Orlando Real Estate Ranks #92 in Fastest Recovery Since The Big Crash

The Orlando real estate market has gone from crawling to running its way out of the country’s most recent “Great Recession” which happened back in 2008. As a matter of fact, Orlando FL was ranked #92 in the nation for cities in the US with the fastest recovery time from the devastating market crash that affected the whole country. This is according to a survey conducted by mortgage market tracker HSH.com among 100 cities with the fastest home price recovery since the crash.

Top realtors in Orlando believe this to be a good thing. As opposed to massive property price surges that we saw back in 2004-2006, it’s different this time around. We’re now seeing a more methodical, sustainable, and realistic growth in the housing market. With a steady flow of new jobs being created and continued economic growth, Orlando is one of the country’s most popular places to live, especially for young families just starting out in the workplace.

Some people think that Orlando, much like the rest of the country is headed for another huge real estate market collapse. However, most experienced real estate professionals will tell you that what we’re seeing now is simply the real estate market returning to its natural state. If you go back and remove the 3 years of craziness we experienced between 2005- 2008, then you’ll see that the market is right where it should be right now.

We’ll probably never see that kind of unrealistic optimism again or at least for a very long time,… which is a good thing. Orlando has come a long way in being able to offer higher-paying jobs in the technology and medical fields but the area is still driven mostly by jobs in the hospitality industry.

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When To Fire Your Realtor….. “It’s Not Me It’s YOU!”

Deciding to sell a home is a big deal! It may even be one of the most important decisions of your lifetime.

Choosing the best Orlando Realtor for the job is equally important. You’re looking for someone you can depend on, get along with, and most important…. Someone that will help you achieve your goal of selling your house for the highest price and in the least amount of time.

The problem is… even when you try your hardest to find a good Realtor, you could still end up with someone you’re not happy with. Whatever your reasons may be, you may want to fire your agent.

So…how do you go about it?

Unfortunately, we’ve had dozens of people ask us how to break up with their realtor because they’re not happy with them.

Perhaps you made the mistake of hiring your nephew who just passed his real estate exam last week? Or maybe you hired your friend from the gym who does real estate part-time when he’s not selling memberships?

Whatever the case may be, it’s now become crystal clear to you that you need to end your relationship with your agent…

You should be aware that firing your agent isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve already signed a listing agreement with them. Most listing contracts are legally binding which means that the realtor will have to agree to release you from the contract.

Firing your Realtor isn’t like firing your hairdresser because they took too much off the top. When you hired your Realtor, you signed a contract that legally binds you to that Realtor. You and this licensed real estate professional agreed to certain terms which guarantee that you will use this agent exclusively to sell your home.

Hopefully, you signed an “Easy Exit Listing Agreement” which allows you to end the relationship if you’re not happy like the one we use here at Orlando Realty Consultants. However, most contracts don’t work this way and your agent has to agree to release you from the contract.

Most homeowners fail to realize is that not all agents were created equally. For example, you don’t want to list your home with an agent that specializes in working with buyers. By the same token, you never want to hire a listing agent to find the house of your dreams either. Most people just assume that an agent… is an agent… is an agent….BIG MISTAKE!

Top Reasons To Fire Your Realtor

part time realtor

There are fantastic realtors, horrible realtors, and a whole bunch of average realtors in between. Anytime you take a chance on hiring somebody new in any profession, there is a much greater chance that something will go wrong….or nothing will happen at all.

Some real estate agents will only do the bare minimum to get your home sold. They’ll plop a sign in the yard, list it on the MLS and then cross their fingers and pray for a contract.

These are some of the most common reasons people want to fire their agent:

Communication Breakdown

I know It’s crazy!… but this is by far the most popular reason why people are unsatisfied with their agents. For a homeowner, selling a home will be one of the most important decisions they’ll ever make. That’s why homeowners should be kept in the loop about everything that happens during the process. Like feedback about showings… Did they like it? Did they hate it? Did they think it was too much money?

An experienced listing agent will request the buyer’s agent’s feedback from every showing and pass it on to their clients, good or bad.

