Money-Saving Tips For Rental Properties

Money-Saving Tips For Rental Properties

If you’re a full-time or even a part-time landlord, you probably know how important it is to stay on top of maintenance and repair issues with rental properties.

Regularly scheduled maintenance will help you address small problems before they become big expensive ones. Even more importantly, it will greatly cut down on the number of tenant complaints that you get.

As an Orlando Realtor, I’ve sold hundreds of investment properties to investors, many of which are landlords.

Working closely with these Orlando real estate investors I’ve learned some quite a bit about stretching a dollar on maintenance and repairs when it comes to rental properties.

6 Simple maintenance tips that can save you some serious cash:

  • Testing the smoke detectors- Making sure that the smoke detectors have fresh batteries can save you money and more importantly, save lives. By alerting people when there’s a fire smoke detectors can minimize the damage done to the property. It’s also a good idea to tell your tenant to alert you when that annoying chirping noise begins as some people may be unaware that the chirping means your smoke detector battery needs replacing.  Also, failing to make sure that your smoke detectors are working properly could leave you open for a lawsuit.
  • Have an electrical inspection done before moving in tenants- A thorough electrical inspection will uncover any issues with unsafe wiring which can cause a fire. It’s also a good idea to make sure the appliances are in top working order before moving anyone in to avoid the possibility of someone getting shocked.
  • Inspect for moisture and water damage- Moisture if undetected in a home can cause some serious damage including health issues, especially if there’s mold. You should check for moisture around and under sinks, water heaters and AC units thoroughly. Extensive moisture damage can turn into some pretty hefty repair bills. While checking for moisture damage, you may as well have a caulking gun in your hand to make sure all tiles, tubs, and sinks are completely sealed.
  • Treat for pests regularly- Whether you have an insect problem or not, you’d be wise to pray for them. By treating them before they even make an appearance you can stay ahead of the game. Also, it’s pretty hard to rent out a home if it’s infested with insects.
  • Inspect The AC once a year- The central AC is one of the most expensive items you’ll ever have to replace on a house. By having it professionally inspected and maintained once a year you can ensure that you’ll get the most mileage possible out of the unit before having to replace it.
  • Painting- By keeping your property nicely painted, not only will it look it’s best but a good paint job can prevent water damage and wood rot. Again, this can save you big bucks in the long run.

As you can see from the list above, keeping a rental home properly maintained is not exactly rocket science but it does require consistency. If you’re the type of landlord that’s just too busy to handle these things, you might want to consider hiring a property management company to help you out.

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Open Houses, Worth It or Worthless?

Several hundred realtors in Orlando were recently asked if they still held open houses as part of the marketing strategy to get a house sold. From the dramatic response that was received, real estate agents were passionate about wanting to respond to the question about open houses.

The answer was [Drum Roll Please…] an overwhelming 58% said that open houses are a waste of time and don’t do them anymore. The other 42% said they were in favor of doing open houses and still used them as part of their marketing strategy. The survey also revealed another interesting set of facts, over 70% of participants hold between one and six open houses in an average month while the remaining 30% don’t do them at all.

As listing agents in Orlando, we do hold open houses for certain properties as part of our marketing plan, especially luxury homes. Planning an open house for an investment home or a teardown would be a waste of time as open houses are geared more toward the retail buyer.

It depends on the seller whether an open house will even be an option for marketing the home. Some sellers are very private and don’t even want their own neighbors to know that their home is for sale.

Other homeowners expect their realtor to schedule at least one open house in the marketing plan. These homeowners just want the property sold no matter what and couldn’t care less how many people parade through their house. Open houses are also great for getting buyer feedback about the property.

Promoting The Open House

The most popular way to promote an open house these days is obviously social media. The more friends and people you’re connected with, the better your chances of having a successful open house. Email campaigns printed materials, and even bandit signs with balloons are also used among most real estate agents in Orlando to ensure some activity at an open house.

Some realtors will even take things a step or two further by baking cookies, popping popcorn, and even hosting a wine tasting at the open house.

So at the end of the day, open houses are alive and well although the majority of agents don’t do them. I think whether they are worth doing or not depends largely on the listing agent and how good they are at marketing their open houses. If the agent can get a good crowd to show up, then it’s worth it. On the other hand, if an agent just plans on putting up a few bandit signs and balloons, then why even bother?

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Don’t Let An Agent Do The Job Of A Short Sale Agent

I’ve heard it happen so many times, that a very good and well-respected agent was hired by the seller to short sell their home. The problem is that this agent was horrible at working with short sales and knew it!

This particular story made me very upset when I heard it. It was actually what we “short sale agents” refer to as a slam dunk… meaning a very easy deal as far as short sales are concerned.

It was a young couple that made a bad investment and they were now needing to complete a short sale on their home. The lender was SPS and there was only one lien to deal with. Short sale agents are accustomed to working deals with two to three liens sometimes. [as I said…this deal was a slam dunk!]

The couple researched top agents in Orlando and decided on a couple to interview. The problem was that they failed to include the keyword “short sale” in their search.

To make things worse, the agent accepted the listing anyway! Well, it wasn’t long after taking the short sale listing that the realtor realized she was way over her head. She had never experienced being bombarded by paperwork and other items that need to be addressed when completing a short sale.

Agents who aren’t used to the essential hardships of working with short sales will eventually start to flounder and give up… which is exactly what happened here.

