The top 5 Reasons why you should invest in Orlando real estate


 Orlando is famous for being one of the most frequently visited cities in the world. Currently, the demand for Orlando real estate is approaching an all-time high. In fact, Orlando not only attracts buyers from other U.S. states, but it also attracts more buyers from other countries than any other city in the world. It just makes more sense to people investing in real estate as opposed to investing in the unstable world of the stock markets. Historically low mortgage rates are also a huge reason why smart investors are on the hunt for an Orlando investment property.

There are several reasons why Orlando is known as “The City Beautiful”. Read along and find out why “in my opinion” Orlando  is a great place to invest in real estate.

1. Natural scenic beauty – It’s a well-known fact that Orlando is a place filled with natural beauty including clear blue lakes, lush green forests and hosts a large variety of wildlife that is just to vast to mention. This is just one of the reasons that many Orlando neighborhoods create the perfect setting for raising a family. Living amidst such natural beauty is a temptation for any family to call Orlando home.

2. Great Weather conditions – One of the most influential reasons why people want to live in Orlando is the weather. Known for its almost year-round warm and tropical climate, Orlando is now home to countless snowbirds that have had enough of bone chilling temperatures of their hometown. With only a couple of months of moderately cool weather, Orlando provides a much welcomed change for people coming from the Northern states.   

3. Housing inventory – Although inventory is limited right now because of the huge demand for housing in Orlando, there are more investment opportunities popping up every day. For the smart investor that is constantly on the lookout for his next project, Orlando real estate provides the perfect vehicle to make a full-time living out of real estate investing.

4. There’s Always a Demand for Luxury Homes– There’s is always a unique demand for luxury homes in Orlando. These homes are rented out with both long-term as well as short-term rental contracts. Given the high tourism numbers year round, luxury rentals are always in high demand and render good profits for investors that own such properties. Because of the rising demand for luxury vacation homes, investors know that they will have no problem in getting these homes occupied.

5. Major Tourist attractions- With world class amusement and theme parks such as SeaWorld,  Walt Disney World and Universal Studios  all located in Orlando, the real estate market will always be strong.  The proximity of a house to these tourist attractions will only add to its value.

As a potential investor, there are a million reasons to  invest in Orlando real estate. With the help of our website you can Search Orlando properties like a pro in the comfort of your own home. Within seconds you’ll have a list of great Orlando properties for sale complete with listing price, photos and every other detail you want to know about the property.


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Beware of online Orlando Real Estate ads for rent

Online real estate rental scams are still on the rise

Unfortunately, their are people in this world that are just hardwired to be scammers. The internet age has made things even easier for these scammers to rip off unsuspecting victims especially in the rental arena of Orlando real estate. Scammers will actually post Craigslist ads for properties that are for rent on the Florida MLS but, their asking rent is always much less than what the real asking rent is. This is what makes the ad so enticing, people see the and and say “Wow a 3bd 2 bth in Downtown Orlando for only $500 per month! I ‘d better snatch it up before someone else does”.

Then they continue to exchange emails back and forth with the so-called owner, which of course, happens to be traveling out of the country because he is soo successful and busy. The so-called owner will then request the first and last month’s rent via Western Union in order for the renter to lock in the contract before someone else does. The next thing you know they’re sending 1st and last month’s rent to an internet thief after signing a completely bogus rental agreement.

It’s human nature to be attracted to anything that seems like it’s a great deal. These ads are designed to arouse your curiosity and get you excited about moving into a house that you would normally not be able to afford,… a real lifestyle changer. The problem is that people get so caught up in the idea of moving into their dream house, that their judgment gets clouded and they are no longer thinking straight. Unfortunately, I’ve heard countless stories like these over the years and the sad part is that these types of rental and purchase scams are still on the rise.

Hire an Orlando Realtor and prevent getting burned

Many people don’t like to use realtors because they think that they can save money by finding their own Orlando property to rent and avoid paying a commission by dealing directly with the owner. The truth is that dealing directly with the property owner [even if it’s the real owner] is like going to court without a lawyer. Landlords love it when they get a renter that is not represented by an Orlando realtor. They know that they will not only  be able to control the situation completely but they don’t have to pay a realtor commission.

The place where someone lives is the most important place in their lives. This is the place where you and your family come together for shelter, safety, food, rest, entertainment, etc. Like Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home”.

This is why it’s soo important to use a licensed Orlando Realtor to find a place to live, whether it’s to rent or own. By trying to save a few hundred bucks upfront, you could end up paying a lot more than that by doing things on your own. Orlando real estate agents are trained to go through contracts and to make sure that everything is done legally as well as look out for your best interest. Top Orlando realtors are also much better negotiators than the average person which means that you might even be able to get a better price on a rental than you would have on your own.

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School’s Out and Orlando Real Estate is as Hot as the Summer Sun

Orlando Real Estate is Hot, Hot, Hot

Orlando’s summer home-buying season is here. With school being out, parents don’t have to worry about pulling their kids out before the end of the year. There is a sense of urgency in the air and potential home buyers are scrambling to buy a piece of Orlando Realty before the beginning of the new school year. Potential Orlando home buyers are out in record numbers actively searching for their next home. The problem is that there is just not enough inventory to keep up with the demand for Orlando Real Estate.

As an Orlando realtor, I am constantly showing homes to potential buyers, and finding the right one is not always an easy task. When I come across a terrific Orlando property that my clients love, I will almost always recommend them go above the asking price. Orlando real estate is a hot commodity once again and when you find a great deal, you’d better move fast or be ready to miss out. Now that the summer is upon us this is more true than ever.

When it was a buyers market, I would have to show a potential home buyer between 6 and 10 homes before they would even consider putting in an offer on one of them, buyers had the luxury of being extra picky. This made things a lot harder on realtors forcing many Orlando agents to pursue other ways to make a living.

