3 Things To Help Orlando Realtors Stay Positive

With all the New Year’s resolutions that have fallen by the wayside, it’s time to get up, brush yourself off, and get refocused. Being a real estate professional is not easy and can be mentally as well as physically demanding, especially when that deal that you worked so hard for just fell apart. That’s why it’s very important to implement healthy habits that will help you to perform at the best of your ability. I’m not talking about spending two hours a day at the gym or going on an extreme no carb and no fat diet. As a matter of fact, if you make changes that are too extreme, then you are sure to fail miserably. What I’m suggesting is to implement small changes to your habits that you can do consistently.

Many years before I became an Orlando realtor  I was a personal trainer. I used to design routines for people who either wanted to lose weight or to get into better shape than they already were. Being a trainer, I learned that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for the next person which is why they call it “personal training”.   However, today I want to share a few tips and tweaks that real estate agents can use in their day-to-day lives to become healthier and more active.

1. Eat Smaller Meals- How many times have you gone out for lunch and ended up eating too much to the point where you just want to take a nap afterward? It’s a pretty bad feeling, especially when you have work to do! The last thing a potential client wants to see is their realtor yawning at a listing appointment. If you’re like me and have a big appetite, then drink a big glass of water before ordering your lunch. This will make you less hungry and cause you to order a smaller portion.

2. Walk Faster and More Often- I’m not saying you should speed walk to your listing or showing appointments. What I am saying is that when you do walk, walk a bit faster than you normally do whenever possible like walking to the copier, going to the bathroom, walking through the supermarket, etc. Also, take a nice long walk after dinner. Not only will it help your digestion and burn some calories but walking helps you to clear your mind and think more clearly. Whenever I’m frustrated about something or have a problem that needs solving, a good long walk always seems to get my wheels turning.

3. Maintain A Positive Attitude- Working as an Orlando realtor, I know firsthand how hard it can be to maintain a positive attitude when things just aren’t going the way you would like them to. Dealing with clients that are upset about their shot sale falling apart or buyers that you’ve already shown 20 houses to decide it’s not a good time to buy, etc. Being a realtor means that you regularly encounter negative people and it’s important that you not let the negativity affect you and your job. Try thinking about 2 or 3 things that you are appreciative of like how well your kids are doing in school or that wonderful vacation that you’ve been planning with your family.

As real estate agents, it’s crucial that we maintain a positive attitude if we want to be successful. The tips that I’ve shared with you today have served me well over the years and will hopefully help you too!   https://orlandorealtyconsultants.com/

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