Is Now a Good Time to Sell your Orlando Property?

Right now may be the best time to Sell your Orlando Real Estate

If you are an Orlando homeowner, you may be asking yourself, ” Should I put my house on the market now, or should I wait another six or eight months?

Here’s what I think, The inventory for Orlando Realty has decreased dramatically. This means that Orlando real estate values have increased and buyers are sometimes having to go through bidding wars with other home buyers to get the home that they want. The fact is that buyers just don’t have the power that they had 2 years ago and they know it.

Here’s what I suggest; Contact an Orlando realtor who is experienced in your neighborhood. The agent should be able to pull data showing you recent sales [within the past 2 or 3 months] and tell you how much your house should sell for within what time period. The best part is that  Consulting with  an Orlando Realtor doesn’t cost you anything and there’s no obligation. You can get a feel for what the market will give you before making a commitment. You have nothing to lose.

Make Sure You are selling your Orlando Property for the Right Reasons

If you know exactly why you are selling then it is easier for you to follow the right plan of action for getting what you want.
If you are a seller who needs to close a sale as quickly as possible, then you should know that getting the highest price possible is not one of your priorities. It does not mean that you won’t or cannot get the highest price, but it means that the price is not the deciding factor. A buyer who can give you a quick closing time will appeal much more to you than a buyer who can offer you more money but the negotiation and closing time drag on.

It’s always good to know how low you will go on your Orlando Property, in terms of selling price. This will help to eliminate some of the offers that you find simply offensive or ridiculous. Even though you should consider all offers seriously and take into consideration the terms of each offer, sometimes, if you know the bottom line and are strict about it, you can save yourself time.
Once you know what your limits and reasons are, discuss them with your Orlando agent so that they can help you set your goals realistically. If you decide to list your home on your own, make sure you do research on the current market, and you get the proper advice you need in terms of legal issues, etc. The key is to be realistic and to know what your goals are so they can be met.

Finding the Best Orlando Realtor for You

I you’re in the market for an Orlando Real estate expert, check out 9 critical things you need to ask a realtor. 
By following what is outlined in the list, you will have a blueprint on hiring an Orlando agent that will work for you.



Jenny Zamora Lic Orlando RE Broker Since 2005.                                                                                             Ask me anything, I’m here to help.


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Buying Orlando Real Estate without an Agent Can Prove to be Costly

Buying an Orlando Realty without a Realtor can Result in Disaster


Buyers loves to get a great deal on Orlando real estate and there’s nothing that I enjoy more than to provide my clients with terrific Orlando homes at great prices. However, If you you don’t want to use a realtor, there are other options available such as bidding online for properties going to foreclosure or searching craigslist for motivated sellers.

Bidding at the Orange County online foreclosure sale.

It’s true that you can find a good deal at the auction on an Orlando property. Although, if you don’t do your research prior to bidding, there’s a good chance that you could lose big.
A family was recently bidding in an online auction on a foreclosed home in the Orlando neighborhood of Meadow Woods.  However, those bidders didn’t know they’re now on the hook for the previous owner’s mortgage.

The home went to auction on the Orange County Clerk’s foreclosure website, and someone bought their home for $16,000! What a deal right? Wrong!… the guy that bought the house online didn’t do his research until after he bought the house. It turns out that it was an HOA foreclosure and there was a mortgage attached for 200 thousand dollars. Can you imagine thinking that you just got the deal of a lifetime and then finding out that you inherited a $200,000.00 debt?  It’s like, “Oh, my God. What have I done?”

People have this misconception about the online auction where they think bidding on foreclosures is a lottery ticket. The truth is, many people end up losing money bidding on foreclosures.


Before bidding, you need to do a title search.

One of the problems with trying to get a house online is all that you have to put in a lot work to be successful. Spending a hundred dollars on a tile search can save someone from making one the biggest mistakes of their lives. Doing a title search is just one of the things you need to do. It’s always a good idea to go to the house even if you can’t get inside. Most of the time you won’t be able to get in but you can at least get an idea of what the outside looks like.

Unfortunately, disgruntled homeowners that have been forced out because of a foreclosure can sometimes take out their frustrations by causing severe damage to the inside of the house. I’ve seen houses with well over $20,000.00 in damages caused by angry homeowners and their favorite sledgehammer or golf club.

The moral of the story is this; If you choose to find a property without the help of an Orlando Realtor, make sure to do your due diligence or you could end up losing money.



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The HARP Program is a Real “Life Changer” for Orlando Homeowners

 What Is The HARP Program?

HARP is the Home Affordable Refinance Program. It was an initiative by the Obama Administration begun in 2009 to allow underwater homeowners to refinance their homes at today’s low mortgage rates. The program is currently available to homeowners through June 30, 2012.

If you are current on your mortgage, with or without equity, then you are eligible for this program and there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t apply for HARP. It doesn’t cost anything to apply and it could the answer to your mortgage problems.

The government continues to purchase mortgage backed securities and rates continue to fall and are near record lows.

HARP allows you take advantage of current market rates even if you are “underwater”. These programs are Financial “Life-Changers”. They are also available for a limited time as determined by congress so people need to act now to take advantage of this stimulus program, and lower their monthly payment and/or term.

