Creating an emotional attachment for your home can get it sold faster than you can say, Uncle.
Out of the blue, we received a call from potential clients, Doug and Barbara, about them wanting us to list their home for them in Downtown Orlando. They were referred to us by Doug’s parents Rick and Helen.
Three years ago we helped Rick and Helen sell their home in Whisper Lakes and they were very happy with the results we delivered both as Orlando Realtors and consultants.
You see, Rick and Helen both understood the process as well as the unique approach we use to sell Orlando homes to produce the biggest profits for our sellers. Unlike some listing clients, they did everything we asked from them to a T and the result was that we broke the record for the neighborhood producing the highest price sale per sq ft in Whisper Lakes. Even to this day, and that was three years ago…
Rick and Helen had already given us the lowdown on their son and daughter-in-law’s situation so we could be prepared. They also mentioned how Doug and Barbara tried selling their home several times before with no success. So, my first move was to look up their home in Downtown Orlando, the old expired listing.
Although it was a pretty nice house, there were some fundamental mistakes that I noticed immediately. I also noticed that the real estate agent they used was a friend of mine and we had worked on several deals together over the years. And although he was a friend and a decent agent, he doesn’t have the same approach or the mentality that we have to sell Orlando Real Estate.
Beware of the “List it and Leave it” Realtor…
Unfortunately, he’s one of the thousands of Orlando real estate agents that just list it and leave it. And although he’s a friend, I’m not in the business of sharing my secrets of selling homes for maximum profit with my competition. See, we use a psychological approach to sell homes in Orlando.

When we interview a potential seller, we really put them through the wringer. It’s important to do this so we can find out what our client’s motivation is. Once we have this information, we come up with a strategy and plan so that we can achieve the desired results. Why cause not everyone’s motivation is the same. That’s why every single one of our listing clients gets a completely customized plan of action to achieve their desired result.
Even though the success rate isn’t 100%, by doing this we get results that far exceed our client’s expectations. So when Doug and Barbara came in for their initial consultation, their motivation became crystal clear to me. They had already moved to a different home and didn’t want to continue making two mortgage payments nor did they want to become landlords by renting out the home they vacated.
At this point, they just wanted to sell their Orlando home for top dollar as quickly as possible. You are probably thinking…..Who doesn’t want to sell for top dollar as fast as possible?… Well, not everyone needs to sell immediately.
Some homeowners don’t need to sell immediately. And in that case, they have the luxury of being able to “test the market”. Others are facing foreclosure and need a short sale. Over the years we’ve successfully worked with almost every situation imaginable, we just have to know what the client’s motivation is so we can come up with a game plan.
Back to Doug and Barbara’s story… We came up with a pretty aggressive game plan for them that included some pretty costly repairs and upgrading, like putting in Stone countertops as well as a fresh coat of paint and new carpeting in some rooms. Since we regularly rehab homes in Orlando, we were able to get them reasonable pricing on all the repairs by using our own contractors. This undertaking was not cheap, but 100% necessary for Doug and Barbara to get the results they needed.
After some intense planning and coordinating of schedules between sellers and contractors, the work was done in less than 2 weeks. Once the house was showroom ready it was time to call in our professional photographer (you must have awesome and amazing photos to sell a house for maximum profit). In this particular house, our photographer went out twice at different times of the day just to get the right lighting.
Doug and Barbara were stressed out!
They had questions about the process like… “Why are we spending money on a house we want to sell?” I asked them to please trust me. And because they were referred to us by Doug’s parents, they did exactly that. I’m very careful to never guarantee anyone specific results, but I do guarantee that by following our recommendations and game-plan, they will be in the best position possible to get the results they need.
Don’t tell anyone but, our “secret” is to try our best to create an emotional attachment between a buyer and the house. In order to do this properly, there are certain steps that you must follow, sometimes it’s something major, sometimes it’s just a little tweaking, all geared towards finding the right emotions of the home.
It’s true, buying a home should be an economical and logical decision and you should try and keep your emotions out of it. However, when I’m working with buyers, despite me warning them about keeping their emotions in check when we’re actively looking at homes, most of them just can’t help getting emotional once they see “the one”. There’s no denying that buying a new home involves EMOTIONS.
This is the top reason we do everything we do… Professional photos, staging, videos, buzz campaign, cookies in the oven at the open house, it’s all choreographed to create an emotional attachment to the home.
This is what most Orlando realtors just don’t understand. They have no understanding of human psychology, therefore they don’t understand emotional trigger points or “hot buttons”. They have no clue about the “rule of 3’s” in telling a story. This means they don’t have a detailed approach to achieve the goal of maximum profits for their clients.
Sellers who want to half-ass what we recommend to do in our initial meeting can’t expect to achieve the highest dollar amount for their home which is something we tell them going in.
I’m very upfront with my seller clients and if they don’t agree with my recommended listing price on their home as-is and they’re not willing to do the needed repairs to get the highest dollar amount, then I wish them all the best and move on.
Note to Sellers: Sellers should beware of listing agents who agree with whatever listing price the seller wants. They’ll just wait for you to get frustrated and drop the price. This can cost the seller thousands in profit!
Back to Doug and Barbara. After all the repairs and upgrades were complete, listing day and the open house were upon us. Our patented “33 step media blitz” campaign always delivers great results for our open houses. In the 12-4 pm window, we had for walk-ins, about 20-25 buyers, buyers agents and of course, tire kickers [that came for free cookies] walk through the home with some very positive comments flying through the air.
It was a great turnout that produced 4 solid offers by the very next day. And I’m happy to say that we got $4,000 over the asking price because it turned into a bidding war [the only kind of war I condone] The sellers even ended up buying about a third of the furniture from our staging company!
I asked the buyers at the closing, what they liked about the house. They said it just blew every other listing they saw out of the water, and they could totally see themselves raising their young family there.
Mission…. Accomplished! We achieved our client’s desired outcome by implementing the power of human emotion.
Few realtors in Orlando understand the power of storytelling and how it can be used to sell houses. We learned a long time ago that conveying your message, principles, and thoughts through telling a story is more powerful and engaging than anything else you could do. That’s why we consider ourselves storytellers that happen to be in the real estate business. If you would like more info on selling for top dollar visit us at
I hope you enjoyed the story!