Sadly, for some Realtors, selling your home may not be a top priority for them for whatever reason. Maybe they have other, more expensive homes they’re focusing on first to get a bigger payday. Some people are just bad communicators and chose to be in the wrong profession. Whatever the reason may be, they just don’t communicate…

Lack of Skills

It won’t take you long to discover if your Realtor is incompetent or not. Chances are they might not know how to price a home accurately, market a home correctly and be bad negotiators. You may also realize that your agent priced your home too high just to get the listing from you!… This is a tactic used by shady agents who will let your home sit on the market until you agree to a price reduction. This was their strategy from the beginning…

Poor Marketing Plan

The 1st time you met with your listing agent, you probably just assumed that the agent would do a good job marketing your home. Now, several months have passed and still no offers….so now you start to get curious and do some research. You check out your listing on the MLS only to find that the few pics of your home are not good… Besides that, you find out that…

  • The agent never bothered to make brochures
  • The agent never made a video of your home
  • The agent never promoted your home on social media sites
  • The agent doesn’t even have a decent website?!!

A good listing agent will know how to promote your home aggressively using multiple platforms until it gets sold.

Other Reasons To Fire Your Realtor

  • Unprofessional behavior
  • Avoiding agent duties
  • Overpricing on purpose
  • Liar liar, pants on fire
  • Breaking the law

Every situation is different and should be treated as such. However, none of the things mentioned above should be tolerated by a true real estate professional.

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Selling Your Orlando Home? Avoid These 5 Common Myths!

Selling an Orlando Home? Keep Your Feelings In Check!

One of the biggest events in someone’s life is selling a home. It’s also a very emotional time for a homeowner knowing that they have to say goodbye to the place they’ve called home for so long. These feelings and emotions can tend to create state-of-mind in which the homeowner is no longer thinking clearly.

There are a lot of misconceptions or myths that exist about putting a home up for sale. Some sellers actually believe that selling their home will be super easy and there isn’t any preparation involved at all. Sellers that feel this way while their home is on the market never end up getting top dollar. They either end up settling for less money or just change their mind about selling at all.

Sellers that are aware of what it takes to make their home more desirable to buyers will be in a much better position to sell for a higher dollar amount.

After 12 years in the real estate industry, we know what it takes to sell your Orlando home for top dollar no matter what the situation.

We’ve come up with a list of the 5 most common myths about selling a home in Orlando

  •   Any Orlando Realtor Can Sell My Home

Let me start by asking you a simple question. If your nephew just passed his exam to become a real estate agent two weeks ago, would you trust him to sell your home? Or would you seek out an Orlando Realtor with years of experience and a proven track record? Hopefully, you picked option 2.

Picking the right real estate agent to represent you in the sale of your home is crucial. It’s also the 1st step in the route to a successful sale! One of the biggest myths in the Orlando real estate industry is that all real estate agents were created equal. This couldn’t be further from the truth and sellers who ignore this could end up losing thousands of dollars on the sale of their homes.

The truth is that every Orlando Realtor is different, and the way they market their listings is probably also different. Old schools realtors rely strictly on newspaper ads while other, younger agents, will only rely on social media and other online advertising.

So how do you know which realtor to choose? This is where knowing how to interview a real estate agent properly comes into play.

Sellers should ask certain questions when interviewing a realtor to sell their home. These are some basic questions to ask when determining which realtor is right for you.

  • How many homes have you sold within the past year?
  • What’s your marketing plan to sell my home if I give you the listing?
  • Are you a full-time real estate agent?
  • Can you provide me with references of your most recent listing clients?
  • All Homes In Orlando Sell Fast

Far too many people in this world rely on gossip to get their information. They’ll tell you about their neighbor down the street who sold their house in one day… for the full asking price! Stories like this are unrealistic and probably aren’t true.

The truth is that not all Orlando homes sell fast with little or no effort. If this were the case, Realtors would be obsolete and I would be doing something else for a living.

There is a multitude of variables that factor into the amount of time and effort it takes to sell a home in Orlando. Like if a home is situated across from a public landfill, it’s highly likely that it will take more time, effort, and creativity in finding a buyer that doesn’t mind the smell of garbage twenty-four-seven as opposed to a home in a quiet neighborhood with a waterfall and rainbow in the backyard. Although this example is extreme… you get the idea.

The point I’m trying to make is that your home may take some time to sell. So don’t get discouraged if your home’s been on the market for 3 weeks and still hasn’t sold.

  • Overprice The Home So You Have Plenty Of Room To Negotiate

I’ve seen homeowners make this mistake over and over again… A homeowner will price their home unrealistically high thinking that they are leaving themselves some wiggle room to negotiate a fair price. DON’T DO THIS!

