7 Steps To Make Your Orlando Home Show Better

If you live in Orlando as I do, then you know that loving in the “City Beautiful” means that you’ll have no shortage of friends and relatives wanting to visit you and probably will at some point. That means getting your home in tip-top “show ready” condition.

If your property is on the market and your goal is to sell your Orlando home fast for top dollar, it means your home needs to be ready to show at a moment’s notice. You can never change the first impression and if you think otherwise, it could cost you a potential buyer.

It’s like the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover”, but in real estate, if people don’t like the cover [the front of your house], they won’t want to pay as much for your book or even worse…they might lose interest altogether and never even walk inside.

If you’re looking to sell your Orlando home for top dollar, here are simple, low-cost ideas you can use to maximize your home’s first impression.

1-Clean And Remove Clutter- Start by removing any furniture and other items that may cause your home to look cluttered and small into your garage or storage. This is also a great time to throw out or donate things that you don’t use or need.

The next step is to clean like you’ve never cleaned before. Be certain that every surface in the home is as clean as possible. Having your carpets shampooed by a professional is worth the investment and can make your home look cleaner and leave it smelling fresh.

2-Touch Up The Paint- Go through the entire house and touch up any scratches and chipped paint on the walls. If you have some over-powering or dark colors, you may want to consider repainting those walls with a more neutral color. Remember, this isn’t about your taste and what you like, It’s about getting your house sold.

3-Fix the Little Things- Go around your house with a caulking gun in one hand and your toolbox in the other. Fix the things that you’ve been “meaning to get around to” for the past 3 years. Some missing caulk here and a leaky faucet there can give a potential buyer the impression that the home hasn’t been regularly maintained.

By eliminating all the little things that are wrong with the house, you can eliminate any worries the buyer has about having to do the repairs himself or paying someone else to do them.

4-Update Old Fixtures- Replacing old and tarnished fixtures can go a long way in giving your kitchen and bathrooms a facelift. Fixtures are relatively cheap and will give the room an element of something new.

5-Replace The Light Bulbs- If you’re like me, you’ve probably replaced all or most of your original light bulbs in your house with energy-efficient fluorescent light bulbs. The problem is that they don’t always provide the best lighting to highlight your home’s best features. Use bright, warm lighting to make sure the home shows the way it was intended to.

6-Dealing With Pets- It’s always a good idea to remove your pets from the home when showing your property. Even if the potential buyer is an animal lover, they’re not there to see your house not visit with your animals. If it’s not possible to have them out of the house, put them in the garage or at least a crate when buyers are present.

7-Curb Appeal- Have the outside or at least the front of your home looks its best. Keep the grass mowed, trees and shrubs trimmed, and maybe even plant some colorful flowers in front. Touch up any worn-out or chipped paint on the front door and remove any clutter. The entrance should be inviting so buyers will want to continue on to the inside.

By making sure that your home looks the best that it can, you can avoid potential buyers looking to nit-pick in hopes of beating you up on the price. If you would like to know how much your Orlando home will sell for in today’s market, feel free to use our home valuation tool with absolutely no charge or obligation.

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Sellers Benefit From Summer’s Hot Market

Summer’s here the smell of BBQ is in the air, pool parties are an everyday event and the Orlando housing market is hot for sellers. For the first time in years, Orlando Realtors are watching homes go under contract in almost a blink of an eye as soon as they hit the market. In certain parts of Orlando, it’s pretty common to see some homes receive multiple offers above the asking price.

For homeowners wanting to sell their Orlando home fast for top dollar, this is great news. Summertime has historically been very busy for buying and selling real estate. This is especially true for families with children as parents can switch schools during summer break and not miss a beat. 

However, some homeowners are faced with the dilemma of wanting to sell and move to a bigger house or a better neighborhood but have yet to find another house to move into. Or perhaps they’re worried that once they sell, they’ll have trouble getting the house of their dreams or losing it to another buyer.

These are all valid points. Moving can be a scary thing for most people, especially if the homeowners have lived in their current home for more than ten years. There are soo many memories and emotional attachments to a home that it can be painful for some people to let go.

Selling your Orlando home may seem problematic if you still haven’t found another home to move into, but there are ways to proceed as long as you make sure to cover your bases.

 Implementing A Seller Contingency

 Most people are familiar with a clause where homebuyers can make an offer to buy a house which is contingent upon them selling the home that they live in. Sellers can also include in a purchase contract that they will sell their home to a buyer contingent upon them finding their own home to buy within a certain amount of time. I want to sell your home but are a little worried about finding another home to buy, you should consider including a seller contingency in the purchase agreement.

Consider Renting

By moving into a rental property for while, you can relieve a lot of pressure that comes with having to buy another home before selling yours. Renting will allow you to take your time in finding the perfect home for you and your family without feeling pressured to buy something right away. 

Another benefit of renting is that you’ll have the opportunity to study the Orlando real estate market so that when the market settles a bit you’ll be ready to submit your offer and have a better chance of getting it accepted. This way you’ll be better able to avoid competing in multiple offer situations and bidding wars that we’re currently seeing in some parts of Orlando.

 If you would like to sell your home in Orlando so that you can move to another property and aren’t sure how to do it, give us a call at 407-902-7750 or visit https://orlandorealtyconsultants.com/ to speak to one of our Orlando real estate professionals so that together we can find a solution to your real estate needs. We’re here to help, it’s up to you to take the next step.



