Short Sale your home before defaulting on your mortgage

Short Sale your home before defaulting on your mortgage…More and more we are starting to see a trend in the world of Orlando short sales and that is,… lenders are increasingly more willing to approve short sales before homeowners actually default on their mortgage and fall into a pre-foreclosure situation. This is a huge deal for homeowners that have been wanting get out of their upside down mortgage and haven’t done so for fear of severely damaging their credit.

According to our records we found that in 2012 about 20% of our short sale files, were deals where the lender had not yet filed for foreclosure against the homeowner. A few of them were deals where the homeowner wasn’t even behind on their mortgage. I for one am praying that this trend continues…for everyone’s sake. It just makes good sense,… if the homeowner is trying to be honest with the bank by letting them know that they will be defaulting before they actually default, why shouldn’t the bank use this information to move things along faster before they start losing money?? It’s a win win situation for everyone involved. The homeowner avoids damage to their credit and the lender avoids losing big money by getting a head start on the whole process of getting the house sold. They don’t have to worry about the mortgage falling behind for more than a few payments and even more importantly,… they don’t have to shell out thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees to start the foreclosure process.

Also, by allowing these “almost distressed” homes to change hands much faster will most likely put them in the hands of new homeowners who have loans they can actually afford, which means they are more likely to be able to afford and maintain the property and these people will be more motivated to be responsible homeowner.

Most Lenders are still not seeing the “Big Picture”

Although some lenders are seeing the light when it comes to getting short sales done before waiting for the homeowner to default, the truth is that most lenders are just not having it. They have a strict set of guidelines that they follow to a ” T “, and there’s just no changing their minds…believe me I’ve tried. Dealing with these lenders can be frustrating, but it’s just part of being a short sale realtor.

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