Orlando Real Estate Agents Discuss Closing Costs

Orlando real estate agents are responsible for much more than selling homes in Orlando or helping people to buy a home. Their clients rely on them to help them navigate through the entire process from beginning to end. The end being the closing of the transaction and being able to understand the breakdown of the closing costs.

When a homeowner sells their home they typically assume that after subtracting the real estate commission and the loan payoff amount, that’s what they walk away with. Closing costs never even enter their mind, especially if it’s the seller’s first time selling a home. Then once they get to the closing table it’s a surprise to them,… not a good surprise. Typical closing costs on a real estate transaction usually include property taxes, transfer taxes, mortgage taxes,  documentary taxes, recording fees, title insurance, etc.

It’s always a good idea to ask your Orlando real estate agent to provide you with a breakdown of what you can expect to pay in closing costs before you list your home for sale. You should keep this information so that when you receive an offer on your house, you can easily calculate your net profit.

Here in the state of Florida, the buyer and seller will usually share the closing costs 50/50 unless both parties agree to a different arrangement. The Orlando real estate market can also affect the way these fees are assigned. If the current market is hot, the seller will have the upper hand and can require the buyer to pay the lion’s share of the closing costs and sometimes even all of the closing costs. It’s also very common for  the buyers to include all of the closing fees in their offer so that they can avoid having to come up with the cash to pay them.

The following are terms and definitions of common closing costs to be paid by the seller:

Escrow fees. In Florida it’s not required to have an attorney involved in the closing of a real estate transaction. Title companies are usually the ones to handle closings and all funds are received and disburse by the title company. The escrow fees, if any, will usually be split by both the buyer and seller.

Title Insurance. Typically there are 2 different types of title insurance that are purchased; the owner’s policy and the lenders’ policy. The title company involved in the transaction will research the title on the property to ensure that there are no additional liens on the property as well as unidentified owners. The purpose of these policies is to protect both the lender as well as the buyer [or new owner] for the full amount of the home. In most cases the buyer is responsible to pay for the lender’s policy and the seller pays for the owners policy. This is known as clearing the title.

Documentary taxes. These taxes are usually paid to the county or state or both. This is where Uncle Sam collects his share of the transaction and is also known as a reconveyance tax.

Recording fees. This fee is paid to the county for recording the deed. This is proof of ownership of the property.

Mortgage taxes. This is an additional tax which is collected by the state of Florida.

Settlement fee. Typically split between the buyer and the seller, this fee is the cost charged by the title company for handling any financial transfers.

Real estate broker’s commission. This the fee or commission that you agreed to pay for the real estate agent to sell your home. The entire amount of the realtor’s commission first goes to the brokerage before getting disbursed to your Orlando listing agent.

The pest inspection. This is usually paid for by the seller and if any pest damage is found, the seller will also have to pay for any damages caused by pests such as termites, ants, etc. Depending on whether the market favors buyers or sellers at the time, these costs are negotiated by both parties. These costs are sometimes paid for before the closing even happens and in this case, will not be part of the closing costs.

The sellers of the property are also responsible for what’s known as “recurring closing costs”. Items such as, mortgage interest on their loan, HOA fees [if applicable] and hazard insurance are all the responsibility of the seller and must be paid up through the actual date of the closing. The buyer will then be responsible for paying these same fees  from the closing date forward.

Depending on what was negotiated, items like home warranties, roof repairs and any other credits that the seller agreed to pay for will also be deducted from the seller’s share of the proceeds.

Both sellers and buyers should receive a document referred to as the HUD-1 settlement statement which outlines every single charge in the real estate transaction and who is responsible to pay it.

Still have questions about a closing costs in a real estate transaction? Call me, Jenny Zamora, Orlando listing specialist at 407.902.7750

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Selling Your Orlando Home? 6 Mistakes To Avoid!

Selling your Orlando home can be an exciting time for homeowners depending on the circumstances. If your home is in great shape and you have a good amount of equity in it, it’s probably a joyous occasion for you. Other homeowners may be in need of an Orlando short sale realtor to get their house sold because there’s no equity in the property.

