Looking For A New House? Here’s How To View Houses Efficiently!

Looking for a new house can get a little overwhelming, and it’s not long before they all start to blur into each other. Who can remember which house had how many bedrooms, or which was the best decorated? If you are spending a lot of time viewing houses then it can very easily start to get complicated, so you need to make it as easy for yourself as possible. There are some things you can do to make the process a lot more efficient, and we’ll give you a few ideas here:

Take a Camera

Sure, the estate agent will have their own photos to flick through, but when you are thinking over the properties you have seen it will really help if you can look at all the flaws of a property as well as the good bits. Take a camera along with you to every viewing, and be very organized about where you store the pictures that you take. Keep a folder for every separate house on your computer, and make sure all the pictures go into the right folder. That way, when you are considering all of your options, you can make sure that you are making informed decisions.

Take Notes

Whether you take a pen and paper, or you make notes on a smartphone or tablet, make sure that you keep a record of everything you think about when looking at each house. Write down details such as what the plumbing system is like, what fuel is used, and how the décor is, as these are the sorts of things you are likely to forget when you leave the place. The more detailed the notes, the better. Either save your computerized notes in the same folder as the photos or if you have a hand-written list then take a photo of this and save it into the folder. You are building up portfolios of each property the way you see them, not the way the real estate agent sees them.

Make Checklists

If you are really organized you could draw up a checklist and tick off all the things you see in a property. This will help you make sure that you don’t miss anything. The more information you can put into the checklist the more you will remember, and it’s also a really great idea because it will help you stay focused on the things you can’t compromise on such as location and the amount of bedrooms. Take a blank checklist with you to every viewing and make sure that every little detail is written down. You’ll be so glad you did when you get home and start sorting through all of your options.

Buying a house in Orlando is a complicated affair and it takes a lot of work and thought. The more efficient you are at the viewing stage, the sooner you will identify the house for you. From that point on you need to be totally sure of your decision, and if you know that you have done all your research you will find that you feel far more confident about things.


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