How Do Orlando Real Estate Agents Get Paid?

I was meeting with a client last earlier this week that was looking for a 4-bedroom home in East Orlando. At one point in our meeting, she looked at me with a blank stare on her face and asked me how much I was going to charge her to find her a house. Just at that moment, I realized just how many pieces there are to the puzzle in a real estate transaction.

As Orlando real estate agents, we’re aware of everything involved with buying and selling homes because it’s our profession and it’s something we do every day. However, a first-time buyer may be completely clueless about how a real estate transaction works. That’s why it’s our job as real estate agents to make sure the buyers and sellers are completely informed about every last detail of the transaction they are about to be involved in.

Typically the buyer’s agent’s commission gets paid by the seller. Here’s how it works… The agent representing the seller AKA the “Seller’s agent” signs an agreement with the seller AKA a “Listing agreement” to pay a specific amount of commission in order to sell the home. Then the listing agent will enter the listing into the Multiple Listing Service [MLS] and based on whatever amount they agreed upon with their client, they will usually offer the buyer’s agent 50% of the commission. When the transaction is complete both agents are paid out of the seller’s proceeds.

How do Realtors get paid when it’s a short sale?

It works a bit differently when it’s a short sale or foreclosure situation. In a short sale scenario, the seller is upside down on their mortgage which means that there is more money owed on the property than the property is actually worth. A short sale is a pre-foreclosure arrangement between the seller in which the lender is agreeing to the sale of a property for less than what is owed in order to re-cooperate some of their money. This usually means that the seller is financially unable to bring any money at all to the table. In this case, the Bank pays both real estate agents. Banks will usually approve a commission of 5% or 6% which is to be split 50/50 by both agents involved.

There is one situation in which the buyer pays the commission which is pretty rare. Some homeowners choose to sell their property “For Sale By Owner” in order to avoid paying any commission at all on the sale of their home. In rare cases like these, the buyer pays the agent when the transaction closes. It’s never a good idea for a buyer to enter into a real estate transaction without the representation of a licensed Orlando realtor. 

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A Real estate agent plays many key roles in getting the transaction closed. A realtor can also play the role of negotiator making sure that the buyer gets the best price possible on the property, most of the time the amount of money that a buyer saves on the transaction far exceeds what they agreed to pay the agent.

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Demystifying the Short Sale Process


For those buyers facing an imminent threat of foreclosure, a short sale is a viable option indeed. Through a short sale, the seller eliminates the debt burden that comes with his value- depleted property that no longer attracts enough of a sale price to pay off the loan in full. Scores of homeowners saddled with underwater properties have taken the help of short-sale negotiators to get a reasonable price for their homes in recent times. If you are looking for advice and information on Orlando short sales, read on. 


Getting the Short Sale Package Approved


This is the first step in your Orlando short sales process. Your lender needs to approve your sale of the property at a price that is less than your total debt due to him. To do this, he needs to be sure that you cannot afford to pay off his loan from other sources (e.g.: your savings).  The first step of the short sale is for you to present a short sale package to the lender. This package outlines an overview of your finances and your credit score along with a hardship letter and the home’s documents indicating the purchase price. Once the lender is convinced that a short sale is your best option, he approves the process.


Listing the Property


Now it is time to present the property in the best possible way so that you can attract the most number of buyers. Working with reputed Orlando realtors who are also experienced short-sale negotiators is a great advantage at this stage. The realtor has an understanding of the market and the skill to present your property as a good buy to prospective homeowners. Locate a realtor who has a deep insight of the current Orlando real estate market so that you can price your home right. The Orlando realtor will also ensure that your home appears in all the right listings so that it is highly visible in the marketplace.


Sell the Home and Get Rid of Your Debt

Once your home gets an offer you like, it is time to start processing the short sale. Your lender may require several documents to process the actual sale. Here too, an experienced Orlando short sale realtor can prove to be of immense help. Collect all the documents and present them to your lender for approval of the proposal. Once he gives his approval, the sale can be finalized and closed. In some situations, the lender may reject the proposal.


If this does happen to you, don’t give up hope. Ask your lender to give the reasons for rejection in writing. There may be some negotiations that you can do with the buyer/ lender with the help of your Orlando realtor to ensure that the proposal is tweaked to meet his approval.


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Lake Nona Medical City Making a Huge Impact on Orlando Real Estate

It’s been referred to as the new chapter in the history of Orlando. Lake Nona Medical City is becoming a monumental landmark not just for Orlando but as a premier location for medical care, research as well as education. Meticulously planned out, it represents an obvious strategy to build a focused cluster of the world’s most sophisticated medical treatments, education, and research in Central Florida.

Over the next ten years, some of the country’s top hospitals, research institutions, and universities will call Lake Nona Medical City home while enhancing economic development and as well as build a job creation machine for Orlando. Also, speaking as an Orlando Realtor, I firmly believe that it will continue to positively affect Orlando real estate.

Lake Nona’s Medical City Economic Impact Could Exceed That of Walt Disney World!

Many people say that Orlando’s Lake Nona medical facility will produce a boost in the local economy that will exceed that of alt Disney World when it opened its doors in 1971. How on earth can that be considering Disney World’s Orlando location currently employs over 60,000 people?!

The reason is that Lake Nona’s 600+ acre “Medical City” contains a combination of some of the world’s most brilliant medical minds together with biotechnology-driven health care facilities. Located just 10 minutes from Orlando International Airport, this cluster will be an economic freight train for Central Florida.