We’ve helped many Orlando homeowners to qualify for the HARP program since 2009 when it began. Sometimes people will come into my office thinking that their only option is to sell their Orlando property by way of short sale or by bringing money to the closing table. When I sit down with a client I like to know why they are selling. If an Orlando homeowner tells me that they would love to keep their Orlando property and they’re only selling because they can no longer  afford the payment, I will usually recommend that they apply for HARP before trying to apply for any other programs.

For clients that truly want to keep their Orlando homes, we explore every option available to them to achieve that result. It’s only after we’ve exhausted all means to try and keep the house do we resort to selling it.

Recent HARP applications Surge

According to a recent article in National Mortgage News, the five largest mortgage servicers have seen approximately 400,000 applications for refinancing under the new program. People are starting to become more aware of HARP but for some reason 9 out of 10 of eligible Homeowners still fail to take advantage of this government program.

Many people that are upside down in their mortgage automatically believe that they can’t re-finance. With the HARP you can!

Doing an Orlando Short Sale may be your best option

If you decide that an Orlando short sale is the best option for you, we then try to get you qualified for programs such as HAFA which allows the seller to leave the closing table with a minimum of $3,000.00. Depending on who the lender is, we’ve been able to get some of our clients up to $30,000.00 back in some cases. How’s that for a bailout package?



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Jenny Zamora Broker

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Orlando Home Sellers Staying After Deals Close

More and more sellers are insisting on staying in their Orlando property after deal closes.

As an Orlando Realtor since 2005, I’ve seen it all. Some people need more time to find a new place while others just want to stay to finish out the school year. In some cases the sellers will make a deal with the new owners to continue renting the home indefinitely.

I say why not? As long as the buyer and the seller are able to come to a mutual agreement as far as rent and terms, then go for it.  Although many of my buyers are retail home buyers who want nothing more than to move in their new house, we also work with a lot of investors who buy several homes a year through our company.

Some of these investors are strictly  re-habbers that are interested in fixing the house up and selling it. These particular buyers never want the sellers to stay after the closing because they need to get in there and get to work. Obviously, you can’t have people living in a house while your remodeling it because it’s not livable. The other reason is that a lot of these investors need to close on one deal in order to re-invest in the next one.

However, there is another type of investor out there that is willing and able to accommodate sellers wanting to stay in the property provided that the terms are agreeable to both buyer and seller.

Buyers have had the advantage in Orlando real estate deals since 2006, when the market was flooded with properties and prices were still astronomical.

As Orlando Realty prices became more affordable, sales increased sharply, reducing the supply of available Orlando homes and ultimately giving sellers more power in negotiations.

Bidding wars have now returned for moderately priced homes, some real estate firms and analysts say that Orlando’s housing market has hit bottom. And others say more foreclosures could be on the horizon and will hurt prices.

In my opinion we’ve not only hit bottom but Orlando real estate is steadily increasing. Is it still a buyers market?  Yes, I think so, but in desirable Orlando neighborhoods with not a lot of inventory, buyers are fighting to get the houses.

Sellers are Starting to Regain Control in the Orlando Real Estate Market

Sellers in Orlando realize that the market is starting to come around again and some homeowners use this as leverage to make a deal with the new buyer to stay in the house. At the end of the day, short sale or not, the Seller has all of the control as long as the property hasn’t gone through foreclosure. That means that they can refuse to sign the sales contract if they don’t get the deal that they want.

Most sellers prefer to leave the home on the day of closing or before. However,  in my experience, post-occupancy clauses occur on about 10%  of the deals closed by our office.

While buyers may feel they have no choice but to allow a seller to rent in order to get the deal done, they should be careful about agreeing to it. There should be a written agreement that includes a specific move-out date and the amount of money that will be held in escrow to be used if the seller-turned-renter damages the property.

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Choosing the Right Orlando Short Sale Realtor, A Crucial Decision

Choosing the Right Orlando Short Sale Agent is Serious Business


As short sale agents, we go through all the same emotions as the seller we are representing. Working with these lenders can definitely provoke some strong emotions such as anger and frustration at times. Battling it out with short sale negotiators is an everyday occurrance in our office. Whether we’re trying to get an offer approved on a particular property, or negotiate a “Cash for Keys” incentive for one of our clients, there is always some kind of negotiation involved, so you need to make sure that your Orlando Realtor is experienced on the battle field of  short sale negotiations.

One of the Most Important Decisions you’ll ever have to make

When you hire an Orlando Real Estate Agent to take on your short sale file, It’s just like hiring an attorney to represent you in some legal matter. [Except Realtors don’t charge you] The realtor you choose is going to be dealing with your lender on your behalf  which is a huge responsibility. To begin with they have to put together your entire file correctly to then move to the next steps of sending in offers, counter offers, scheduling inspections, arranging showings and the most important task of all, creating rapport and dealing with the short sale negotiator.  Sure, cash incentive programs are out there, but if you’re agent is unaware of what programs you may qualify for, than you could end up getting the short end of the stick.


Research your Potential Orlando Agent Before signing

Would hire an attorney if you knew that he or she had just passed the Bar exam and you were their first client. Of course you wouldn’t….Short selling a home is serious business. Fact, selling a house is one of the most important decisions a person will have to make in their life, so it’s very important that you hire an Orlando realtor that specializes in short sales. There are some key questions that you should always ask when interviewing a realtor  before you trust them with one of the most important negotiations of your life.

Still have a million questions about Orlando Short Sales?

Ask me Anything, I’m here to help…



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