Submitting a full price offer on an Orlando Home may not be enough

The problem these days is that you can’t make an offer soon enough. And sometimes when you send in the offer and there are already multiple offers on the table.  Although this can get frustrating for buyers, part of being an Orlando realtor is to guide our clients on their home buying mission every step of the way. If a client of mine really likes a certain Orlando property, I will almost always suggest that they offer more than the listing price to ensure that they have a chance at getting their offer accepted.

Following up with the Agent is Crucial

The sign of an experienced Orlando Realtor is that they know how to follow up. Many times, listing agents get overwhelmed and if you don’t stay on top of them, your offer could get pushed to the side or end up on the “back burner”.  It’s the realtor’s job to not only submit the offer but to make sure the offer was received and follow up, follow up, follow up. Unfortunately, there are agents out there that don’t always follow the rules like they are supposed to so that they can drive up the price and increase their commission. This is why it’s important to have a Top Orlando Realtor looking out for your best interest.

Happy House Hunting!

Jenny Zamora, Lic RE Broker

Sell A house in Orlando

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Certified Distressed Property Experts and Orlando Real Estate

What is a Certified Distressed Property Expert [CDPE]?

It means that an Orlando Realtor with the CDPE designation is someone that is supposed to understand the complex and ever-changing issues in today’s Orlando Real Estate market. The agent should have knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. A CDPE can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships.

Many times Orlando homeowners make the mistake of trying to do things on their own when they’ve fallen into foreclosure. This is always a bad idea because when someone is in financial distress, they’re just not thinking clearly, especially with the emotional burden of potentially losing their Orlando home to foreclosure.

Speaking with a realtor that is CDPE certified, also known as an “Orlando Short Sale Expert” is by far the best course of action to take. First of all, it doesn’t cost you a cent to consult with an Orlando realtor [if a realtor ever tries to charge you for a consultation, turn around and walk away], so you have absolutely nothing to lose in this regard. CDPEs have the tools, knowledge, and experience to help homeowners figure out the best solutions for their specific solution through the execution of an Orlando short sale or loan modification.

Are you considering an Orlando Short Sale?

If you’re currently looking for an Orlando Short sale Expert, make sure to select an agent that possesses the CDPE designation to make sure that you have a trained professional to address your specific needs.  CDPEs have an obligation to go above and beyond for their clients in need and you shouldn’t settle for anything less.

It’s not just about the CDPE Designation…

With all of that being said about CDPEs, it’s important to also consider the amount of experience the Orlando agent has had as a CDPE and what is their success rate with short sales in Orlando. This is something that is easily researched online or even better… ask your potential agent to show you proof of how many short sales listings they have and also ask them how many short sales they’ve closed in the past 6 months.

Another great option that may save you some time is just Google Orlando Short Sales and see what comes up. The top three results that come up should give you a great starting point. Like most people in the world today, I use Google for just about everything.

You want an agent that’s aggressive and doesn’t take no for an answer. Working with short sales is tough and you need an agent that is willing to go toe to toe with the bank for you. Unfortunately, this kind of tenacity and work ethic is something that is difficult to teach, realtors either have or don’t have.

Ask me anything, I’m here to help.

Jenny Zamora, Lic RE Broker.  Certified Distressed Property Expert

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“Florida Hardest Hit” program makes Qualifying for foreclosure prevention easier than ever


Florida Hardest Hit” program is helping Orlando homeowners in a big way.


Florida Hardest Hit is part of a federal initiative to help states devastated by the housing crash. Last week state housing officials announced changes to a $1 billion foreclosure prevention program that will make it easier for qualified homeowners to get more money.  As an Orlando Realtor this makes me happy because although not everyone will qualify for this program, it will be a savior for many Orlando homeowners.

The program offers money to cover mortgage payments for homeowners who are unemployed or in jobs with salaries below what they need for basic living expenses. Funds also are used to bring delinquent mortgages current for people who have returned to work or found higher-paying jobs.

One of the major new changes to the program is that homeowners that apply to Florida’s Hardest Hit Fund don’t have to be at least 180 days late on their mortgage to get qualified. Also, it will no longer be a requirement that loans have to be originated on or before Jan 1, 2009 and If you were formerly denied by the program you will now be able to reapply.

Keep in mind that these changes must be approved by the U.S. Treasury and likely won’t be effective for at least six to eight weeks.
One of the proposed changes is that unemployed homeowners can receive as much as $24,000 back to pay their mortgage over 1 year. Right now it stands at $12,000 which is a huge difference. Orlando homeowners also may be eligible for as much as $18,000 to bring past-due mortgages current. Although the program only began in April 2011, homeowners are already complaining that the Hardest Hit requirements were too restrictive.


Florida Hardest Hit has helped more than 5,540 homeowners statewide.


“Florida Hardest Hit” current qualifications for an eligible Orlando homeowner:


*Must be a Florida resident

*Must occupy property as primary residence (the property cannot be vacant, abandoned or rented)

*Borrower/co-borrower must be unemployed or underemployed through no fault of his/her own, which makes the first mortgage unaffordable

*Must have documented total household income at or below 140% of the area median income (AMI), adjusted for household size

*Must have an active checking/savings account that can be debited by the ACH method of funds transfer

*May not have unencumbered assets of $5,000 or more, or three times the current monthly mortgage payment (whichever is greater)

*Cannot have a bankruptcy that has not been discharged or dismissed

*Cannot have been convicted of a mortgage-related felony in the last 10 years.

To learn more about the program, contact an Orlando Realty Expert 


Ask me anything, I’m here to help.

Orlando Real Estate Broker

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