Top Orlando Realtor Breaking News! VIDEO

An outrageous claim made today by a top real estate brokerage… Orlando Realty Consultants guarantees to sell your house in 30 days or less for top dollar or they will buy it themselves!

You heard it, right folks! Any Price, condition, or situation!

Even if you’re facing foreclosure!

This team of short-sale experts will get the job done no matter what Jenny Zamora Owner and broker of the company says their unmatched success rate at selling homes for top dollar is credited to her team of highly experienced Orlando realtors.

Top Orlando Realtor Breaking News

By utilizing their “easy exit listing agreement” there’s absolutely no risk for homeowners because they can cancel their listing at any time with no cancellation fee!

Orlando homeowners that want to sell their home fast for top dollar should contact Orlando Realty Consultants immediately by using the information at the bottom of the screen.

Good Night Orlando!

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Negotiating Price On Orlando Investment Homes

Buying Orlando Investment homes with the intention of fixing them up and selling them for profit can be a very lucrative business but you have to know when to buy and when to walk away.

In addition to being an Orlando Realtor, I’m also a re-habber. As a matter of fact, I was rehabbing houses for 10 years before I ever became a real estate agent. In that time I’ve learned quite a lot about flipping houses both what to do and what not to do. 

The tough part is getting the homeowner to sell you the property for the right price based on the repairs you have to make and still have enough room to make a profit.  Following are some tips on buying investment homes at the right price.

Comparative Market Analysis- Whether you’re dealing with a lender or an individual there’s usually some negotiating involved before both buyer and seller come to terms. I use every tool available to me in order to convince the seller why I’m offering what I’m offering. In addition to preparing a CMA [comparative market analysis]

Contractors Estimate- It’s one thing to spew out numbers to a seller of what you think you’ll spend on repairs to the property, but putting it in writing carries a lot more weight. Bringing a professional contractor’s estimate to the negotiating table not only shows that you’re serious, but it also shows that you’re an authority on re-habbing homes. When people consider you to be an authority on something, they tend to be more inclined to believe you.

Create Rapport- People like to do business with people that are likable. I’ve had situations where I ended up getting a deal not because I was the highest bidder, but because I created rapport with the seller. Sometimes the reason people need to sell their homes is because of financial or personal hardship. And many times these people just want to tell their story to someone that is willing to listen and sympathize with them.

The “all business” type of investor that storms through the house and barely acknowledges the seller let alone listens to their story won’t make nearly as much money as the investor who takes his time with the seller and listens to what they have to say.

Taking a little extra time with people and trying to create a bit of rapport with them will not only make you a better negotiator, but you’ll feel better about yourself knowing that you helped someone out just by listening to them. If you make it not about the money, you make more money!

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Who Decides The Value Of A Short Sale?

Who Decides The Value Of A Short Sale?
The valuation of a short sale, as determined by the short sale lender, is probably the single most important factor of the transaction.

The way it works is; after an offer gets submitted to the lender, the bank will then order a BPO.. AKA [Brokers price opinion] on the property.

 This person will usually be a local realtor that will go out to the property, and after doing their research on recent sales in the neighborhood, will give the lender their opinion of what the property is worth.

Whatever, the BPO comes in at will be the negotiating point between the lender and potential buyer.

Does it matter if the house needs repairs?

Yes, it does matter and that is something that they are supposed to take into consideration when giving their estimation of value.

After they do the BPO there are 3 things that can potentially happen that will dictate what follows.

1- The BPO comes in at a fair number that everyone is happy with and we proceed to closing.

2- The BPO comes in too low and the bank insists on another one being done.

3-The BPO comes in so ridiculously high that the buyer threatens to walk. Now when this happens, the agent must do whatever it takes to prove to the bank, that the BPO agent got it wrong.

We do this by preparing an in depth report of our own called a CMA which is also known as a comparative market analysis. This report contains even more information than the BPO agent provided them with.

What a CMA basically comes down to is a list of Active, Pending and Sold properties in the area. And the whole purpose behind this is to get the lender to order another BPO or if we’re lucky they’ll just use ours.

In the end, after all the dust settles, the lenders are the ones that decide how much they are willing to accept for the property.

I hope this was helpful in answering your questions. Feel free to call us at 407-902-7750 or visit for Free short sale help.

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Orlando Realtors Focus On Echo Boomers

These young Americans were born between the years of 1982 and 1995. They are following the “Baby Boomer” generation and are now at the age where real estate and housing is a priority for them. The idea of the”American Dream” looks very different for Echo Boomers than it did for their parents the “Baby Boomers”.

