Updating Your Home? Five Projects to Leave to the Professionals

Every homeowner knows that maintaining a residence requires certain investments. For example, certain home improvement projects require professional assistance. Go ahead and caulk a window or lay that tile in your own bathroom, but when it comes to the big jobs that require specific equipment and training to complete, reach for the phone instead. Here’s a list of five home repair and maintenance jobs that should never be completed without the right equipment and expertise.

1. Plumbing Projects

Despite the large number of DIY videos available on YouTube, it isn’t a good idea to try fixing your home’s plumbing without some expert help. Commercially sold products commonly used to unclog drains can actually damage pipes. Attempting to replace plumbing fixtures without proper instruction or equipment can cause serious damage to a home’s plumbing system. Save time and money by calling a professional first. When is comes to bigger home improvement projects such as this, there are often many codes that have to be met and upheld. By doing the projects yourself, you could be unaware of the codes and not meet it. Then when trying to resale the home cost yourself more money in the long run.

2. Electrical Projects

Most electrical projects should also be left to the pros. Chances are that you could easily replace or rewire a light fixture or two, but if you need to do more extensive work involving your home’s wiring, don’t do it yourself. Risk of electrocution or an electrical fire are too high to justify the savings.

3. Tree Service

If that beautiful shade tree in your yard has grown too close to the house, don’t risk life and limb to trim it yourself. The professionals from say they have seen home owners take matters into their own hands and often cost themselves much more in the long run with the repairs to their homes or vehicles after projects have gone array.

4. Carpet Installation

There are not as many DIY videos about carpet installation available online as there are plumbing projects, but penny-pinching homeowners have been known to try it. Unless you enjoy tripping over lumps in the carpet that result from an amateur installation, don’t do this job yourself. Professionals have the equipment necessary to properly stretch and secure carpet. Home owners tend to spend more in carpet expenses as well. Professional carpet layers understand how to best utilize the carpet, cutting the carpet expense costs in the end.

5. Window Installation

There are a lot of benefits to installing new windows, but this project needs to be done by professionals who know how to safely handle large sheets of glass. While you might be able to effectively weatherproof your home by caulking a window, window installation is another matter. Professionals have the right equipment to do the job safely and keep your home properly insulated.

Many home improvement projects can be successfully completed by the weekend warrior. Certain projects, however, require specialized training and equipment. Leave those jobs to the pros.

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Helpful Tips on Combating Pool Algae

Helpful Tips on Combating Pool Algae

Algae builds up quickly in a pool. There are several items to maintain in order to prevent algae buildup. The pH level in the pool is important. It is ideal to check this daily if possible. It is also ideal to have the proper pool supplies on hand to clean and maintain proper pool pH levels. Performing regular pool maintenance by testing the water pH levels, adding in balancing chemicals and performing regular cleanings helps to prevent algae growth. When algae first begin to form it is often unnoticed due to it being in such a small or concentrated area, as it grows the green hue is easy to see.

Check the pH Level Frequently

The pH levels of the water in a pool are very important. It can be difficult to maintain these levels, especially in areas of the world where it rains frequently. Rain water can quickly change these levels causing algae to begin to form. Within 24-hours if it raining, pool owners should test pH levels and incorporate chlorination chemicals to balance the water levels again. Algae will not grow where pH levels are balanced and the water/pool surfaces are clean.

This is a tedious process in some cases, but is well worth it. Testing pH levels only takes a couple of minutes to dip a test strip into the water and wait for it to process. Even if the level is slightly out of the safe zone, add a chemical treatment to the water. A full-strength dose is suggested no matter how little the pH level is off. Careful measurement of pool chemicals is also of the utmost importance. Adding too much will keep the levels off and too little will not fight algae growth.

Check the Chlorinator Monthly

The chlorinator is an important part of a pool system. It should be checked for functionality and cleaned once per month. Bi-monthly is better if time permits. The chlorinator helps to maintain a proper balance between pH, chemicals, chlorine and the natural properties of the water in a pool. If this is malfunctioning, it is difficult for chemicals to prevent algae growth on their own.

Clean Filters Weekly

Emptying pool filters weekly although cleaning filters three times per week is ideal. This improves the water flow through the pool and helps the filters to be strong enough to capture items floating in the water. This can include bugs, pine needles, strands of hair, strands of fabric and a variety of other materials. As these items collect in the filter, the strength of the suction decreases.

Monitor the Strength of the Returns

The return water flow system is important to check frequently. If the current seems to be a bit weak, it is ideal to turn the pumps off and perform a system cleaning. The returns help to filter water through systems to catch particles, hair and debris from the pool water. If these are blocked or not running efficiently, this can cause debris to remain in the water and algae can begin to form from an improper water pH balance.