The Lake Nona Medical City will bring over thirty thousand jobs to Orlando and will have a projected 7.8 billion dollars on the local economy over the next 10 years. This doesn’t include the small businesses that are and will continue springing up around the facility.

Some of the facilities located in Lake Nona Medical City

*UCF’s new health sciences campus at Lake Nona. This 50+ acre campus will employ over four hundred full-time and part-time employees.

*The Sanford Burnham Medical Research Institute spent over $85 million on its state-of-the-art research center and will become home to three hundred of the country’s top scientists and staff.

*Veterans Affairs Medical Center is expected to serve over 400,000 veterans and is also the national site for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs Medical Simulations Center for Excellence. The total cost for building this facility was in the neighborhood of 665 million dollars and will employ more than 2,000 people.

*The University of Florida will have a 100,000-square-foot biomedical research facility worth over 61 million dollars.

It’s pretty amazing when you think about all of these medical and biomedical facilities located in one Florida community. This is great news for Orlando as well as the state of Florida. One thing is for sure the jobs that Lake Nona Medical City will create as well the small businesses it will help will do wonders for the local economy as well as continue to fuel the Orlando Real Estate market.

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Online Property Searches in are More Popular than Ever! – Orlando Real Estate

Several years ago in the not-so-distant past, potential home buyers would start searching for a house the traditional way which was by calling up an Orlando realtor in the area where they want to live. The next step would be for the buyer to give the agent all the criteria that they were looking for in a home and wait for the agent to provide a list of great homes to go see. However if the buyer chose the wrong agent to work with, there are several things that can go wrong such as the agent coming back with a list of properties that the buyer doesn’t like, or maybe the agent won’t call back at all. Either way, this was very frustrating for homebuyers but unfortunately, they had no other choice than to search for properties by using a realtor. The whole key to finding the perfect home all hinged on finding the right agent first.

Buyers are now able to search the MLS just like a real real estate agent

The web has truly changed the way that the Orlando real estate business is done. Potential homebuyers benefit from this just as much if not more than real estate professionals. Homebuyers are now able to search the MLS on their own without even speaking to a realtor first.

Anyone and everyone are now able to search for properties on the MLS at their own convenience from their own home at all hours of the day or night. All the buyer has to do is present a list of homes that they have chosen to their Orlando realtor and go see them. By doing this, the buyer saves time and so does the agent.

Online Property Searches are also a huge advantage for realtors

Realtors also benefit greatly from people being able to search the MLS on their own. It’s a huge time saver if a buyer comes to the agent with a list of homes they want to see instead of the other way around. All the agent has to do at this point is make the appointments to show the properties.

In our office potential buyers are instructed to click on the “Find Florida Properties” tab on our home page. Here they are able to search the entire state of Florida for all the properties that are listed on the MLS at their own convenience.

Recent studies show that 9 out of 10 potential home buyers begin their property search online long before contacting a real estate agent.

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Can I Buy my Home Back after I Short Sale it?

One of the most common questions I get from sellers is “Can I buy m house back after the short sale is done”. The truth is that there are cash investors, hedge fund buyers as well as non-profits out there that specialize in doing just that. They will buy the property as a short sale then lease option it back to the original seller after 2 or 3 years. It’s actually a great option for a seller because they don’t have to deal with the hassle or expense of moving all of their stuff to another house.

Even though there have been laws in the past that have prevented these situations from happening, there was an amendment made to the “Making Home Affordable Program” that now allows a Non-Profit Organization to buy a property then lease it or resell it back to the seller. However, in order for everything to be done legally all requirements under the “Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternative aka [HAFA] must be met by the seller. As with any important transaction, it’s important that you read the fine print.

Here are some things to consider when entering into a buy-back agreement with a non-profit organization or cash investor.


1) You must qualify for a HAFA short sale in order for this to be an option for you. Not only that but even if you do qualify for a HAFA short sale this buy-back program is still subject to the approval by your lender. In other words, even if you meet all the requirements from HAFA, your bank still has to approve the sale of the property to a non-profit organization. There’s absolutely no guarantee that your lender will agree to this arrangement and you just won’t know until you try.

2) If the home is not your primary residence, you won’t qualify for HAFA. In the lender’s purchased this home as an investment which defeats the whole purpose of the HAFA program.

3) When using a cash buyer expect to pay full market value for your home when it’s time to close. Cash investors expect to get a decent return on their money when entering into any lease option agreement. The deal just wouldn’t make sense to them if they weren’t guaranteed a nice profit when it’s all said and done. A typical cash investor will want at least 3-5% of the purchase price as a non-refundable deposit [sometimes more] to ensure that the buyer will do everything in their power to close on the deal. And if they’re not able to close, the investor gets to keep the deposit as well as the property.  Also, you can expect to pay a higher than the average interest rate, I’ve seen investors charge as much as 13% interest on a lease option contract.  Cash investors will usually want full market value for the property at the time of the contract signing. This can be a double-edged sword because if the property appreciates over the time of the lease contract, then it benefits the buyer. However, if the property depreciates over the time of the contract, then it benefits the investor because the purchase price was locked in at the signing of the agreement.


A short sale may still be your best option

Even if you’re not approved for a buy-back program, a short sale may still be your best option. Surrendering a home that owes much more than it’s worth is a smart business decision. By doing a short sale, a homeowner can walk away free and clear from debt. Many times homeowners can even come away from the closing with thousands of dollars through certain programs. Throughout the years we’ve helped thousands of homeowners avoid foreclosure by completing a  short sale on their homes. Our team of dedicated real estate professionals is dedicated to finding real solutions for Orlando homeowners that are facing foreclosure.



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