Unfortunately, some sellers start off on the wrong path when putting their houses on the market. We had a client last year that wanted to sell an Orlando home in the Whisper Lakes area. It was a fixer-upper and all it really needed was some paint, carpet, and some minor drywall repairs. For some reason, he thought that the home would fetch a higher price if he turned the 2 car garage into an extra bedroom.

Then against my advice as his Orlando listing agent, he spent an additional $4,000 and did it anyway!  When he finished the remodel it was now a 4 bedroom 2 bath home [unofficially]. You see, he didn’t get the proper permits which meant the home was still a 3 bd 2 bath according to public records, which wasn’t even the real issue here. You see…people with cars like the option of keeping them in a garage. That’s why it’s called a garage!

In the end, this house was very difficult to sell because he eliminated the garage when most people would rather have a garage in the garage, not a bedroom. After several months on the market, we found him a buyer but, here’s the kicker…he had to give the buyer a $3,000 concession so that he could convert the garage bedroom back to a real garage!  So even though he got his money back out of the property, he ended up not making a dime. The good news is that he now listens to the advice of his Orlando realtor.

Here are some of the most common mistakes made by sellers

  1. Listing a home before it’s ready. This is a huge mistake and it’s one that I’m guilty of as an Orlando real estate investor when I first started out. The key is to not give the buyers anything to complain about. Every room should look as good as it can including drywall, paint, and carpets. The same goes for the kitchen and bathrooms, I’m not saying to spend a fortune on granite counter tops and solid wood cabinetry, just make sure everything works and looks presentable. Whatever work you plan on doing, make sure it gets done before you put it on the market. Most potential buyers won’t make a second visit if they didn’t like the first one.
  2. Making over-improvements. Building a pool, or adding another bedroom can be costly and there’s no guarantee that you’ll get a return on your investment and you probably won’t.
  3. Over-pricing your home. Again, this is where your Orlando listing agent earns their money. Allow your listing agent to do their job and provide you with solid comparable properties in the neighborhood that will help you arrive at the correct listing price for your home.
  4. Hiring the wrong agent. This is a big one! Make sure that interview at least 2-3 realtors that work in the area. Don’t use your niece because she just got her license last week. Hire an experienced Orlando realtor with a proven track record for selling Orlando homes for top dollar. The agent you hire should be an Orlando listing specialist with all the weapons to get the job done right.
  5. Making it personal. Whether it’s your home or an investment property that you’ve poured blood sweat and tears into…keep your emotions out of it. Once you put something up for sale, it becomes a commodity and should be prepared, treated, and priced like one. A potential buyer couldn’t care less about what you “want”, it’s what the market will bear as far as pricing.
  6. Covering up problems. Don’t do it! If you know of a problem with the house that you know can become a safety issue or turn into a potentially much bigger problem, you should disclose it. Not only is it the right thing to do, but you can also get sued….even if you’ve already closed on the property.

Sell Your Orlando Home Fast For Top Dollar

As I wrote this article, memories from my past mistakes as an Orlando real estate investor kept popping up in my mind. Avoiding these common mistakes really isn’t that difficult when you seek advice and listen to experienced real estate professionals. It’s something that I wish I had done when I first started in real estate. If you’re looking to sell your home in Orlando, no matter what the price, condition, or situation. Seek the advice of an experienced Orlando realtor. You’ll be glad that you did!

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TOR 011: Why Use An Orlando Buyer’s Agent To Buy A House?

Hello and welcome back everybody, I’m your host, John Conde with ORC and in this episode, I’ll be talking about… Why You Should Use an Orlando buyer’s agent when buying a home.

Here are a few highlights from this episode of the TOP ORLANDO REALTORS podcast

  • Why you can lose money by not using a buyers agent
  • Why do you give up control by not using an agent
  • Why you are at a disadvantage buying on your own
  • Don’t let someone choose your Orlando buyers agent for you!

As promised, here’s the link to find Florida Homes For Sale just like a pro from the comfort of home.

