Homeowners Association Management Guidelines

The first thing one must keep in mind about a homeowners association is that it is essentially a conglomerate, an organization that keeps track of the rules and upholds them in terms of condominium complexes. It is organized by property owners and its rules affect the entirety of its community. They are also responsible for enforcing their rules as well as giving advice if needed. The following tips will give you some guidelines on what you need to do to keep on track with their requirements:

  • Knowing the bylaws and sticking to them is a good way of avoiding any trouble you might have with them. It would be a good idea to read through all of their rules so you could find the ones that might prohibit things you need. You might be surprised that bylaws could completely place you in trouble. This may include fences, the car you own and park in front of your home as well as the building materials used among other things. The number of rooms in your home, the color or even the shades of the color as well.

  • Nowadays HOAs are becoming more and more common, though they are fairly different from one another, depending on the people who are in control. In many cases they can be of great help, however in others they can be a hindrance. The thing is that they can greatly vary in effectiveness and help offered, but you will be stuck with them regardless if they are responsible for a given neighborhood.

  • The great thing about living in a place with a homeowners association is the fact that you have a chance to bond with your neighbors. You may still not be able to talk to quite a few of them, however they are dealing with the same things you’re dealing with so you will have plenty in common. They have to deal with the same regulations as you do and thus you would be able to use their advise or help in quite a few matters if you want to.

  • You should also pay attention to any possible violations your homeowners association may do to its own rules. There are cases where HOAs have been known to charge large-scale fees or even pressuring them to pay. Although these are isolated cases, you should never feel obliged to stay quiet if you feel something is amiss. Talk to your neighbors and consult them if you are experiencing any issues.

  • If you happen to have a bond with your neighbors, then you will benefit from that as in many cases a single individual can attract attention to your violation rather than the HOA as a whole. If you happen to attract attention you could use some support in lowering the possible pain coming your way.

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6 Things You Should Know Before Flipping a House

House flipping is all the rage in the real estate industry. In fact, it is such a popular trend that there are even dozens of television shows dedicated to flipping. When done correctly, flipping houses turns into quite a lucrative business and some people actually turn flipping into their full-time careers.

If you are thinking about getting into the house flipping business, there are some things that you should know before you head out, buy a property, and begin your renovation. There may be a lot to gain, but there can also be a lot to lose if you don’t know what you are doing. Here are some important things to consider before getting involved in a flip.

Buy Wisely

The entire point of flipping a house is to make money. In theory, it seems quite simple – buy a house for a great purchase price that doesn’t require extensive repairs, and then turn around and sell it, earning a high profit. However, it often doesn’t turn out exactly like that. Know your budget before beginning the search for your house to avoid getting in over your head. Although you may have big dreams to completely renovate a kitchen, if it’s not in your budget, it won’t be profitable for you in the end.

Consider the Area

In the world of real estate, you always hear people talking about the three most important “L’s” – hint, they all involve location. This is because location really is that important. While you can change the way a home looks, you can’t change the location, which is sometimes one of the biggest things potential home buyers take into consideration

Avoid buying a house that is in a bad neighborhood or in an unattractive area (near train tracks or a junkyard, for example) because no matter how amazing you make it look, it will likely make for a very hard sell.

Get an Inspection

Don’t buy a house without having an inspection done. While the house may look like it only needs some updating, there could actually be several problems that you aren’t aware of. Structural damage, plumbing and electrical issues, mold, and other issues may be lurking unseen within the house, ending up costing an arm and a leg to repair. 

Hire Professionals

While yes, you may be able to do some of the work yourself, don’t think that doing all of the work on your own will save you a bundle of money. Unless you are a skilled and experienced contractor and know how to correctly handle all aspects of the flip, employing professionals as needed is a wise investment that will save you money in the end.

Know your limits – sure, attempting to do electrical work might seem like something you’d like to try, but when it comes to your house flip, this probably isn’t the greatest place to hone your skills.

