Rising Orlando Foreclosure Filings Can be Deceiving

There’s been a lot of buzz about the rising numbers of foreclosure filings in Orlando. The truth is that the increasing number Orlando Foreclosure filings can be deceiving.

It’s important to know numbers and statistics when you’re a Realtor, it’s even more important to know why things are playing out the way they are.

One of the main reasons that the number of foreclosure filings are at an all time high is because lenders had no choice but to put things on hold while this whole robo-signing fiasco got sorted out.
Now that the lenders and lawyers have had a chance to determine what was done legally or not, it’s back to business as usual for the lenders holding all those delinquent mortgages.   This should lead to a massive increase in inventory and I think we are leading into a “perfect storm” type scenario…In a good way.

This is actually a good thing for everyone involved. Think about it, the seller get’s to proceed with a loan mod or short sale so they can be relieved of their debt and move on with their life, the lender recoups a percentage of their money back, a buyer gets a great deal and an Orlando realtor closes another deal.
It’s a win win for everyone involved.

The fact is… As long as Orlando home prices and mortgage interest rates remain low. It will be a busy  year for Orlando Short Sale Realtors.

If you’re considering an Orlando short sale come in for a free consultation with one of our short sale specialists and get all of your questions answered with absolutely no obligation to work with us. You have everything to gain and nothing to loose.

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