When somebody lists their house with a real estate agent, they always worry that the agent won’t perform as promised and they will be stuck with them until the listing agreement has expired costing your home valuable time and exposure on the market.
Most real estate agents require you to sign listing agreements that have a cancellation fee of several hundred dollars when the homeowner wants to terminate the contract with the agent they hired to represent them.
It’s for this reason that I use an “Easy Exit” listing agreement. This takes the risk out of listing your house and having to worry about us not performing.

When you list your home through our INSTANT AMNESTY Listing Agreement, there’s no risk to the homeowner. We are so confident that you’ll be happy with the results that we get you that you can cancel your listing with us at any time and NO CHARGE! There is NO cancellation fee in our listing agreement.
• You can cancel your listing anytime.
• You can relax, knowing you won’t be locked into a lengthy contract.
• Enjoy the caliber of service confident enough to make this offer.
In my 8+ years as an Orlando realtor, the few times that someone has wanted to cancel a listing agreement with me was because they decided to keep the house instead of selling, it has never been for non-performance. When it comes to real estate, my skills and work ethic are among the best in Orlando and I have the track record to prove it. My confidence comes from thousands of successful real estate transactions and thousands of happy clients. The fact that most of our business comes from referrals from past clients says it all.
Whether it’s a traditional listing or an Orlando short sale, I get the job done no matter what.
Tired of your realtor not performing and wasting valuable time on the market? Give us a try, you have absolutely nothing to lose. Visit us at https://orlandorealtyconsultants.com/ or call us at 407-902-7750 so that we can discuss your best options. Jenny Zamora Lic. RE Broker