List Wisely

Once the work is all done, it’s time to put the house up for sale. Don’t attach a huge price tag to it, simply because of the amount of work you did to the house. Take a look at comparable properties in the area and list it about 1 to 2 percent lower than what they are listed for. By staying lower than neighboring houses, the appeal of your home instantly goes up for potential buyers. What does this mean for you? A higher profit.

Assess Risks vs Benefits

Flipping a house is a very lucrative business, but it can also be a risky one. Before you invest time and money into a property and the renovations that will be necessary, make sure you assess the risks vs the benefits. Will the flip pay off? Do you think you will be able to complete the job in a timely manner? Will the house sell? If there are more benefits than risks, you stand to make a good deal of money. However, if the risks outweigh the benefits, there’s a chance you could lose a tremendous amount of time, money, and energy.

Flipping a house is a creative outlet that also serves as a way to make money if done the right way. Before jumping headfirst into the renovation project of the century, keep this information in mind – you’ll end up making wise investments and, ideally, reaping a profit.

Naomi Shaw is a freelance writer in Southern California. She enjoys doing home renovation projects and finds these tips are very helpful when it comes to flipping a house.

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Real Estate Purchasing Tips and Guidelines

First-time homebuyers of homes tend to miss out on vital clues on the market, thus leading to bad decisions. The following tips will give you the necessary hints to pay attention to so you’ll make your purchase safely and prudently:

  • Check out the prices of homes around the area you’re aiming for. You can do that through a number of easy-to-use websites around the internet. On the other hand, you can contact realtors there the old-fashioned way for more hands-on information.

  • Choose the ones you need based on their affordability. You should do a fair bit of calculation just to make sure you have your finances checked out and on track.

  • One thing you need to focus on is the total price of the housing costs you need to cover each month. If you want to get a good feel of the sum you’ll have to deal with you should calculate the taxes and insurance as well. Depending on the area of the property you’re going for you may have to deal with taxes and insurance that outweigh the mortgage itself so keep your eyes open. Focus on checking properties in an area where you plan on living or buying and call up a local insurance company for an estimate that fits. It would be a good idea to have some information on what you’ll be dealing with once you have your property. There may be ways to take advantage of exemptions and tax laws so make sure you never miss that crucial step.

  • Check out how much you’ll need to pay when you’re closing the costs. The costs of settling should also figure into your calculations. This means you’ll need to cover fees such as settlement, Orlando homeowners insurance, taxes and lender fees as well as the title. Do a bit of research on the subject as these may have changed in time.

  • Check your budget and decide how your new house fits into all of it. Make sure you settle some money aside so you won’t have to deal with financial fallout if things go out of hand with expenses.

  • Talk to real estate agents in your area about the possible changes in the local market. You might get some very useful information that way so you’ll get to find a good reason to buy the property you need.

  • In the end you’ll need to have a solid plan that encompasses the entirety of the picture you’re dealing with. Although purchasing a property might be a great way to settle down, it also has its costs and labor involved. Make sure you keep these upkeep costs in mind and stay focused while you draw your plans.

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Roofing Ideas from the Experts of the Industry

Home is the place where people find ultimate solace. That’s why people are so attached to their homes. They always keep on thinking about new ways to make their homes more beautiful, more durable, and securer. When it comes to the maintenance of these homes, the roof would be the foremost thing to start with. It’s that part of a house that protects all the internal things and walls from harmful external elements. It fights with the extremities of the weather outside and prevents it from entering the home. You must always pay very good attention to the roof of your home and take proper care of it. Here are a few tips direct from the horses’ mouth, i.e. from the experts of the industry.

You shouldn’t ever inspect the roof when the shingles are wet. They are very slippery when wet and besides, you can simply find any leaks in the roof just from inside. If you see mold growing on walls or ceilings, then you need to take serious care of it. Moreover, if some tiles seem to be of a different color than others, there’s probably a leak.

