It’s all in a day’s work for an Orlando Short Sale Realtor
Being a successful Orlando short sale realtor involves many things. For one thing, working with a short sale listing is a lot more work than a traditional listing. Listing the property is just the tip of the ice burg. There’s a mountain of paperwork involved that needs to be updated every 30 days, so I guess the correct term would be “mountains” of paperwork because short sales can take several months to complete and sometimes even up to a year, depending on the lender.Daily checklist for a Top Orlando Short Sale Agent
1- Check emails- These days most realtors and most negotiators prefer to communicate by email and when you are handling upwards of 100 short sale files, this means hundreds of emails to read. [Daily] 2- Follow up with the short sale lenders over the phone- This is a very tedious task and can take several hours of your day, but it is a necessary evil when it comes to processing short sales. It’s not uncommon to spend up to 45 minutes on one file just trying to get the right person on the other end of the phone to see how the file is moving along. 3- Check on approaching foreclosure sale dates with the Orange County Courthouse- It’s always good to ask the short sale rep about pending auction dates. However, a lot of times there is a communication breakdown between the lenders, lawyers and the courthouse and unfortunately, that’s just the way it is. This is why at Orlando Realty Consultants we have someone that is in charge of calling the Orange and Osceola county court houses and finding out what the latest information is on each and every case. Many times we inform the lenders of an approaching sale date before they even know about it. 4- Creating accurate CMA’s- With the ever changing Orlando Real Estate market, it’s extremely important to make sure that the properties are priced correctly in order to ensure success with a short sale. Pricing the property too high or too low will only drag things out and can sometimes push the bank to just flat out refuse entertaining a short sale. 5- Scheduling the BPO’s- The BPO [Brokers Price Opinion] is a very important part of the short sale process. The BPO is almost always performed by a local realtor. Whatever the BPO comes in at is the point of negotiation between us and the lender. 6- Negotiating with HOA dues and other 2nd lien holders– It used to be easy to get an Home Owners Association to accept a massive discount on what’s owed on a client’s delinquent dues. Not any more! HOA’s are now notorious for being difficult to negotiate with. We’ve had countless cases where closings have been delayed because of waiting on the HOA’s to send us a simple payoff letter, Even for a full payoff. 7- Coordinating Closings- Having a great title company helps a lot. However there are still many things that fall on the short sale realtor such as scheduling inspections and making sure that everything runs smoothly with all parties involved on both the buyer’s and seller’s side. 8- Update our Short Sale Clients- To us, this is one of the most important things on the to do list. Here at Orlando Realty Consultants, we understand that our short sale clients are going through a tremendous amount of financial and emotional stress because of their situation. This is why we keep our clients informed about everything every step of the way. The more you know about something then the less you will fear it or stress out about it, that’s just human nature. Our clients depend on us to help them through one of the most important processes of their lives and this is something that we take very serious. Well, there you have it folks, a peak into the day of an Orlando Short Sale Expert. If you need help with an Orlando Short Sale or just some free advice from an Orlando Real Estate Expert, contact us, we’re here to help. Jenny Zamora, Lic RE Broker