Choosing an Orlando Realtor, Technology Vs. Experience

Choosing an Orlando Realtor

The younger generation is all about using the latest technology available to communicate socially as well as promote their career no matter what profession they are in. Young Orlando real estate agents especially rely on using the latest technology thinking that this will give them some kind of edge over more experienced Orlando Realtors. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I think it’s better to have a balance of both the old and new school way of doing things. But if I had to pick one way or another, I would go old school strictly because more experienced agents are just that…more experienced.


There’s just no substitute for good old-fashioned “been there, done that” experience. It’s kind of like the soldier that’s worked his way up the ranks through being on the battlefield as opposed to another soldier with the same rank spending all of his time inside of a classroom. Which one would you rather have at your side in a real situation? I don’t know about you, but I will pick the battle-tested soldier every time!


Lately, I see newer real estate agents that are really skilled at using the latest technology but they lack the basics of what it really means to be a really good real estate agent. I’m talking about what to do when you’re face to face with a seller or buyer on an appointment. Learning how to do a good old fashion presentation of what services they can offer as a real estate agent and not just how many real estate apps you have on your smartphone or how many likes you have on your Facebook Fan Page. At the end of the day, those aren’t the most important things that will enable someone to become a quality real estate agent.

I’m always hearing about RE offices having training courses where newer agents that are tech-savvy teach older agents about technology. I think this is a great idea for older agents that want to get up to speed on the latest real estate tools and technology. However, I think it would also be beneficial to have the more experienced agents teach newbie agents about the basics. I would even go so far as to not allow any i phones or computers of any kind during the training to really get the point across that it’s not all about technology. Why not have new agents go out on a ride-along with the more experienced agents, then discuss what could’ve been done differently to make it a more successful appointment.


The Best Option is Hiring an Experienced Orlando Realtor That is Also Tech-Savvy

I’ve been an Orlando real estate agent since 2005, and when this whole wave of new technology hit the real estate profession, I learned very quickly that I would need to keep up with it or it would hurt my business. In our brokerage “Orlando Realty Consultants” technology is absolutely essential because of the number of clients that we have. We have systems in place to help us streamline our business as well as keep things organized and running smoothly.

Real estate buyers and sellers these days are very demanding and they have every right to be.  After all, buying or selling a house is one of the most important transactions that will occur in someone’s lifetime. The real estate software that we use in our company enables us to communicate often and easily with our clients keeping them in the loop with almost daily updates of what’s happening with their house. We also have a tool on our website that makes it extremely easy for buyers to search out homes that are for sale throughout the state of Florida from the comfort of their own homes…Just like a pro!


So I think that when you’re looking for a real estate to handle your home buying or selling needs, try to find one that is not only experienced but is also familiar with the technology. By doing this, you will have the best of what both worlds have to offer to make your experience far more pleasant while striving to achieve your real estate goals.


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