Rising Orlando Foreclosure Filings Can be Deceiving

There’s been a lot of buzz about the rising numbers of foreclosure filings in Orlando. The truth is that the increasing number Orlando Foreclosure filings can be deceiving.

It’s important to know numbers and statistics when you’re a Realtor, it’s even more important to know why things are playing out the way they are.

One of the main reasons that the number of foreclosure filings are at an all time high is because lenders had no choice but to put things on hold while this whole robo-signing fiasco got sorted out.
Now that the lenders and lawyers have had a chance to determine what was done legally or not, it’s back to business as usual for the lenders holding all those delinquent mortgages.   This should lead to a massive increase in inventory and I think we are leading into a “perfect storm” type scenario…In a good way.

This is actually a good thing for everyone involved. Think about it, the seller get’s to proceed with a loan mod or short sale so they can be relieved of their debt and move on with their life, the lender recoups a percentage of their money back, a buyer gets a great deal and an Orlando realtor closes another deal.
It’s a win win for everyone involved.

The fact is… As long as Orlando home prices and mortgage interest rates remain low. It will be a busy  year for Orlando Short Sale Realtors.

If you’re considering an Orlando short sale come in for a free consultation with one of our short sale specialists and get all of your questions answered with absolutely no obligation to work with us. You have everything to gain and nothing to loose.

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Top 4 Tips for Dealing with Orlando Short Sales


Best Practices for Dealing with Orlando Short Sales 

Orlando Short sales are distressed properties in that sell, by mutual agreement between the buyer, homeowner, and the mortgage co, for less than what is owed on the property.

If you’re a seller and you need to stop an Orlando foreclosure on yor hoome,  this a great way not only stop the foreclosure, but to get out of debt with your lender, and many times even walks away with cash from the closing. The best part is that it doesn’t cost you anything so you have nothing to lose!
That’s not all… you can continue living in your house mortgage free while the short sale is being processed which can be for up to 2 years in some cases [depending on the lender].

For buyers, it’s a great way to obtain a real estate investment. Yes, they can be tricky to find and obtain, but are worth the work… sometimes.

Here are 4 tips for short selling in today’s real estate market.

1. The short sale realtor
The final price for a short sale is determined by the lender, not you or the buyer. Many buyers have learned this the hard way because they submitted an offer that did not come anywhere close to the bank’s asking price. This doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself into the asking price, but you do have to start from there and work your way down. Doing this will increase your odds of the bank accepting your bid.
Unfortunately, if you have an Orlando realtor that is not experienced in doing short sales then you have a big problem. The realtor has to be willing to negotiate with the bank and be ready to show proof as to why the offer is what it is by doing a market analysis on the property among other things.

An Orlando Short Sale Expert will go back and forth with the lender several times before coming to a mutual agreement that works for all parties involved. With some lenders like B of A we’ve had short sale files that have taken over 2 years to close. If your Orlando realtor is not willing to be persistant and stay the course with the lender for as long as it takes, then you probably hired the wrong Orlando real estate agent for the job.

2. Be careful of going too low
Another tip is to avoid going too low when you submit your offer. A bank has to balance the benefit of having a buyer take the property off of its hands without having to go through foreclosure and spend more money versus accepting far too little for the property and missing out on a lot of money. If your offer is too low chances are that they won’t accept it. However, a good realtor will guide you through this process as well.

3. Have your Orlando agent check comparable homes
This one should go without saying. You have to know what the true value of the property is, as well as how much, if anything,  you plan to spend on repairs or upgrades. If there are substantial repairs that need to happen, this can be  great for justifying  your offer. This is why you should work with an experienced realtor so that he or she can you through this process.

4. Have your Financing Ready
When you’re searching for an Orlando short sale, make sure that you have your financing in place and ready to go.  If your realtor shows you a property that you love, chances are that someone else loved it to and usually the first person to submit a solid offer to the bank will get their offer accepted. If you’re a cash buyer then your offer stands an even better chance to get accepted.

Remember, Shortsales take time and you have to be patient . If the bank rejects your first offer, which happens a lot, address their concerns and make them a counter offer. Thousands of Orlando properties that were purchased would not have been bought if the buyers sdid not stay the course and stick it out. Considering the stabilizing market my advice to clients is to send in your highest and best offer from the start. I’ve had clients lose their dream house over a couple thousand dollars and every single one has wished that they would’ve gone up that extra two or three grand.



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2012… Year of the Orlando Short Sale

Will 2012 be the Year of the Orlando Short Sale? 

Since mid-2006, residential values in Florida have declined by 51 percent. Hundreds of thousands of properties have been, or are, in foreclosure and huge numbers of homes have been repossessed. Check out these numbers for the state of Florida.
• 150,000 residential properties in Florida have been repossessed, and are now REO’s.
• 371,000 foreclosure cases are open in courts today.
• 530,000 residential mortgage loans are at least 90 days past due and in default.
•265,000 homeowners have not made a mortgage payment in more than two years.
•1 million residences are in some form “distressed,” whether in foreclosure, owned by banks or in default.
• 46 percent of mortgages are “under water” … in other words, the debt exceeds the current market value of the residential property.
809,… this is the average number of days to process a foreclosure in Florida — It’s easy to understand why Orlando short sales have become so popular with both lenders and sellers, because are the best option for both parties and they create positive movements in the total market.
Will 2012 be the Year of the Orlando Short Sale? I think so, I also think that 2013 might be an even stronger Year of the Short Sale in Orlando because of the volume of pending foreclosures.

There was a group of 150 people that consisted of analysts, lawyers, bankers, real estate agents and developers who attended a forum that more lenders are warming to short sales. They all agreed that distressed homeowners are overcoming their psychological hurdles and coming to terms with the financial implications of an Orlando short sale.

Although, the impacts of Orlando foreclosures and short sales and the fear of more to come are still a threat and prevent value appreciation from returning to its previous levels, there are still some positive signs of growth in the market.

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Orlando Short Sale Listings Rise Dramatically

The market is seeing a remarkable spike in Orlando short sales, an increase in overall median sales price for existing homes and increases in median sales prices for foreclosed properties. The Orlando Regional Realtor Association (ORRA) reported that in November 2011, short sales jumped 39.38 percent versus prior year sales.  Surprisingly, the accompanying median sales prices jumped by 7.07 percent; rising from $99,000 to $106,000.  The fact is that 73 percent of homes under contract and pending closing are short sales” …Wow! That’s a big number.
Although the performance stats for the Orlando real estate market are encouraging we’re not out of the woods yet. The good news is that there will be some great real estate deals in Orlando for some time to come. If you need to get your Orlando house sold for top dollar quickly, contact us today.

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