Five Weekend Projects to Elevate Your Home’s Value

You want to raise your home’s value – that goes without saying. Should you ever decide to sell, you want to make enough from your existing home to purchase a new home without turning to a company or taking out mortgage loans. Luckily, there are several weekend projects you can take on to raise the value of your home very quickly.

1. Paint

It goes without saying – if your paint job is patchy, fix it. A good coat of paint will fix most problems and takes next to no time at all. A few hours on a Saturday, and you’re good to go. While it might cost a few bucks for the paint, it will raise the value of your home so much more when there aren’t unsightly spots on the walls.

2. Declutter

If you’re going to sell your home, present it in its optimal state – not like you just finished opening presents on Christmas morning. Spend a few hours putting up toys, tools, and dishes, and cleaning the home. Imagine you’re throwing a dinner party, and want to impress the guests with your cleanliness.

3. Spruce up the lawn.

Your landscape matters to the value of your home. If you’ve got overgrown plants, a lawn in desperate need of mowing, or just unsightly flowerbeds, take a few minutes to fix them. Mow the lawn, prune the bushes, and pluck the weeds from the flowerbeds. Spending a few dollars on flowers and planting them can do wonders for an otherwise dull yard.

4. Brighten your lighting.

If you have light fixtures with broken bulbs, or light fixtures that are just unattractive, swap them out for something better. Those fluorescent LED lights that are so common in kitchens? Get rid of them, and replace it with a nice chandelier instead. According to mortgage loan experts in Sacramento and other cities, this small investment will go a long way with lighting and add value to your home.

5. Clean up the bathrooms.

Too many homes have bathrooms that look like they feed straight into the Black Lagoon. If you clean up the bathrooms, scrubbing off any mold and mildew that might be present, your potential buyers will thank you for it in the best possible way – by paying more for your home.

These five projects would only take a few hours to do, and it’s likely you could do them all in a single weekend. Even though they are small, these things are necessary for raising the value of your home, and will pay in dividends later down the road. Besides, it’s nice to have a clean, well-put-together home.

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