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Orlando Listing Specialist Jenny Zamora

Orlando Listing Agent Jenny Zamora | Top Realtors Orlando | Sell My Orlando Home

Do you need to sell your Orlando home for top dollar in the least amount of time?

Why not seek the counsel of a listing specialist who happens to know the housing market in Orlando better than the back of her hand?

Jenny Zamora RE Broker at Orlando Realty Consultants can answer all questions related to getting your house sold for the highest price in the least amount of time.

Over the years she’s helped thousands of Orlando homeowners to find real solutions to their real estate needs. Jenny knows Orlando better than anyone and can expertly consult you on your home’s true property value and how long it will take to sell. Visit our website online or call 407-902-7750 for a free consultation.

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Orlando Home Search- Mobile Vs. Desktop

With the overwhelming popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices these days people are starting to use their mobile devices to do online searches much more than their old desktop computers. Home shoppers looking to buy a home in Orlando especially prefer to use mobile devices for the sheer convenience of it.

As a matter of fact, data from our own real estate clients at ORC indicate that the use of smartphones and mobile devices has more than tripled over the past year while desktops have shown less and less usage.

It’s All About Convenience

When people are searching for their own piece of real estate in Orlando, they’re more than likely on the go, driving through their dream neighborhoods. Think about it…you can actually search for homes online and physically simultaneously without ever missing a beat.

This also means that you can potentially take advantage of being the first buyer on the scene as soon as a new listing hits the market. In a hot seller’s market, this can be a huge advantage!

Although potential buyers may not be getting rid of their desktops altogether, our findings show that weekend home shoppers use their mobile devices, smartphones, in particular, a total of 70% of the time with only 30% using their home computers for finding Orlando homes on the MLS.

Orlando Realty Consultants Mobile Website

In order to provide our clients with top-level customer service, we’re constantly upgrading, updating, and improving our mobile-friendly website https://orlandorealtyconsultants.com/.  Equipped with the latest in IDX mobile search technology, our site provides up-to-date, real-time information on the newest listings in Orlando as they hit the market as opposed to using Trulia or Zillow where listings can take several hours and even days to update.

Online Home Search Tools Never Sleep


One of the major advantages of using online search tools is that websites don’t sleep. If you’ve ever experienced the excitement of searching for a new house to live in, you can probably relate to losing a bit of sleep over the excitement of finding a new home. Now instead of tossing and turning or watching TV until you get sleepy, you can use that time to be proactive and continue the search.

Are Orlando Real Estate Agents Becoming Obsolete?

Real estate professionals in Orlando as well as throughout the country can rest easy knowing that they still play a vital role in finding homes for home shoppers. As a matter of fact, I believe giving consumers the power and freedom to do some searching on their own should be looked at as an advantage, especially for buyers agents.

A home shopper can get a very good feel for an area and what kind of homes they would like to see by spending some time searching on their own. The buyer can then forward their findings to their Orlando realtor so they can schedule some showings. An online search should be looked at as a win, win situation for both agent and client.

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Staging To Sell An Orlando Home Fast

Working as an Orlando real estate agent, I’ve sold countless investment properties to newbie investors. Being an Orlando real estate investor myself, I don’t mind passing on my knowledge to inexperienced investors looking for their next or first investment. After all, my client’s success is my success.

Recently, however, I had some new investors buy one of my Orlando properties out in Whisper Lakes. It was a fixer-upper, nothing out of this world though. Some fresh paint, new cabinets, fixtures, and carpeting, and this baby would be ready to hit the market!

I gave Joel and Remy some contacts of contractors that I’ve used and continue that have always done a great job for me. They took my advice and hired one of the GCs that I recommended instead of trying to do the work themselves.

The job came out great and the contractor stayed within their budget, and the home was ready to hit the market.

Joel and Remy were fired up to sell their first flip and ready to move on to the next one. There was a problem though after several showings the house didn’t get any offers on it. This went on for two weeks and still no activity, even though the house was priced just under market value.

I knew at this point we had to take things to the next level in order to get a solid offer on this home. I suggested to Joel and Remy that it was time to do some staging and plan a big open house.

I could see the look on their faces when I told them it would cost around $1,500 to get the home fully staged and looking like a million bucks. They weren’t buying into the whole staging thing and thought they should just lower the price by another $3,000. Well, I’m no professor but I do know that it’s much better to lose $1,500 than it is to lose $3,000.

By staging a home, you’re allowing someone to visualize the home at its maximum potential. They can actually see that there is plenty of room for that table of theirs and that living room set they love soo much. The same goes for decorations perfectly placed around the home with some nice paintings on the walls. With staging, you can give that home a “wow” factor that it just wouldn’t have if it were empty.

I finally managed to convince them to get the house staged and I even offered to pay half out of my commission if it didn’t work out.

The home staging crew rolled in with enough furniture and decorations to cover the two open living areas, the 3 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Well, the home sold less than a week after we staged it. As a matter of fact, a lady who had seen it weeks prior when it was first listed came back to see it again and said “I’ll take it”.

She wasn’t lying, she submitted a solid offer the same day through her Orlando realtor and ultimately ended up closing just 3 weeks later.

4 deals later and Joel and Remy continue to buy Orlando properties from us and are still going strong. The difference now is that they stage every property whether they think it needs it or not.

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