In the Old school way of thinking, owning a home was a top priority for young families. For some reason, there was an extra sense of security if you owned a home. Even though the bank was the real owner, having a mortgage statement with your name on it was something to be proud of.  

In my opinion, the Echo Boomers have the right idea. They have no mortgage commitment which gives them the freedom to pack up and move on whenever they feel like it. They also prefer to live in more social areas as opposed to living in the suburbs. In USA Today it is said that only 20 percent of Echo Boomers believe owning a home should be a top priority.

This young group is all about having freedom and let’s face it homeownership is about as far from freedom as you can get. 

Orlando Realtors Face New Challenges

The majority of this group will prefer to rent a home as opposed to buying. However, 20 percent of Echo Boomers will still pursue buying as a first option.  Because of the expectations of this new generation of home buyers, Orlando real estate agents will have to adjust and specifically appeal to what’s to this demographic.  Echo Boomers prefer to walk or ride their bikes whenever possible which means they are attracted to neighborhoods with nearby shopping, restaurants, trails, etc.

Another characteristic of this group is that they don’t like to stay at the same job for more than 2 years or so in order to survive, they need to be in a market that presents new career opportunities for them. Realtors targeting this group would be wise to embrace the same tools that they use to communicate these days, especially social media.

Chances are that when an Echo Boomer needs to hire a realtor, they will probably choose an agent that is active across the main social media sites.

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7 Qualities of a Top Realtor

Knowledge of their local market

It’s absolutely crucial to hire an agent with an intimate knowledge of the local market. The MLS is a great tool when you’re doing some preliminary research like cost per sq ft and getting comparables. However, you need a realtor who can go deeper than that, someone that has local knowledge of the area you’re looking in. When you find a realtor that lives eats and breathes real estate, they’ll know things that other real estate agents won’t.

Relationships with homeowners

Realtors that specialize in certain areas will sometimes know the homeowners that are selling, personally. Whether it was from an open house in the same neighborhood or maybe from knocking on doors. A good realtor will go out of their way to create relationships with homeowners looking to sell their property.

By having a good relationship with the seller, the realtor may have some useful information like how motivated the seller is and if they need to move out quickly or maybe they don’t care if it sells at all.

Knowledge of Pocket Listings

These are listings that are not marketed through the MLS for one reason or another. Although pretty rare, pocket listings do exist, and usually, only agents that work in that area will be aware of them.

Experience as a Listing Agent

Like in any other competitive profession, there is no love lost when it’s time to negotiate the sales price. The buyer’s agent is trying to get the deal of a lifetime while the listing agent is trying to get $10,000 over the asking price.

Having an experienced agent in your corner who has “been there and done that” many times in their career will give you peace of mind that you’re in good hands. Is it really worth losing money on the buying or receiving end of a transaction just because you wanted to help your friend or family member who just got their real estate license?

Tech Savvy 

It’s no secret that most potential buyers start their search online. Fortunately, these days most agents will allow clients to search the MLS right from the agent’s website. However, even though the MLS is the most popular site for real estate searches, there are countless others now and your realtor should be familiar with and have access to all of them.

A good realtor will use all of his/her tools in their realtor toolbox to get the job done quickly and efficiently. You can start to see how having someone experienced in your local market is a huge advantage. 

Has Been Established For A Long Time

If a realtor has been in business for more than 10 years and is still thriving, then you know they’re doing something right. Getting your real estate license is relatively easy and most people that get their license don’t end up making it as realtors. Being a successful realtor year after year takes hard work, dedication and a never say die attitude, especially with an ever-changing real estate market.

Outstanding Track Record

This is the “proof in the pudding” when it comes down to it. It’s crucial that you find out what the realtor’s track record is. You should find out how many transactions they’ve done in their career overall and how many in the last year or six months. If their numbers don’t make you say “WOW!”, then you should probably move on to the next candidate. It’s also a good idea to ask for references from some of their past clients.

Easy Exit Listing Agreement

Even with all the ways, we can research an agent, there’s a chance that you still might end up with someone that isn’t producing the results that you were promised. Be very careful when choosing your agent and make sure that there’s a clause that lets you cancel the listing at any time for non-performance with no cancellation fee. If not, you could be stuck with a bad agent for the remainder of the listing contract or pay a hefty cancellation fee.

We’ve completely eliminated this problem in our own company by using what we call our “Easy Exit Listing Agreement”. It gives homeowners peace of mind knowing that if w don’t perform, then they can cancel on us anytime with no cost to them.

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