Home Maintenance: Things You Should Be Checking During The Winter

Home maintenance is extremely important year-round, but even more so during the winter months. With winter comes cold, freezing weather, snow, ice, and more that can cause additional damage to different areas of your home. By taking the necessary precautions and ensuring that you have done maintenance to your home before winter hits, you will be avoiding different common problems that may occur simply due to the weather Below are a few different things that you should be checking in your home either during or before winter to ensure that you will be able to live comfortably throughout the season with little to no issues.

Heating System Tune-Ups

The last thing that you will want to happen during the winter is for your heating system to stop working correctly. This may leave you with a cold house that can be dangerous when temperatures reach freezing levels. Take the proper home maintenance steps and take advantage of heating system tune-ups from professional HVAC technicians who know what they are doing. A tune-up includes a complete check of your furnace or heat pump to ensure that everything is clean and working properly. It also determines if there is any carbon monoxide leakage. This standard maintenance tip is highly important during the winter.

Roof Repairs

Before winter, you will want to make your way up onto the roof to determine if any repairs will need to be made. Some things that you should look for include loose or missing shingles. When snow, ice and freezing rain occur during winter, you may be dealing with major roof leaks and additional damage if the necessary maintenance is not done in advance. Other roofing tips include removing any leaves, pine needles and debris that can hold extra moisture on the roof during the winter. Those who have taken advantage of a real estate warranty may be able to receive their major repairs for cheaper than the regular going rate.

Cleaning the Gutters

Another part of your home that you will want to check before or during winter are the gutters. If your gutters are backed up and full of debris such as leaves, they may cause leaks within your home and ice dams to occur when the snow and rain simply have nowhere to go. Roofing, siding and wood trim can be damaged by blocked gutters. Regularly clean out your gutters and inspect for any damage to avoid problems in the winter.

Outdoor Faucets

Check to ensure that your outdoor faucets are turned off during the winter. While they may not leaking water, that does not always mean that they are turned off completely. Un-drained water in your pipes can lead to the water freezing as temperatures drop. This can cause the pipes to burst as the ice expands within them. Simply turn off the water valve in your home and disconnect your garden hose to check for remaining water and to allow it to drain from the faucet with ease.

Air Leaks and Insulation

If your home is prone to lots of icicles and ice dams, you will want to take the necessary precautions to prevent water from leaking into your home. Hire a professional to check for and to repair any air leaks found around your home and insufficient insulation within the attic of the household. Insufficient insulation can lead to ice dams which can cause major problems during the cold winter months.

Other home maintenance tips for the winter include reversing your ceiling fans, caulking around windows and doors, and diverting water away from your home. By taking advantage of these tips, your home is sure to be in tip-top shape this winter season.

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5 Ways to Determine When You Need a New Roof

Your roof is a primary factor in your home. It provides essential protection and shelter for your home. As the years go by, your roof endures many different things, such as weather and normal wear and tear. Many homes have asphalt shingle roofs. These roofs have an average life of 8 to 10 years.

You should make necessary repairs to your roof as you notice them. Prolonging repairs could cause extensive, permanent damage to your roof. Unless you have been trained to repair a roof, it will in your best interest to hire a professional roofing company. Here are 5 signs that you need to look into getting a new roof for your home.

1. Visible Damages

Visible damages are the most common way to determine whether or not your roof needs to be replaced. If you can see shingles out of alignment or with large tears, you know that the problem needs to be addressed. When shingles need to be replaced, they will be weak and become brittle. These shingles often break or split, and should be replaced immediately to avoid expensive damages.

2. Dark Patching

Dark patching on your roof is yet another indication that you need a new roof. Shingles that frequently face sunlight will usually have dark patches on the surface. Shingles obtain stone granules that keep the asphalt from being exposed to sunlight. When the layer of stone granules begins to wear away, asphalt is exposed, causing black patches. Dark streaks can also be due to algae starting to grow on them. This should be treated by spraying a special solution to kill the growth. An expert can help you determine the problem and solution needed as necessary.

3. Gutter Granules

If you have shingles that are dark in color, it will be difficult to tell when the granules are starting to wear away. One way to determine when granules are wearing off of your shingles is to check your gutters, downspouts, and valleys for granule debris. If you find a lot of granules in these areas, it’s a pretty clear sign that a replacement roof will be needed soon.

4. Curling Shingles

Many people do not realize how important attic ventilation is. Temperatures within an attic are known to be high. If proper ventilation is an issue, the heat will try to find other means of ventilation. This is the primary reason singles curl at the edges or begin to form a cup formation. If this problem occurs, you may be able to replace just the curling shingles for a while, but it is also a sign a new roof would be a good idea soon.

5. Seepage

Due to the weather, flashings, and sealants have to fight a war throughout the year. Severe weather can cause rusted flashing, sealants that are cracked, and membranes that are peeling. For this reason, these instances need to be checked frequently. If you see these signs, plan on getting a roofer to do a replacement soon.