When a house is priced correctly from the start, it will generate a ton of interest, especially in the first few days of it being on the market. This tends to create a multiple offer situation and maybe even a bidding war…That’s what you want!

  • No Need To Have The Home Looking It’s Best

By pricing a home too high you’ll get a lot less interest and some buyers won’t even go see it thinking that the home is out of their price range. Consult with your Orlando real estate agent when it’s time to determine a listing price.

If you’ve shown as many Orlando homes as I have, you’d know the difference between showing a home that’s “show ready” and one that isn’t and how it affects a potential buyer.

A seller that takes the time and effort to make sure their home is looking its best before listing will surely come out ahead of a seller that doesn’t make the same effort. It’s like the old saying “you only get one chance to make a 1st impression”. Whoever made up that saying was probably a listing agent because it definitely applies to the residential real estate industry.

Preparing a home for sale isn’t that hard to do and doesn’t even cost that much. There are so many little things that you can do to your home that could mean the difference between getting an offer… or not getting an offer.

Here are a few basic tips to get your home ready for sale:

  • Fresh paint
  • Clean all surfaces
  • De-clutter
  • Ensure all light bulbs are working
  • Remove excessive personal items
  • Zestimates Are Accurate

A Zestimate is an auto-generated home valuation from the popular website Zillow.com. This site as well as many other sites that are similar provide homeowners with what they think their home is worth within seconds….that’s right,…seconds not even minutes!

The problem with these sites is that the home valuations that they provide are never accurate. These are not local sites… So how can a company based in California give me accurate information about how much my house is worth in Orlando?!… They can’t!

Sellers that believe these auto-generated value estimates get a rude awakening when a local Orlando real estate agent prepares a CMA [comparative market analysis] for them and it’s $15,000 less than their “Zestimate” and sometimes even more!

If you are looking to sell your Orlando home, don’t allow yourself to be guided by these popular myths and misconceptions people spread about selling a home.

Consult with an experienced Orlando realtor so that you have the knowledge to move forward intelligently and sell your home for top dollar!

For an accurate valuation on your home, GET A FREE CMA PREPARED BY A TOP ORLANDO REALTOR

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6 Things Orlando Realtors Should Be Doing For Sellers

Is Your Orlando Listing Agent Doing Their Best For You?

As Realtors in Orlando, we have an obligation to our clients to do everything in our power to make the home selling process as smooth as possible.

We are the ones they are counting on, the home selling professionals. Most sellers expect their agents to be trustworthy and ready to fight to get the highest dollar amount for their homes. They also expect their agent to resolve any issues that may arise during the process….and there will always be issues…

The typical Orlando homeowner knows very little about the home selling process which is why it’s our job as listing agents to guide and educate our clients as things progress.

Agents that are lazy and only do the bare minimum usually don’t last long in this business because it doesn’t take long for the word to get around that they’re horrible agents to work with.

On the other hand, however, agents that do an outstanding job for their clients will enjoy repeat business and referrals because of their reputation as hard workers.

Some home sellers understand that not all agents are created equally. The problem is there are entirely too many agents that just plop a sign in the front yard and cross their fingers hoping for a buyer. Homeowners deserve better than this.

Orlando homeowners reading this article should try to understand that like in most industries there are the “movers and the shakers” just like there are the ones that just plug along doing the bare minimum. As far as businesses go, there’s an 80-20 rule which means that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. The same holds true for Orlando real estate.

This information translates to one thing… you have to choose your agent wisely because there’s a lot of room for disappointment. So how do you go about picking the right Orlando real estate agent to represent you? You have to understand what a listing agent should be doing for their clients.

The following is a guide to understanding what you should expect from your listing agent.

1- Pricing A Home Correctly From The Start-

It’s crucial to get this step right from the very start. A good realtor will start by preparing a CMA [comparative market analysis] and use it as a tool in determining the listing price of your home.

Avoid agents that promise to get you a much higher price just to get the listing. Agents that use this tactic are in violation of the Realtor code of ethics. This will also end up costing you valuable time on the market and If the home is priced too high, you will eventually have to lower the sale price anyway.

2- Marketing The Home-

Your listing agent should be an online marketing expert. It starts by taking some great pics of the home. By having a lot of quality images of your home, we can create awesome content to advertise your home via their website, blog, video, social media, press releases, postcards, and of course the MLS.

