Orlando Neighborhoods- Finding The One To Call Home

Now that you have been pre-qualified for a home loan, it’s time to put your Orlando Real Estate Agent to work for you! It’s a good idea, however, to have a general idea of what area you’d like to live in before even talking to a realtor. This way, you can search for a realtor that specializes in that particular area.

In order to find the perfect neighborhood for you and your family, you have to think about your lifestyle first and foremost. Things like being in a good school district, having a low crime rate, having a short commute to work as well as being nearby to restaurants and shopping are the most common needs of most families.

If you’re already familiar with the area where you want to live then you’re off to a great start. However, if you have no idea where you want to live, then it’s best to start your search online. If you have kids, then it’s a good idea to start by looking for the best schools in the area. You’ll then be able to come up with a list of neighborhoods that are zoned for the schools you’ve chosen.

Now that you have a shortlist of neighborhoods written down, it’s time to hit the road! By driving through a neighborhood at different times of the day and night, you’ll get be able to get a good feel for the area. How bad is the traffic? Are the homes well maintained? Are there lots of kids in the area? Do the homes in the area tend to go up in value?

Once you know the general area you’re interested in buying a home, find an Orlando realtor that specializes in that particular area. This can be done through a Google search by typing the word “realtor” followed by the name of the community for example: “Realtor in Hunters Creek”. Talk to a few on the 1st page of the results page and see which one feels like a good fit for you.

Good School Districts are Important, Kids or Not…

Even if you don’t have children, you may still want to buy a home in a good school zone. Chances are that at some point in your life, you will be selling your home and moving on. If and when you decide to sell at some point, remember that future buyers will likely consider good schools a top priority. It’s a known fact among real estate agents in Orlando, that Neighborhoods with good schools will always attract more buyer activity. It’s easy to see which are the best schools in the area by doing a quick online search.

Search For Orlando Homes- Search Tool

Whether you’re here in Central Florida or halfway across the world searching for an Orlando vacation home, our Florida home search tool allows you to see all the homes that are currently for sale on the MLS. With just a few clicks of your mouse, you’ll be searching the MLS just like a pro!

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Visualizing A Home’s True Potential

For 1st time home buyers, searching for a dream home can be as exciting as it is stressful. Many times these buyers have a clear picture in their heads of what their new home will look like.


Don’t let the small stuff bother you


When you’re out house hunting with your Orlando Realtor, it’s important to keep an open mind or you could end up missing out on a sweet deal. Bad decorating, banged-up walls, and bright green carpeting are things that can be easily corrected and won’t break the bank.  


In today’s Orlando real estate market, 1st time home buyers are finding out quickly that they can’t be too picky if they want to get a good deal on a home.


Before you even start your search, you should get pre-approved by a lender so that you know exactly what the highest amount is that you can afford to pay for a house. Once you know how much you can afford be sure to only view homes that are within your budget.


Looking at homes outside of your budget can be disappointing or even worse… cause you to end up in a bad financial situation. It’s a horrible feeling to be unsure if you can afford to make your mortgage payment for the next 15 to 30 years of your life. It’s best to stay under your maximum budget when searching for your home.


If the home you find is in need of some repairs, It’s important to know how much these improvements will cost you before you submit an offer on the home.


Here are some guidelines to help you figure out when it’s worth repairing a home or if it’s time to move on to the next one.


  •  The Layout- There’s not much you can do about a bad layout without getting into some major remodel costs. 1st time home buyers shouldn’t even consider buying a home that is in need of major structural repairs.
  • The View- Again, not much to do here except change the window treatments. However, this still doesn’t change what you’ll see when you’re looking outside.
  • The Exterior- If the home doesn’t have a good curb appeal, it shouldn’t be a deal killer. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh coat of paint and some minor landscaping to make it pop.
  • The Walls- If the walls are covered in tacky wallpaper or an ugly color, don’t sweat it! Instead, try and picture what the walls will look like with your choice of the wall color. Painting is one of the cheapest and most impressionable things you can do to a home.
  • The Floors- Installing new flooring in a home can get expensive depending on what kind of flooring you use and how much work it will take to rip out the old flooring. Depending on your taste and your budget, this one can be a deal killer.
  • The Kitchen. Don’t be thrown by outdated appliances and color schemes in the kitchen. These things can be easily fixed with a fresh coat of paint and new appliances. However, if you want new cabinetry and granite countertops, make sure this is factored into your offer.
  • The bathrooms. Bathrooms are much cheaper to remodel compared to kitchens. However, if you can get away with just a bit of sprucing up without getting into replacing the tile and fixtures, you’ll be in much better shape.
  • Landscaping- The landscaping of a home should never keep you from making an offer. This is something that can be done little by little and best of all, you can do it yourself and make it your own design!


Before submitting an offer on an Orlando home, think about what want vs what you can’t live without. By doing this as well as knowing your maximum budget, you’ll be much better prepared for house hunting.

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Selling An Inherited Home In Orlando

Inheriting a home from a family member can either be a great gift or a huge inconvenience depending on what the situation is and what you plan on doing with the home you’ve inherited.

Sometimes families will make the decision to move into the inherited home and sell the home they live in. Other times people who inherit a home will choose to sell everything inside the home [aka estate sale] and then sell the home itself.  

If you’ve inherited a home in Orlando and have no intention of moving into it or renting it out then selling it is probably your best option. Especially if the property is in need of repairs or some upgrading and you’re just not in a position to make the necessary changes.

It can be a very emotional process to sell a home that you’ve inherited from a loved one. Chances are that you grew up in the home or you at least spent a lot of time there during your childhood. The last thing you want is to make selling this home a stressful and costly experience. After all, I’m sure whoever left you the home, did it because they loved you and wanted you to benefit from it.

