Central Florida’s Real-Estate Bust May Just be Over

Word is around the Orlando real estate market that Central Florida’s real estate bust has come to its end. There are not one or two, but three different sources that are ready to vouch for the positive turn of events in Central Florida. The three different sources and data contained in their industry reports  – all of which were released within a week’s time, point toward a growing industry.

Three sources, three reports, and several reasons to revel

Industry reports focusing on the real estate and construction market of the US as a whole as well as the states individually show signs of recovery and a rosy future. The sources include the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Urban Land Institute, and Economic and Demographic Research’s Florida Office.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics ranks Florida number one in the nation in terms of state construction growth. The state’s Office of Economic and Demographic Research cited buildings as the reason Florida’s economy was recovering. Further, reports from the Urban Land Institute project a rosy, bubble-free future for Florida’s real estate industry.

While the dark clouds of foreclosures still loom large – Florida sporting the highest percentage of foreclosures in the nation – real estate agents in Orlando and industry experts alike, agree that the numbers are merely recession leftovers.

What Orlando Real Estate Experts Have to Say

What’s more, is that several industry experts are in agreement with the views expressed in the three reports. According to Cecelia Bonifay, who chairs the Urban Land Institute (Central Florida), the real estate industry has gained momentum throughout the nation, and Florida is no exception. She notes how all factors were aligning themselves for an extremely “positive marketplace” and adds that the positive sentiments were shared by almost all sectors of the US economy. Bonifay also points out that the recently released reports were essentially different because the recovery has become broader and spread across pretty much all economic sectors.

Leo Nimkoff, the Chair of the Commercial Council of the Orlando Regional Realtor Association is another expert who agrees that Florida’s real estate bust has approached its end. He reasons that people moving into Florida have helped the state grow – something top Orlando Realtors will agree with. Orlando itself has seen its fair share of new constructions, many of which are multimillion-dollar projects like the $56 million Crescent Central Station complex.

According to Nimkoff, people moving to Florida to settle permanently or the ones moving temporarily for work, generate jobs that go well beyond real estate and construction. Retails, restaurants, and malls spring up to meet the demands of a growing Floridian population and jobs get generated for the locals in such retails, restaurants, and malls.

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3 Things To Help Orlando Realtors Stay Positive

With all the New Year’s resolutions that have fallen by the wayside, it’s time to get up, brush yourself off, and get refocused. Being a real estate professional is not easy and can be mentally as well as physically demanding, especially when that deal that you worked so hard for just fell apart. That’s why it’s very important to implement healthy habits that will help you to perform at the best of your ability. I’m not talking about spending two hours a day at the gym or going on an extreme no carb and no fat diet. As a matter of fact, if you make changes that are too extreme, then you are sure to fail miserably. What I’m suggesting is to implement small changes to your habits that you can do consistently.

Many years before I became an Orlando realtor  I was a personal trainer. I used to design routines for people who either wanted to lose weight or to get into better shape than they already were. Being a trainer, I learned that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for the next person which is why they call it “personal training”.   However, today I want to share a few tips and tweaks that real estate agents can use in their day-to-day lives to become healthier and more active.

1. Eat Smaller Meals- How many times have you gone out for lunch and ended up eating too much to the point where you just want to take a nap afterward? It’s a pretty bad feeling, especially when you have work to do! The last thing a potential client wants to see is their realtor yawning at a listing appointment. If you’re like me and have a big appetite, then drink a big glass of water before ordering your lunch. This will make you less hungry and cause you to order a smaller portion.

2. Walk Faster and More Often- I’m not saying you should speed walk to your listing or showing appointments. What I am saying is that when you do walk, walk a bit faster than you normally do whenever possible like walking to the copier, going to the bathroom, walking through the supermarket, etc. Also, take a nice long walk after dinner. Not only will it help your digestion and burn some calories but walking helps you to clear your mind and think more clearly. Whenever I’m frustrated about something or have a problem that needs solving, a good long walk always seems to get my wheels turning.

3. Maintain A Positive Attitude- Working as an Orlando realtor, I know firsthand how hard it can be to maintain a positive attitude when things just aren’t going the way you would like them to. Dealing with clients that are upset about their shot sale falling apart or buyers that you’ve already shown 20 houses to decide it’s not a good time to buy, etc. Being a realtor means that you regularly encounter negative people and it’s important that you not let the negativity affect you and your job. Try thinking about 2 or 3 things that you are appreciative of like how well your kids are doing in school or that wonderful vacation that you’ve been planning with your family.