By the time the sellers realized that the Orlando realtor they hired was completely lost on how to get a short sale approved, it was too late! The auction date was too close and the property was sold to the highest bidder. Now the sellers lost their home to foreclosure, still owe the bank a lot of money and they would’ve been eligible to get up to $10,000 back at the closing for relocation assistance if the property closed.

All of this happened because the agent thought they could easily do a short sale even though they’ve never done one before!

Attention Orlando Real Estate Agents!

Don’t accept a short sale listing, unless you know what you’re doing! It’s not OK to play with someone’s biggest investment and potentially their biggest loss. Short selling a home for someone is serious business and if you’re not experienced at doing short sales, at least be honest about it. Sellers should be allowed to make decisions about what realtors they choose to short sale their homes based on facts, not fiction.

As real estate agents, we all have our strengths and skills and it’s important for both you as an agent as well as a potential client to know what they are. If you find yourself struggling with a short sale listing in Orlando and don’t know how to proceed, give me a call at 407-902-7750. I’ll be glad to help you out!

As Orlando real estate agents, we took an oath to do what was in the best interest of our clients. Sometimes that can mean stepping aside and letting the experts handle it.

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Beware Of Agents That Talk Big And Come Up Short

Beware of Realtors Who Tell You They Can Sell Your Home For Higher Than Market Value

Any Orlando real estate agent promising to sell your home for higher than it’s worth is probably lying or just doesn’t have the experience to know what they’re talking about.

 This is a shady tactic referred to as “buying the listing”. Agents do this with the goal of luring the seller in with a much higher selling price than other competing agents. Then once the agent has the signed listing agreement,  they will suggest that you lower the listing price after a few weeks of your home not selling. 

Meanwhile, you’ve just lost a lot of valuable time on the market. Even worse, a potential buyer might see how long your house has been on the market and offer less than what they were going to offer originally.

If you’re a homeowner looking to sell your Orlando home, don’t fall for this trap. Talk to several real estate agents in Orlando and get property valuations from all of them.

If one of them suggests a listing price ten thousand dollars higher than the rest, then you can be sure that something’s wrong. You would be wise to only work with an agent that can show you up-to-date real estate statistics and good comparables for your home.


Interviewing An Agent Who Promises A Much Higher Price

  • Ask for comparables justifying the price they are suggesting.
  • Ask them to provide at least 3 recently sold references, then call each one.
  • Find out about the agent’s recent sales. Where there big price reductions?
  • How long did they sit before selling?


Real Estate in Orlando is a very competitive business and unfortunately some agents have no problem resorting to using dishonest tactics to try and get an edge on their competition. These types of realtors usually have very short careers in real estate because it doesn’t take long for their fraudulent ways to be found out. Once the cat is out of the bag it’s usually only a matter of time before they drop out of real estate all together.

What A Top Orlando Realtor Will Do For You

  • Prepare A Free CMA [Comparative Market Analysis] on your house. With a CMA in hand, they will help you to determine a realistic selling price.
  • Give you suggestions on how to make your home look it’s best for potential buyers.
  • Prepare a high-quality presentation including, photos and HD video.
  • Promote your home on all major listing sites in addition to the MLS.
  • Promote your home with a massive social media campaign and on their company website.
  • Install a lockbox and sign once the property’s ready to list.
  • Hold brokers’ and agents’ open houses.
  • Keep you up-to-date on everything that’s going on as it happens.
  • Stick with you every step of the way until the closing.

If need to sell your Orlando home for the highest dollar amount, then come see our Orlando listing specialists. Over the years we’ve developed relationships within the community as well as with other brokers and agents which allow us to reach the all of right people within minutes.

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Millennial Home Buyers Coming On Strong

It’s been said by many that the millennial generation, people born between the early 1980s to the early 2000s, will represent over $1.4 trillion in buying power as they come into the real estate market. This group of young adults is soon expected to account for the majority of home sales in Orlando.

Millennials represent the very first generation to be raised from birth in the “Age of Information” making them more technologically advanced than any generation before them. Their vast knowledge of technology changes the way they search for Orlando real estate and how they communicate with real estate agents.

With their mobile devices in hand, millennials are always on the go. That’s why it’s crucial that Orlando real estate agents be mobile-friendly in the tools they use to communicate and deliver information to them.

Texting is a good example of this, over 90% of this age group prefer texting over speaking on the phone. In a real estate market where timing is everything, it’s important to know what the fastest way to reach someone is and for generation Y, texting is it.

Successful real estate agents in Orlando are quick to determine what their client’s preferred method of communication is from the very start of the relationship.

Apps Vs. Websites

A recent study done by Annalect revealed that 57% of the millennial generation would prefer to have an app experience overusing a website. Almost 70% of these young homebuyers used either a tablet or mobile app when they searched for homes to buy.

Mobile responsive sites and home search apps make it quick and easy for people to find exactly what they’re looking for with a minimal amount of clicks. The convenience of it all makes it very appealing to Generation Y.

Millennials also use social media as a preferred method of communication and finding information. An independent study conducted among 2,000 millennials between the ages of 18 and 35 check their smartphones 44 times per day on average.

Orlando Real Estate Through Social Media

The major players in their world are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.  As social media surpasses search engines and online news feeds, smart real estate agents in Orlando are going with the flow by providing valuable content through social media sites making it easily searchable by Millennials.

Millennials are impacting the way any business is done, including real estate. To reach this powerful age bracket of future buyers, Orlando real estate agents need to use the same tools as they do. Those who don’t will be left behind.

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