Listing your home with the wrong agent could cost you Big Bucks
Most people will only sell a home a handful of times throughout their whole life. With limited or no experience in Orlando real estate it’s hard for someone to know how to maximize their profits from the sale of their home. Unfortunately, many homeowners make the mistake of thinking that all realtors are the same. They list with the first realtor that comes along without doing any research on that person and it ultimately ends up costing the seller thousands of dollars. The following information will help you to decide which Orlando realtor you should choose to sell your home for maximum profit.
Always Start with Google
Like pretty much anything you do these days, you start by typing your search term into Google and see what comes up. Most of the time you can find out anything you need to find out just by doing this. Once the list of Orlando realtors comes up, pick the top ten search engine results and write down their information. From these top ten agents, you should use the following questions to decide which is the right agent for you.
1. Could You send me some information about yourself? By asking this question you can learn a lot about this realtor. Ask them to see some of their marketing materials such as; postcards, ads, internet ads, etc. Also, pay attention to how long the agent takes to get back at you. If it takes a Orlando realtor 24 hrs or more to get back to you after you’ve left them a message then you can expect them to take at least that long to follow up with a potential buyer for your house.
2. How many Orlando properties have you listed and sold in the last six months? You want an Orlando agent that has experience in selling homes in the area where your home is located. By knowing the number of houses they’ve listed and the number of houses that they’ve sold within the same time period, you can get a good idea of what kind of results to expect.
3. What is the average length of time that it takes you to sell home? See what they tell you, then verify it. An Expert in Orlando real estate will know exactly at what price to list your home at to sell quickly for the highest price that the market will allow. The agent that you choose should have a good record of selling homes, not just listing them.
4. How long have you been in business? Going by how long an agent has had their license is not a good way to find out how good of a home seller they are. There are many “part time” agents that have been licensed for ten years or more, but I will choose a “rookie” top producing agent any day over a realtor that has to do something other than selling Orlando real estate to make a living.
5. Do you have any employees or an assistant? Top Producing Orlando Agents will almost always have at least an assistant. A lot of things involved with selling real estate are tedious and very time consuming, especially when you’re negotiating a short sale. A realtor with an assistant is typically a sign of a successful realtor.
6. What listing price would you recommend? And how did you come up with that number? Pricing a house right from the beginning is absolutely critical. The price should be realistic and a Keep in mind the selling price should attract prospective buyers to your home, get you top dollar in the current market and reflect the condition of your home. Be realistic and avoid ‘yes agents’, who will say ‘yes’ to any request or price while your home languishes on the market. Lowball agents will try to talk you into an artificial price simply to sell as fast as possible.
7. What does your listing agreement entail? , when does it expire and what fees will I have to pay if you are successful in selling my house? – Have your agent go over every detail in the listing agreement with you until you understand it completely. Make sure the beginning and ending dates are on the agreement; a good standard for length is three months. Know exactly what fees you will be paying and remember that less is not always better. If the agent stands to make very little commission you can bet it will be reflected in the amount of time and effort that is spent marketing your home. If the agent reduces their commission to get the listing it may mean they intend to spend very little money promoting the property. The normal commission is between 5 and 7 percent.
8. How do you market your Orlando properties? How much is your Orlando realtor going to spend on advertising this property? What are the different methods or strategies do they use for marketing their properties? Do they have a strong internet presence? Beware of agents that will do nothing more than list your property on the MLS…and that’s it. Agents who are aggressive and innovative with their marketing will always outperform agents who only rely on methods of the past.
9. Can I see some testimonials from your past clients? Any top producing Realtor should have at least a dozen testimonials from past clients and should be happy to show them to you. If the agent can’t produce any, then you should end the interview right there and continue searching for the right agent.
I hope these questions will help you to find the right realtor for you. As always ask me anything, I’m here to help.