If you’d like to speak to someone immediately, call 407.902.7750

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Hunters Creek Parks And Recreation

Hunters Creek Parks and Recreation

One of the reasons that Hunters Creek is such a popular community among young families is because of its great amenities. Residents of Hunters Creek can never complain that they don’t have enough to do. The area is loaded with beautiful parks with perfectly manicured landscaping that matches the surrounding neighborhoods.

Depending on what you’re into, the parks at Hunters Creek offer something for everyone in the family. Sports lovers absolutely can enjoy a wide range of sports to choose from. Children can get involved in team sports from the young age of 4 on up.

  • Soccer Fields
  • Football Fields
  • Basketball Courts
  • Baseball Fields
  • Volleyball Courts
  • Tennis Courts
  • Racquetball Courts
  • Golf Club
  • Shuffle Board

If you’re not into sports, there are a number of other activities to engage in. The Parks have playgrounds, fishing lakes, picnic tables, pavilions, hiking paths, nature trails, and dog parks. Each park contains ample parking, restrooms and 2 of them have community centers where families can enjoy playing ping pong, pool, board games, and yes….even video games!

Hunters Creek residents can also enjoy access to the community center where families can enjoy ping pong, pool, board games, or video games.

Hunters Creek Parks

– Braddock Oak Park
– Calabay Park
– Eagle Park
– Mallard Pointe Park
– Osprey Park
– Vista I Park
– Vista II Park
– Vista III Park

Are you looking to buy a house in Hunter’s Creek, FL? I’m happy to help! Call or text me at the number below or you can email me here.

Hunters Creek Realtor

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Orlando Realtor Explains The Kick-Out Clause

Orlando Realtors are highly aware that no homeowner likes to sign a contract that’s contingent on a potential buyer selling their primary residence. Most homeowners won’t be approved by any lender to purchase a new home without first selling the one that they live in anyway.

Many people that are planning a move like to know where they’re going to live before they put their own residence up for sale. This can be tricky because no homeowner in their right mind will want to take their home off the market to wait and see if the interested buyer is able to sell their home first.

Enter the “kick-out” clause

A “kick-out” clause is a contingency that allows a buyer to terminate the contract if they aren’t able to sell their primary residence first. This contingency also entitles them to get their deposit fully refunded. However, the “kick-out clause also benefits the seller.

Sellers don’t want to take their homes off the market only to be stuck waiting around for a buyer that may or may not close. It’s because of this reason that under the “kick-out” clause, sellers are allowed to continue marketing their property for sale while the potential buyer tries to sell his or her primary residence.


The “kick-out” clause from the seller’s side allows the seller to continue marketing the property and if another qualified buyer steps up, the sellers are required to give the original buyers a certain period of time [usually 3 days] to either remove the contingency [proceed with the contract] or they must withdraw themselves from the contract.
Read the fine print

Even if the potential buyers are faced with the three-day kick-out period and decide to proceed with the contract anyway, they may still be able to get out of it because they can’t get financing for the purchase. Most all standard contracts include a contingency that allows the buyer to terminate the contract if they can’t get a loan to purchase the home.

This can get kind of messy for both buyer and seller. Even if the buyer removes the sale contingency and wants to proceed with the purchase, it’s highly unlikely that a lender will approve a home loan until their primary home gets sold first. In a sense, the seller gets the short end of the stick because the potential buyer can still walk and keep their deposit and everything has been a waste of time.

Sellers Beware!

If a seller finds themselves in a situation like this they should include some very specific language to protect themselves. Something if the buyers are presented with the 3-day kick-out period and wish to delete the contingency and proceed with the original contract, they must demonstrate to the sellers [to the satisfaction of the sellers] that they are able to qualify for the loan. In most cases, the buyers don’t have the funds to proceed with the purchase.

Fair to Buyers and Sellers

If you look at it from the buyer’s point of view this agreement is fair as long as the seller doesn’t abuse it, like by using the agreement to get out of the contract because they received a higher offer from a third party.

For sellers, it’s also a fair agreement because even though they have a signed contract, they can continue to market the house. They even have the right to take back up contracts when offered. Sellers should make sure that their real estate agent continues to go full speed on the marketing of the property even after you’ve signed the first contract.

If you need help buying or selling a home in Orlando call us today at 407.902.7750

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