As real estate agents, it’s crucial that we maintain a positive attitude if we want to be successful. The tips that I’ve shared with you today have served me well over the years and will hopefully help you too!   https://orlandorealtyconsultants.com/

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Five Great Tips For Reducing The Burden Of Buying a Home

Purchasing a home is a goal that many people have, and to do so is quite an accomplishment, especially in very expensive areas of the country. However, no matter how much money you have, buying a home tends to be at least a little bit of a burden. How can you reduce that stress?

Give Yourself Time

Some people start looking for houses right as their apartment lease is about to be up or as soon as they are going to start a new job. Purchasing a home is a process that takes time. The actual process of getting the house will eat up a lot of time, and so will going around to look at potential homes. Trying to squeeze all of this into a short time frame is only going to stress you out.

Choose Affordable Areas

You also do not want to get yourself in too deep with the mortgage. Do not feel as though you need to purchase the biggest home in the most regal area right away. Plenty of real estate in upstate New York is affordable and in nice areas. Remember, you need to feel comfortable in the town and house; other peoples’ opinions of them do not matter. Many live in a starter house and then upgrade later.

Don’t Max Out On The Mortgage

Before you are actually able to buy a house, you are going to get approved for a mortgage. No magic number exists for determining how much you’ll be approved for; however, many estimates do put the figure at about 3.5 times your total salary or salaries. Still, though, this doesn’t mean that you should spend that much on a home. Factor in utilities, groceries, car payments, etc., and you’ll quickly see why.

Don’t Do It Alone

Trying to find a house without a real estate agent can be a little bit overwhelming. Some do feel that they are able to procure a home without assistance, but others make the decision to select another company. These agents can help you to find the perfect home and ensure a cohesive process.

Remember Closing Costs

When you are closing on the house, you are going to have to pay money out of pocket. Some people forget this, and then they find themselves in an unpleasant situation. Find out how much closing costs are going to be right away so you can plan accordingly.

When you enter your home, you’ll be thrilled to have a place to call your own. These five steps will help the process to run more smoothly.

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House Hunting Tips To Make Your Life Easier

House hunting is a process that takes a lot of time and quite a bit of effort on your part. In addition to setting a budget that you can work with, you also need to create a list of must-haves, while also keeping in mind things that you can do without. For example, while you may hope to get a house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms, you may realize upon further reflection that you really don’t need that extra bedroom or that you can manage with just one bathroom after all.

Continue reading for some more tips that are meant to help you make the process of hunting down your new home easier than you would’ve imagined.

Work with a Professional Real Estate Agent

When it comes to finding your dream home, whether you’re looking for your very first home or your third home, you should definitely employ an experienced real estate agent in Orlando. Someone who will be able to show you the very best options that are currently on the market in your price range.

While you can certainly look for homes on the many real estate websites that are available, a real estate agent has access to homes that may not be listed right away and he or she can also be there at every step of the way to answer all of your questions about a property before someone else is able to swoop in and purchase it before you have a chance to even see it in person.

Know the Type of Home You’re Willing to Purchase

Are you looking for a condominium, a townhouse, or a single-family home? Or would you rather invest in a multi-family home that you can use for extra rental income each month? No matter what type of home you wish to move into, you should be able to make your decision before hiring a real estate agent to help you. This will save you time because you can focus only on the types of properties that you want to invest in.

Keep in mind that there are benefits and drawbacks involved with each type of property out there, so weigh the pros and cons before coming to a final decision. For example, even though you may think a single-family home is the only way to go, you may realize that you really don’t want to be mowing the lawn every two weeks and you would rather have someone else take care of the landscaping. In that case, a townhouse or a condo would be more appropriate.

Look for Homes Outside of Your Target Area

Although you may have a specific suburb or city that you really want to live in, open your mind to surrounding areas as well, which may be surprisingly charming and affordable. Once again, working with a real estate agent will really help you in finding homes that are perfect for you, even though they may not be in the town you hoped for.

House hunting can certainly be a tedious process. But by making your decisions ahead of time and working with a professional, you can find your dream home more easily and quickly.

This post was written by Jenny Wadlow; she is a freelance writer and often writes articles for ORC, one of the leading real estate brokerages in Orlando. She enjoys sharing her views and opinions on various issues related to house hunting.

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