Orlando Short Sales…anything but short

Short Sales…. Long time

For potential buyers short sales can mean either getting a great deal or going through a very frustrating ordeal. by first impression a short sale implies a getting good deal on a home, kind of like a house as being on sale “houses 30% off! “. However, you should know what’s involved with buying a short sale before making an offer.

A short sale is when the lender agrees to take less than the amount owed in order to get the property sold as opposed to taking it through foreclosure. Before the lender agrees to anything, there’s a whole process that the seller needs to go through and get approval before the bank even agrees to entertain any kind of offer. This process involves the seller getting together an entire package of docs to their lender

Short Sale Docs Required from the Seller

1-Hardship lettter

2-Financial statement or profit and loss [if self employed]

3-Last 2 years tax returns

4-Recent Paystubs

5-Bank statements

6- Listing agreement

7- Purchase and Sales agreement

As you can see from the list above the seller has their homework cut out for them and some sellers aren’t the most organized people which means, just getting this list of docs together could take weeks. Once the package is complete, it is then submitted to the short sale lender.  If you think that’s it… you’re wrong, this is just the beginning. The lender will usually find a few things wrong with the package no matter how well it was put together, something will need to be in a different format, typo o the HUD, missing addendum, etc. it’s always something.

The next thing that will happen is the lender will order a BPO [brokers price opinion]. This is usually a local agent that is hired by the lender to give their opinion of what the property is really worth. Whatever this amount comes in at will be the negotiating point. That means that if your offer is much lower than the BPO amount, the bank will counter your offer until you come to an agreement. Unfortunately, some agents don’t like the extra work involved in going back and forth with the lender to get the best deal possible, so they just stick with the first amount that the lender countered at.

Hopefully, the agent handling the listing is an Orlando short sale specialist, if not it could be a very frustrating experience for both the buyer and the seller.

Buyers that need to buy fast

If you’re a buyer that needs to get into a house quickly for whatever reason, then you probably want to steer clear of short sales. Just because you’ve submitted a fair offer on a property, it doesn’t mean that you’ll get it. Not only that, you may be waiting for a month or 2 before even getting a response on whether your offer was approved or not. My suggestion is to find an Orlando realtor that specializes in the area that you want to live in and tell them what your time frame is. If you can’t find a good deal right away, maybe you should rent for six months. This will allow you more time to find the great deal you’ve been looking for.

Buyers that are in no hurry to buy

If you have all the time in the world to find a great deal on Orlando real estate, then short sales are definitely worth looking into. Find a realtor that is an Orlando short sale specialist in the area that you’re interested in living in. Meet with the realtor and let them know what kind of property you’re interested in buying and where. The agent should provide you with a list of short sale and REO properties in the area that meet your criteria. After you get your list, tell your agent immediately which ones you would like to see and go see them A.S.A.P. Orlando real estate is hot right now and good deals don’t last for very long.

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Fixing your credit after an Orlando short sale

Getting your credit score back on track after your short sale is complete


The local economy is recovering “slowly but surely”, the housing market is getting stronger and the term  “Orlando short sale” has become a household name. Delinquent homeowners generally elect to pursue a short sale as opposed to going through foreclosure or bankruptcy.
Short sales have become so common in fact that it’s hard to find someone that hasn’t heard of a short sale as opposed to just a few short years ago when most people had no clue what a short sale was.


A short sale is when a mortgage holder tries to sell their property for less than what is owed. The delinquent homeowner must first get permission from their lender in order to pursue the short sale. Homeowners will typically seek out a short sale when they can no longer afford to pay the mortgage or the house owes much more than what the property is worth. Banks have come to the realization that they actually lose more money by taking a property to foreclosure as opposed to a short sale.


Many people will argue that a short sale will affect you far less than a foreclosure but the truth is that whether a seller does a short sale or foreclosure the points you lose are about the same. Fair Issac says the average points lost on a FICO score are as follows:

30 days late: 40 to 110 points
90 days late: 70 to 135 points
Foreclosure, short sale or deed-in-lieu: 85 to 160
Bankruptcy: 130 to 240


People who Opt for an Orlando short sale will have a much better chance of qualifying for a mortgage in the future.

It depends a lot on how the lender records or reports the sale once the transaction is complete. A short sale is usually recorded by the lender as a settlement as opposed to a paid debt. When the lender reports the sale as “settled”, it appears on a credit report as the lender accepting less than what  was owed. This will always have a negative affect on credit scores. However, if you’re able to get the lender to record the sale as “paid”, then your credit score will not suffer any further. The chances of this happening are slim to none and it takes some really good negotiating skills by your Orlando realtor with the short sale lender in order to accomplish this improbable task.



According to some mortgage brokers that I work with, it’s much easier to get someone a loan that has a short sale on their credit as opposed to having a foreclosure on their credit, even after several years have passed. The best thing to do once your short sale has gone to closing, is to contact several of these Credit repair companies and find out what they are offering. My suggestion, as always would be to  Google “credit repair companies” and contact all the companies that appear on page 1. Credit repair has become very competitive and most companies will work with you on an affordable payment plan.



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Mortgage Insurance and how it affects Orlando Short Sales

The definition of Mortgage Insurance


In a nutshell, mortgage insurance is an insurance policy which compensates lenders or investors for losses due to the default of a mortgage loan. Mortgage insurance (MI) is required for mortgage loans which exceed 80% of the property’s sale price.

This means that if you are buying a home with less than 20% down, you are obligated to pay for mortgage insurance. The mortgage insurer will charge a premium for this coverage, which may be paid by either the borrower or the lender. If the borrower defaults and the property is sold at a loss, The MI company will pay out the amount as described in the policy. Coverages offered by mortgage insurers can vary from 20% to 50% and higher.



How does mortgage insurance affect an Orlando short sale?

If you’re trying to complete a short sale on your property and there’s a mortgage insurance in place then there are some things that you  need to  be aware of. The decision long longer falls only on the lender, it will also have to be approved the the mortgage insurance company as well. As a mater of fact the MI company is usually the one in charge of the situation.

Typically what happens, especially in regards to 2nd liens, is that the MI company will want a higher payoff than would be the case if the loan did not have MI. This can definitely complicate things because if the 2nd mortgage holder wants a higher pay off than the 1st mortgage holder is willing to pay then the deal can easily fall apart.

The MI company can refuse the short sale offer and kill the deal even if the lender approves it.  Although our office has closed countless short sales that have had MI insurance, I can tell you that there’s a lot more work involved. It’s actually just like dealing with another lien holder.

There are 2 different types of mortgage insurance, one is paid for by the borrower and the other is paid for by the lender.

Borrower-Paid Private Mortgage Insurance (BPMI) – This is default insurance on mortgage loans paid for by borrowers. BPMI allows borrowers to obtain a mortgage without having to provide 20% down payment, by covering the lender for the added risk of a high loan-to-value  mortgage.

Lender-paid private mortgage insurance (LPMI)–LPMI is similar to BPMI except that it is paid for by the lender, and the borrower is often unaware of its existence unless the homeowner tries to do a short sale. The cost of the premium is built into the interest rate charged on the loan. The lender will go ahead and insure themselves if they feel it benefits them.



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