Skim the Pool Surface Twice Per Week

Skimming a pool surface at least twice per week helps to clear any large pieces of debris, leaves and other particles from the water. It helps maintain the filtering systems as well. Filters can only hold so much hair, leaves and debris. Some say that skimming the pool daily is the best idea. At the very minimum, it should be completed no less than twice per week. Items left on the surface, or near surface of the water can cause algae to begin to form.

Some of the liners and surfaces available for swimming pools can help to mask the sight of algae with the use of creative patterns and colors.The ideal way to prevent algae growth is to test pH levels and perform regular maintenance. Some homeowners prefer to use a pool service for maintenance. It is beneficial to learn how to maintain a swimming pool but it is also a good idea to consult service for advice and proper cleaning and algae prevention tips. It might be worth your time to consult with your Orlando Realtor. It is also suggested that you have a deck scrubber on hand to scrub the sides of a pool and vacuum it out once per week to help combat algae.

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How To Find A New Property Manager For Your Residential Tower

Whether you are a developer, investor or resident, selecting the right building manager to manage your building is vitally important. Any residential tower or complex can flounder under the wrong management and it takes a special firm to turn a failing property into a successful one. If you are looking for ways to improve your existing situation and are looking for a new property manager, this article is for you. We have created a list of five key points that should make your task easier.

Tip #1. Look At Their Portfolio
If a property management company claims to have a dedicated team of experienced building managers, ask to see their portfolio. Their list of clients should include properties similar to yours in terms of size and amenities. You should begin your search for a new property manager by selecting several firms with experience of managing buildings similar to yours.

Tip #2. Can They Take Over At Short Notice?

Are you looking to end your relationship with your current property manager because you are dissatisfied with the level of service? If so, you need to find a firm of building managers that are able to take over at short notice to minimize disruption. When you contact firms, ask what experience their staff have in terms of taking over management of buildings at short notice. Firms that have experienced managers capable of handling the switchover period efficiently will stand you in good stead.

Tip #3. Negotiate The Fees
One reason that choosing a new property manager is so hard is that the level of fees charged can vary so substantially. Regardless of the stated fees, all fees are fully negotiable and there is no such thing as a ‘standard’ building management contract. All aspects of the agreement can be negotiated point by point. Once you have looked at a firm’s portfolio and checked the experience of their managers, you will have a clear idea of whether they can successfully reduce your workload and stress. Negotiate hard for a good deal.

Tip #4. How Do They Advertise Vacancies?
Not all commercial property management firms advertise vacancies in the same way. Vacant units in your residential tower will negatively affect the standards of the building as a whole. You need to establish that the firm you choose will aggressively advertise vacant units. To do this you could ask about their record of accomplishment in keeping occupancy rates high in the buildings they currently manage. Try to establish their success in advertising units in the properties currently under their management.

Tip #5. How Do They Screen Tenants?
The tenant screening process is one of the most important factors. Poor screening could well be one reason you are looking to ditch your existing property firm. When you contact new property managers, ensure that their screening process sounds tough. Make sure you ask potential management firms how they screen tenants and ask for examples of their strategies.

As one property management company based in Perth points out, it pays to shop around and compare the fine print on contracts before you make a final decision. Finding the correct level of care and attention to detail is the best way to ensure that your residential property is successful in the long term.

Leslie Kramer, the author of this post, is a freelance blogger. Leslie is a big-time movie buff and likes to play lawn tennis in her free time.

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Five Things You Should Do Immediately If Your Home Floods

A flooded home is a situation no one wants to deal with, but it does happen. The best way to minimize the damage and repair costs is to react quickly and confidently to the situation. With that in mind, here are five things you should do immediately if your home floods:

Shut off the electricity

As soon as the waters begin to find its way into your home, shut off the electricity to protect yourself and your family. Water carries electrical currents with devastating efficiency, and can seriously harm or even kill anyone it comes into contact with. Shutting off the power until the situation is under control will prevent that from happening.

Contact your insurance company

If the flood is serious enough that you have to evacuate your home, or even an area of your home, you should contact your flood insurance provider immediately to get started in handling the paperwork. There will likely be several steps and inspections before the company can sign off on anything, and getting the process started early can save you a major headache.

Protect yourself

If you have to go back into your home, make sure you are properly protected against hidden dangers under the water or potential hazards, such as sewage, mold or chemicals. Wear waterproof boots and waders, as well as gloves. You want to avoid as much contact with flood waters as possible. Be aware of any areas that might have a current running through them due to electricity, and shut off any live connections before entering.

