Ocwen outsourcing Orlando short sales to India

Ocwen outsourcing Orlando short sales- It used to be that the hardest bank to negotiate a short sale with was Bank of America… hands down. But ever since B of A has implemented the Equator system they are now one of my favorite lenders to work with. In the past year or so there’s a new leader in my list of the absolute worst lenders to work with, and the winner is………Green Tree but Ocwen is a close 2nd. Ocwen is extremely frustrating to work with and part of the reason is that they outsource their short sale department to to India. You can’t even call the negotiator directly anymore because your call goes directly to a call center. And the person you end up talking to is beyond clueless, all they are able to do is  take a message, and sometimes they even get that wrong. The only way to speak to your negotiator is to schedule a call back, which most times never occurs..If you leave it up to them, it will be weeks for you to get a call back. What I do is call every day until they get tired of me complaining…finally a call back, usually from someone other than the negotiator so you are back to square one..
I’ve always thought that the short sale negotiator should be a licensed realtor, after all… the whole job revolves around the buying and selling of real estate. How on earth is someone that is unlicensed, living half way around the world qualified to discuss short sale?
Ocwen is obviously trying to save a few bucks by outsourcing to people that work for $2-$3 per hour. However, this is one position that should absolutely not be outsourced! To be a good short sale negotiator, you need to be familiar with the real estate business, it’s just not something that you can fake.


Don’t get me wrong, Even in our company use we use VA’s [virtual assistants] for certain things like link building, compiling lists, etc. … but negotiate a short sale…are you kidding me?


Short Sales are too Important to Out source


I’ve said this a million times and will continue to say it. Negotiating a short sale is serious business and is usually one of the most important transactions that someone will ever be involved in. I really hope that Ocwen gets their act together especially for the mortgage holder’s sake


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Banks are becoming more experienced with Orlando short sales making things easier for realtors

Banks are getting much faster at the Orlando short sale process

Short sales have had a bad reputation in the Orlando real estate market for several years now. Realtors didn’t want to take on short sale properties either because they didn’t know what was involved and were afraid of getting in over their head or because they knew exactly what was involved and they didn’t want to commit to the hard work that’s involved in completing an Orlando short sale. Buyers didn’t like them because of the time that it would take to hear back from the bank about their offer that was submitted. Sometimes a potential buyer would submit a contract and have to wait three or four months just to find out that their offer wasn’t accepted, and all that time they spent waiting to hear back from the bank could have been utilized searching for other properties. This was extremely frustrating for everyone involved.

Lenders also must have felt frustrated because the truth is they just weren’t prepared to take on all these short sales. They weren’t prepared to handle short sales period… let alone hundreds of thousands of them coming at them at once. I believe that this is probably one of the reasons why loss mitigators would often tell agents that they didn’t receive certain documentation over and over again, or they would say things like we needed these docs in a certain order or a month later they would tell you to send everything again because it needs to be updated. Any experienced Orlando short sale realtors that are reading this post right know exactly what I’m talking about. In my opinion, these were stall tactics because lenders didn’t know how to get these short sales processed in an efficient manner.

Orlando short sales are being fast tracked thanks to experienced negotiators

Short sales are now being processed much faster than was the case just a year ago. Lenders have come a long way in putting systems in place to make things move more smoothly for the homeowner as well as the Orlando realtor processing the whole thing. I feel that the biggest change, however, is because of the short sale negotiators having much more experience in dealing with short sales now. At the end of the day, Big banks don’t run things, people do, and for some people, it’s easier to say that they didn’t receive something or come up with some other type of lame stalling tactic rather than to admit that they didn’t know what they doing.

Lately,  I’ve noticed a huge difference in the way that short sale negotiators handle short sale files. They’ve gotten better in every area; from ordering the BPO to negotiating with their investors and even getting extensions on payoff letters. I have about a dozen or so negotiators with several different lenders that I just love working with because “they get it”, they know how this business works and they will do whatever it takes to get the deal done.  Don’t get me wrong, I still have conversations with some short sale negotiators that frustrate me to no end because they are clueless about the Orlando real estate market or real estate in general yet they still try to tell me how much I should list an Orlando property for, but for the most part it’s gotten much much better.

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