However, if you find yourself unable to take care of your roof on your own, you can take the help of professionals. Lots of people hire these professionals every year and keep their roofs in tip-top shape all the time. But you need to select a good roofing repair professional or organization for your roof. The contractor should be having a long list of satisfied customers. You must ask the professionals for some customer references to know about their experience with the services of the professional. Also, you should get it confirmed from the professional about their license, insurance, and bonds. A company operating without these things shouldn’t be considered at all.

Even after hiring a reliable roofing contractor, you should contact your home insurance company to let it be done perfectly. They would be able to tell the basics like the type of roof you have, its approximate age and many other significant things after conducting a secondary inspection of your roof. Also, ensure that taking the services from the roofing company you are hiring is not going to void any part or the entire insurance policy.

After confirming the fact that the contractor you want to work with is perfectly suitable, get photocopies of all the important documents including license, insurance, certification, etc. You also should be having a copy of your contract agreement. Also retain the quote provided by the company at your initial interaction, which should be on the letterhead of the company.

You should attempt roof repairs yourself only when you feel absolutely comfortable with it. If you have even the slightest doubts, you must contact a reliable and reputed contractor to take care of it. Conducting online research is the best way to do it. Observe a few online reviews and know about the expertise of the company yourself. You must also contact a few customers of the company and ask them about the work of the professional.

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Make Your Home Energy Efficient To Reduce Your Energy Bills

The energy crisis is getting worst all across the globe and as a result, the prices of energy are soaring higher every other day. Similarly, it is also difficult to ignore the market and economic instability in major oil-producing countries. Therefore, “energy-efficient” is no longer a buzzword but has become a way of life for most of homeowners. In fact, it is very possible to cut down your energy costs without altering much of your lifestyle.

Tips for Energy Efficient Homes:

The following lines contain some of the best tips to save energy in your home.

·         Insulate and Seal:

As a fact of matter, cooling and heating costs account for almost 45% of total average expenditure on energy in homes. Therefore, it is an advisable idea to seal cracks and gaps in the ceilings, attic, and basement and around your windows and doors. Similarly, you also need to ensure that the insulation levels in your home exceed or at least meet the local standards and codes.

·         Energy Efficient Products:

In order to reduce energy bills, you also need to buy energy efficient products for your home with Energy Star Label. Actually there are more than 40 categories of home products that have been labeled as green star including most commonly used appliances and light fixtures.

·         Regular Inspection:

It is also a good idea to get your cooling and heating systems checked annually by a licensed professional. If your cooling and heating systems are not working properly, you will have to pay more as energy bills and might also have to spend on unwanted repairs.

·         Landscaping:

Landscaping around your home is perhaps the best method to safe energy and to reduce your energy bills. In this regard, you need to plant shady plants like deciduous trees on west and south of your home. Thick leaves of these trees will keep your home cool in summer without even switching on the air conditioner. In winter, bare branches will allow plenty of sunlight to enter your home providing much needed warmth.

·         Ceiling Fans:

Ceiling fans are perfect for conserving energy throughout the year and are extremely cost efficient as well. In fact, you can save as much as 40% of your cooling bills by spinning the fan anticlockwise followed by setting your thermostat few degrees higher in summers. On the other hand, you can save 10% of your heating bills by spinning the fan clockwise in winter.

·         Install Skylights:

Another great method to conserve energy is to make maximum use of daylight. However, if you have rooms that are devoid of windows, you should install skylights in them. However, it is better not to turn on any light during the day.

·         Light Paints:

You need to paint your room walls and ceilings in light colors as they reduce the need of high power bulbs and make room brighter by reflecting more natural light. If you think that light color has made the room dull, you should use other decorative items such as lamps, furniture and cheap photo printing to spice it up rather than painting it in bright colors.


It is the need of the hour to have energy-efficient homes to conserve exhausting sources of energy and to save some money as well. In this regard, the above-mentioned tips will definitely help you in the long run.

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