Moving Tips: Five Ideas To Make Relocating Your Family A Bit Easier

Relocating to a new home, town or state is an exciting and chaotic time that can leave you and your family feeling overwhelmed and worn down. To help you deal with this experience, here are five moving tips that can make relocating your family a bit easier.

Plan early.

If possible, start preparing you and your family for the relocation several weeks beforehand. For example, 4 to 6 weeks before the move, start cleaning out closets, cabinets, basements, and attics, separating the items into piles such as keep, donate/sell and throw away. A good general rule of thumb is if you haven’t used the item in a year or two, you don’t really need it.

Pack smartly.

When packing away the items you are taking with you, make sure to use sturdy boxes that won’t rip or fall apart when carrying. Another important thing to remember is label, label, label! Label every back with either the items it contains or the room in which they belong. This will help locate your stuff easier when moving the items into their new home.

Utilize a storage facility.

A storage professional from Daffodil Storage in Tacoma has suggested that storage units can allow many people a safe place to store items until they find a place for them in their new home. Having a short-term storage unit such as those offered by companies like Daffodil Storage can also act as a staging area for the moving process, especially helpful if whoever has purchased or rented your previous location needs to move in early, or if you will stay somewhere else before moving.  It also provides a reliable area for items you have no room for but want to keep for future use.

Keep important items with you.

With all the chaos and confusion that occurs when relocating, things can be misplaced or lost. Instead of packing away those important papers—such as birth certificates or passports—or your kid’s favorite stuffed animal, keep them with you during the move.

Pack a moving kit for your family.

Include travel games, crayons, coloring books, and toys to help keep children busy. Children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from a moving kit; including items in the kit for pets and adults can help make everyone’s experience a bit better. Make sure to have drinks and snacks, and keep over-the-counter medicine for headaches and carsickness handy.

Another thing to remember when relocating is to try to stay calm. Moving is a very stressful experience and can cause everyone in the family to feel overwhelmed and grouchy. When you or your family are starting to get frustrated, try focusing on the positive aspects of the move and what you can look forward to in the future.

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