Replacing a roof can be a complex task to complete if you do not know what to look for or how to install the required materials. If you’re looking for a roofing company in Vancouver or whatever your local area may be, there will most likely be a number of solid options that you can choose from. Check review sites like AngiesList to make sure they have received good reviews. Using a professional roofing company can save you time and money in the end. If your roof hasn’t been replaced for 7-10 years, look for the 5 signs listed above to know when it the time has come to contact a good roofer.

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Summer Home: How to Keep Your Property Protected

Summer homes are fantastic getaways while you’re using them, but they can be a constant source of anxiety and expense when you aren’t. Any number of little problems can turn into very big ones if you aren’t there to catch them, so being able to protect your vacation property is of paramount importance.

Protect Your Property from Thieves

One of the biggest concerns for vacation homeowners is protecting their properties from burglars and vandals. In this case, a security system can be a smart investment. It’s also helpful to choose a vacation property that is near-permanent residents, with a neighborhood watch program, or in a vacation community with its own security. While it might be tempting to choose a vacation home that lets you get away from it all, it also means it’ll take longer for police or security to respond to an emergency.

Protect Your Property from Fires

Fires are absolutely devastating, but they can often be prevented. Unplug appliances that won’t be in use while you’re away. Turn off energy vampires like water heaters, and you’ll even save money on your electric bill. Lastly, make sure that your furnaces or other heaters are properly serviced and maintained. Just because a heater is only used during vacation, doesn’t mean that it’s okay to neglect it; even underused furnaces need some love to keep them operating safely and efficiently.

Protect Your Property from Floods

Many people associate flooding with beach, or lake-front vacation homes, but they aren’t the only victims. Any area with below-freezing temperatures can suffer from leaking or burst pipes. Tree roots can also damage pipes and lead to leaks, blockages, and flooding. Don’t set yourself up for a nasty surprise– turn off the main water supply to the house before you leave to return to your regular home, and have a good plumber to call in case of emergencies.

You can’t foresee every emergency, but many of the worst ones are preventable. A good security system can prevent break-ins. If your vacation home is in Orlando, AC repair companies in Orlando can help keep your heating system safe and running smoothly all year round. Orlando service companies can help you keep your vacation home dry and your water flowing. By properly closing up your vacation home at the end of the season, and knowing who to call when things go wrong, you’ll be able to keep your vacation home problem-free.

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Five Common Household Dilemmas And How To Deal With Them

Whether you own or rent a home, it can be an adventure to deal with the myriad of fun issues and problems that can pop up with maintaining and caring for a house. While most of us can hang a picture, replace burnt out light bulbs, and take care of a wobbly table, many of us probably aren’t sure what to do with a few of the other bigger problems that can arise. Learn below about a few of the most common problems that plague home dwellers and how you can solve them.

Refrigerator Is Too Warm

You love opening the refrigerator door to grab a cold drink, but you probably don’t love opening the door and finding your food is sitting in there at room temperature. Before you toss the appliance, get behind the refrigerator and look at the coils. Debris, including dust and trash, can settle in the coils and cause the components to overheat. If you have animals around the house, you might find fur trapped back there. Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to gently brush away the debris. Granted there may be other issues, but this can often do the trick.

Dryer Doesn’t Heat

If it takes longer to dry your clothes than it did before, your filter might be the culprit. Even if you can’t see lint or dust trapped on the filter, a closer look might reveal a thin film of fabric softener left behind. Take the time to check the vent as well. Anything blocking the vent can stop the dryer from working properly. Cleaning the filter vent and reinstalling it should help.

Leaking Pipes and Appliances

When your pipes leak or your air conditioner releases a large amount of condensation, you can have a serious problem on your hands. As the water runs down the walls and settles under the floor, you can develop water damage. An expert in water damage restoration San Juan residents can call has suggested that water damage isn’t always easy to spot. Look for areas of discoloration or sagging in wall or ceiling materials. Even if you already know how to repair the damage or take care of the leaks, you can find more help at Orlando Service Help dot com.

Blocked Shower Head

A blocked shower head reduces your water pressure and can leave you feeling dirty after a shower. Here’s one you’ve probably never heard: one of the simplest solutions is using foaming denture tablets. Take the head out of the shower, place it in a large bucket of water, drop two tablets in the bottom and add enough water to cover the head. Rinse off the head before using it after the tablets do the hard work.

Pesky Insects

You may be able to take care of insects taking over your home with a few bay leaves. Bay has a naturally strong scent that repels ants and other bugs. Drop a few leaves in any jars or open containers that you use around the kitchen, and tuck a few leaves near any entrance to your home.

It’s generally not too long before some issue will arise with a home. Following these simple tips will help you conquer at least a few of the common household problems you might face.

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