Foundation

Lastly, a shifting foundation could quite possibly be the worst sign of damage for your home. As soon as you notice any cracking, bulges, or indentations, document it with the date, time, and a photograph. This will help contractors know how to fix the problem.

Above all, keep an eye attributes about your home that don’t seem or aren’t normal. Generally, if you feel like there could be potential damage done to your home due to observing questionable warning signs, there probably will be. Remember to document and contact repair professionals right away!

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How To Put Your Own Mark On Your Home: Five Do It Yourself Ideas

While many projects are probably best handled by a skilled contractor with years of industry experience, there are many do-it-yourself projects you can do in your home to increase its value, add to its beauty, and contribute to its uniqueness. When you buy a house, doing the project yourself is a great way to save money on any project, and it allows you to do it at your own pace and to your own specifications. Here are five do-it-yourself ideas that will put a mark on your home.

1) Paint –

Going to the home improvement store and looking at the paint color and other options available is one of the best ways to get ideas for a room. Painting is a cost-effective way to change the look of a room for the better. Before you paint, consider adding features to a room such as crown molding, chair rails, and custom lighting features. These are best picked out and added while you are painting the room rather than later. This way you will not have to move furniture around more than once.

2) A Bathroom Remodel –

As long as you do not plan on moving the main plumbing features of your bathroom, the bathroom is one of the easiest rooms in your house to remodel. Changing the tile flooring can drastically alter the look of a room, and changing the bathroom vanity and faucet gives you a plethora of style options to choose from.

3) Add a Spiral Staircase –

You can buy kits for building your own spiral staircase that adds a layer of customization to your home that the typical home does not possess. These kits come with staircases in a variety of color and style options that you can select from to match your current or planned decor and colors.

4) Make a Flowerbed –

One of the best ways to add some customization to your yard is to add a flowerbed. This is relatively easy to do and it gives you the flexibility to add flowers and shrubs of your own choosing. It’s a great way to put your personality into the exterior of your home.

5) Create a Patio –

You can create a simple patio from stones designed for this purpose that you can buy at the average home improvement store. This is a cheap and effective way to expand the living space outside your home.

These five projects are relatively easy for the typical homeowner to complete with a little preparation and effort. All of these projects will make your home a more customized, comfortable place that can match your style and personality.

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New House: What to Check Before Moving Day

It’s an exciting time, with moving day to a new house creeping up. As you look forward to the new house, it’s important to have a checklist of things to do to prepare. Preparations can be extensive, so a checklist really helps. These tips will help you as you begin your new home adventure.

Call to Turn on the Utilities

It’s important to have the phone, electricity, and other services turned on. Though it sounds like a pain, calling to have them put into your name is relatively easy and straightforward, with a simple call-in to service providers serving as the activation for these services. Set aside perhaps an hour to make these calls.

Hiring a House-Cleaner

Having the house cleaned ahead of time makes a lot of sense. Working with the realtor to arrange the house cleaning makes sense if you set it up for the closing day, or just afterward, as you make the final transition from your previous house or apartment. Be sure to hire someone who can do the work thoroughly, and up to standard. Simple interviews don’t always indicate the level of a person’s work. Ask for recommendations through the realtor.

Change Address

Sending out change of address cards makes sense, and will aid in making the transition smoothly. You can either make these or buy them. These cards simply announce your new mailing address to friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances.

Having a Key Made

After closing, you are going to wish to have keys made, perhaps right away, to ensure that you have backup keys available to you to avoid locking yourself out.

Meet the Neighbors

Before you move into a new house, it’s important to meet the neighbors, so you may wish to set aside time before closing, to pop over with a friendly face and some good cheer. This relationship will be central to your life while you live there, so it makes sense to take it seriously.

Take Care of Formalities

You’ll need to have your address changed, and that is something you can do ahead of time with the postal service offering change-of-address forms that make moving a cinch. Ask for their moving package, which has the form and some coupons included in it. Make sure you are ready with your finances and mortgage payments from Orlando Mortgage Companies as well. You’ll want to have everything set up formally before you move.

Last, be sure to have a good attitude. Moving doesn’t have to be boring or exhausting if you have the right attitude and break the work into manageable chunks. Look into the formalities and change addresses at reputable places like Orlando Low Mortage Rates dot com to avoid a hassle later on.

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