A top listing agent will also have automated systems in place to leverage their marketing efforts.

3- Good Communication-

A homeowner should be kept in the loop about everything that’s happening with the sale of their home. Far too often we get complaints from our listing clients saying that “the agent we used to have would never call us or was impossible to get a hold of when we had a question”.

A good real estate agent should keep in constant contact with their listing clients. Whether they have an offer to present or not, agents should provide you with at least a weekly update on what the status is with your home. There is no excuse for poor communication and sellers have the right to know what’s going on with their home at all times.

4- Qualifying Buyers-

A good listing agent won’t waste your time with buyers who have no chance of qualifying for a home loan. It’s your realtor’s job to make sure that all potential buyers are pre-approved.

5- Negotiating Terms-

Everything in real estate is negotiable and a good agent, when warranted, won’t hesitate to counteroffer with a number that favors their client. They will also negotiate contingency and closing dates when necessary.

Top Orlando listing agents will go above and beyond to fight for the best terms for their clients. This is what realtors get paid for. Great real estate agents will always, always put their client’s best interests before their own.

6- Closing The Deal-

There are a lot of moving parts involved with selling a home. With so many little details, your agent should be instrumental in getting all the loose ends tied up for you. The less work you have to do, the better. This is a good indication that your agent is on top of things.

The Orlando Listing agent that you choose to sell your home should put your needs before their own, even if it means they make less money. By referring to this article when choosing the right agent, you’ll have a much better understanding of what to expect from your real estate professional.

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Top 5 Keys To Negotiating Orlando Real Estate

Regardless if you’re a buyer or a seller, you want to be successful in the Orlando marketplace. To accomplish this, you need to be prepared for battle…the battle of negotiating.

Negotiation is a multifaceted matter and each transaction is unique. It’s human nature for both buyers and sellers to feel like they got the better of the outcome.

In most Orlando real estate negotiations there is some bluffing involved, some give and take, and in the end… neither buyer nor seller gets everything they wanted, but both are happy with the outcome.

So how do you position yourself so that you can get the most from a real estate transaction? From our experience as Orlando Realtors, there are 5 basic things that will decide who gets the upper hand at the closing table.

Current Market Conditions

The Orlando real estate market is ever-changing. Sometimes we’ll be in a “sellers” market and other times we’ll experience a “buyers” market. If supply and demand are about equal, then the market conditions won’t favor either party.

However, if your home is located in a desirable Orlando neighborhood with very few sales, then as the seller, you’ll have a bit of leverage here. By the same token, if you’re a buyer who can pay cash and close quickly, then you, as the buyer will also have the advantage, especially if the seller is pressed for time.


If you have a local business that’s about to go belly up and the whole town knows about it, including the buyer, then you’ll be at a disadvantage because they know you’re probably desperate to sell. On the other hand, if you’re one of eight potential buyers fighting over that very special property, then expect to pay top dollar because the seller’s securely in the driver’s seat which means that he can take his time to pick and choose the best price and terms for him.

Details, Details, Details…

You don’t always know if someone got a good deal on a home judging by the sale price alone. For example, if there are 2 identical properties for sale at $200,000. The homes are the same, the prices are the same, but are the deals structured the same? Not necessarily. The owner of the 1st house may have agreed to replace the roof and pay the first $2,500 of the buyer’s closing costs and the owner of house #2 made no concessions at all.

In this example, the person who bought house #1 actually got the home at a discounted price. As a buyer, you’d want to be buying house #1 and as a seller, you’d want to be in the position of the seller of house #2 because he gave up nothing.


From a seller’s perspective, it’s always better to deal with buyers that have been pre-approved for a loan. Although it doesn’t guarantee the loan, pre-qualified buyers will represent less of a risk to sellers than a buyer who’s never even met with a lender.

The good news for buyers with good credit, there are now loans available with 5% down or even less. As a matter of fact, one hundred percent financing and home loans with nothing down, are now being made more readily available by conventional lenders.

Orlando Real Estate Experts

Just imagine for a moment, that you’re involved in a major lawsuit. The other party has a top-rated lawyer that knows the law inside and out and you on the other hand are representing yourself. Who do you think will get the better of this transaction?

It’s the same with real estate. By hiring a top Orlando Real Estate agent to represent you whether you’re buying or selling, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that a top real estate professional is in your corner.

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