In this article, you’ll find some helpful information on avoiding the typical hassles and pitfalls of the process and making selling your inherited home an easy and painless experience.

Florida Tax Implications of Inherited Property

If your recently inherited property was someone else’s homestead, the property taxes will go up unless you plan on making it your homestead. If the person who left you the property lived there for a really long time, then the property taxes will go up tremendously because they probably bought it at a fraction of what it’s worth today.

In the state of Florida there is an income tax concept known as “step-up in basis” which basically means that instead of owning the property based on what your parents paid for it, you inherit it at the value of the date it was left to you. This is a good thing because when you sell you’ll be paying income tax on the profit between the basis and the sale price instead of paying on the difference between the original sale price and what you sell it for now.

Example: Dad buys them for $20,000 in 1980. The dad dies in 2015 and the house is now worth $120,000. You sell the house a year later for $140,000. You only have to pay taxes on a $20,000 gain instead of a $120,000 gain.

This law prevents adult children from owing large tax amounts on properties that have greatly appreciated over the past several decades.

Tax law can be pretty complicated to understand, so it’s best to get the advice of an attorney or accountant to discuss the obligations that come with inheriting real estate


Preparing for the Sale

After you’ve been made fully aware of all the financial implications and you’ve decided to sell the home, you’ll need to get the home ready before selling it. Typically with an inherited property, this means cleaning, de-cluttering, and de-personalizing the entire home before showing it to potential buyers.

This is easily the most emotionally challenging part of inheriting a property, especially if it was the home you grew up in. Going through mom and dad’s personal belongings will most likely bring back a flood of memories from your childhood all the way to when you moved away from home. It’s best to get help from other family members for this part if possible.

After you’ve decided what to get rid of and what to keep, you might want to have an estate sale or yard sale to clear out the rest of the items. It’s always better to show a home that is clean and empty unless you decide to have it staged for the sale.

 Choosing the Right Orlando Realtor

For some people in this situation, it may be tempting to hire a friend or family member that’s a real estate agent to represent them in the sale. This can be a huge mistake, especially if the agent is inexperienced in this type of sale. Your best course of action here is to hire an experienced Orlando listing agent in the area where the home is located.

Pricing Your Inherited Home

This is where you want to put your real estate agent to work for you. Pricing the home correctly from the start is extremely important in getting you the highest dollar amount in the shortest amount of time. Your Orlando listing agent will prepare what’s known as a CMA or Comparative Market Analysis. This is a report that will help you determine your property’s value based on homes that are currently for sale, pending, and sold in the surrounding areas.

Pricing your home too high will cause it to be on the market much longer than it should while pricing it too low can cause you to lose thousands of dollars in profit. That’s why it’s so important to hire an experienced Orlando real estate agent to help you through this process.

Keep Paying The Bills Until the Home is Sold

Even though you’ve been diligent in taking care of the legal paperwork, getting the home ready, and listing the property for sale, you have to make sure the bills get paid. If there’s a mortgage, make sure it gets paid on time. Also, make sure to keep paying the utilities and any other monthly bills associated with the home until you’ve sold it.



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Top 10 Items to Check in Final Walk-Through

The final walk-through is a very important part of the buying process. This is usually done the day before closing with your Real Estate Agent.

This is a very exciting day for the buyer and you have to pay close attention to the small details. You want to bring a copy of your sales contract with you for the final walk-through, this will make it easier to complete.

The first thing you want to do is run the washer, dryer, and dishwasher on for a short cycle. You want to make sure these are the same working appliances offered with the home when you placed the offer.

Turn on all faucets and check under kitchen and bathroom sinks for leaks. Next, turn on all fans and light switches to make sure everything is operating properly. Ask for remotes and manuals.

Open and close the garage door, and ask for garage door transmitters if these were offered as part of the sale. Open and close all windows and look for any cracks in the glass, check all latches are closing properly. This should have been done by your Home Inspector, but you want to double-check to make sure nothing has happened after the inspection.

Ask the seller for any warranty information, this might apply to a refrigerator, range, AC unit, etc. If at the time of inspection any repairs were requested, make sure these were completed and done correctly. Ask if they have additional paint or flooring left over for future repairs and touch up.

Ask your Real Estate Agent to leave a list of your local utility companies. If you already know when you are moving in, make sure to call and order the connection ahead of time. Most utility companies have a 1-2 day waiting period.

If you have checked everything off your list, you are ready to close. Congratulations!

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Preparing to List your Home

Many sellers have a difficult time preparing their homes once they’ve decided to list them for sale. How will you know what to do to get it ready?
This is why it’s so important to hire the best Orlando Realtor from the beginning.

There are many factors to take into consideration before listing your home. Your Real Estate agent will be the one to guide you thru the pre-listing process and will advise you on how to maintain the home throughout the listing period.

The first step is, Hire a professional Real Estate Agent.  Call your local Realtors office and meet with a few agents before you commit to a listing contract for a year to later found out this is not the right person for you.

When you are interviewing agents, ask about their background in the Real Estate business. How long have they been in business, and how long have they been listings homes? How many listings do they currently have? How many agents are in their Real Estate firm? How accessible is he/she? You want to make sure that if your Realtor is not available, someone else in the company will be.

After you’ve found the perfect Orlando Listing Agent, it’s now time to start looking at your home and set the listing price.

What is the condition of your home? When was the last time you had any maintenance done to the AC, heater, water pump, pool pump, septic tank, windows, doors, etc? You want to make sure there are no leaks in the sink, faucets, and or showerheads.

What upgrades does the home have, if any? Are there any repairs that can be easily done to help improve the overall condition of your home? Does it need interior or exterior paint, does it need flooring? What can you do the improve the curb appeal?

Remember, the better the home looks the faster it will sell!


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