Find a way to remove the water

If the flood is serious, you will likely need to contact a company to help with the damage. These companies have the technology to help pump water out of your home and dry the possessions that remain. The longer the water sits within your home, the more damage it can cause. If your water company offers carpet and other drying services, have them try to dry out your carpet and wet linens to prevent mold from forming. It is also important to find the cause of home floods if it’s not due to weather, suggests professional drain cleaners at Alberta Water services. Broken pipes and drains can cause lots of damage and should be fixed immediately.

Take pictures

You will want to document all of the damage in your home, both for insurance purposes and for figuring out what has to be replaced when everything is said and done. Taking pictures of the damage, the watermarks on the walls and the source of the flood will help in the repair and recovery process.

A flooded home is a major disaster, but taking these steps as soon as it happens will make the restoration process much smoother.

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Open House – 5 Things to Look for Before Making an Offer on a House

House hunting can be a stressful process, however, it is exciting to attend open houses and walk around a potential home to see if you are interested. Many buyers get distracted by features that they like in a home that they often don’t notice pitfalls or downsides to the home. Buying a house is one of the most important and expensive purchases you will ever make in a lifetime so it is extremely important that you pay close attention during an open house and look for specific features that could cause problems for you in the future.

Neighborhood Location

The location of a home is a vital component of making a decision concerning this expensive purchase. It is important to understand the local neighborhood before choosing a home. Things to look at include proximity to schools and stores. Walking around a neighborhood is often the best way to learn about the area and get a feel for what the neighbors are like. If you have small children, you should look carefully at the quality of schools as well as crime rates in the area. Crime rates should have a big effect on your decision to move somewhere. Living alone or raising children in an unsafe area isn’t desirable, and if you ever want to sell the house, it could lower the value.

Plumbing Condition

Obviously having running water in your home is no small thing, so it’s important to inquire about the condition of the plumbing in the home as you walk through it. You may have taken the plumbing in an apartment for granted because pipes, hoses, and water heaters are often hidden inside walls or utility rooms. However, if you buy a home with worn and rusted plumbing, the repair costs are expensive. IF a home has a history of severe plumbing problems, chances are you too will encounter problems with clogging, flooding, and other issues that are unpleasant. You want to ask about the plumbing beforehand so that you make sure you aren’t in for years of frustration and expensive repairs.

Vermin Inspection

Homeowners and real estate agents will make sure a house looks perfect during an open house but there might be surprises lurking inside the walls or attics. Learn how to inspect for vermin including rodents or insects that will make living in a home difficult. According to professionals who provide pest control services, things that indicate vermin include droppings, odors, or strange noises. Look for these things as you are walking around, even when inspecting the interior of the home. It is appropriate to ask the owners or real estate agents if they have ever had trouble with pests in the home, just to be sure. Even if they just get occasional ants in the summertime, it is important to know what you are getting yourself into.

Proper Roofing

Chances are that a real estate agent will not take you up a ladder to view the condition of a home’s roof during an open house. However, before making an offer on a new or older home, you must inspect the roof to make sure it does not leak when it rains or snows. You should do a thorough inspection of the exterior of the home, which is a good time to look at the roof. Look for missing or out-of-place shingles, and keep an eye out for crumbly chimneys—those are expensive to replace. Like with everything else, don’t be bashful about asking about the roof to see if they have ever had problems with it. You can see when the last time they replaced it was which will give you an idea of how many years it will be until you need to pay to have it replaced.


Having attractive landscaping around a home makes it more enjoyable for families, however, it can also mean a lot of work. It is important to walk outside the house looking at the shrubbery, trees, and flowers to see the plant life’s condition. If you aren’t into gardening, you could be in trouble if you purchase a house that requires a lot of upkeep. The previous owners might have planted a lot of plants or even vegetables, and if you don’t plan on maintaining an elaborate landscape, it will take a lot of work to clear the yard of everything they have planted, or you might have to hire a lawn crew to maintain the look for you. For some families, maintaining a large and elaborate yard isn’t a big deal, however, if you are not used to that, it could create a lot of extra work for you.

Before going to open houses to view homes, make a list of the things to inspect inside and outside the building. In addition, prospective buyers should make multiple visits to a home on different days and times to really understand the true condition of the home. Parents may want to have their children see the home before making an offer, which is another reason why multiple visits can be a good idea. Don’t make an offer after only one visit, and make sure you ask smart questions to get as much information about the house as possible. Don’t be shy about asking about the history of the home—you need to gather all the information possible in order to make an informed decision before making an offer.

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