The Days of Door Knocking for Leads are Over

When I first got involved in the Orlando real estate business in 2003, I was on a shoestring budget and hungry to make some money in this business they called real estate. At one of the first real estate boot camps that I attended, there was a guy named Dan Doran aka “Dan Doran the marketing man” and he was selling a course that was supposed to teach you about knocking on doors of people that are in the process of foreclosure. When I think about it, it was a scary thing to do. However, we just had our first son and we were determined to “make it” in the Orlando real estate business no matter what. So I went through Dan’s course a couple of times, made some cheat sheets that I could carry with me, and hit the ground running.

You see, when we first started this business, we didn’t have the budget to do massive postcard campaigns or any other kind of marketing for that matter. That was the beauty of door knocking… all you needed was an up-to-date foreclosure list and a tank full of gas. In those days I was a private investor and not a realtor which sometimes had its advantages.

Anyway, I started knocking on doors in a town called Pine Hills which happens to be a pretty rough part of town. I got all kinds of responses such as the door being slammed in my face, getting yelled at, and even getting a few death threats. Responses like; “Who are you and what do you want?”  or “We don’t want any, Go away!” were common responses and I was told that these responses would build my character. LOL! However, about one out of every 15 doors that I knocked on offering to help the homeowner,   I would get the deal! Wow, what a great feeling that was!  Then I would be soo happy that I seemed to forget about the 14 other people that I visited that told me to get lost.

These days, the thought of knocking on doors to get leads makes me cringe… Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I ever did it in the first place.

Orlando realtors are finally getting the “Big Picture”

Most Orlando real estate agents these days like myself,  are trying to focus more on their online presence above all else. The price of postage is expensive and most days people start their search with Google for everything anyway. Orlando realtors that don’t do any online marketing are really missing the boat when it comes to advertising in 2013. Our site at brings in about 90% of our listings with the rest being from referrals. We haven’t sent out a postcard or letter in over 2 years.

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Is it time to fire your Realtor?

   Big real estate firms put big-time money into marketing which is why when people need a real estate agent most of them go right for the big names that they see on billboards and in TV commercials. There are some problems, however, with using the larger firms that have been brought to my attention enough times to finally write about it.

When brokerages put a ton of money into marketing then they end up getting a massive amount of leads from it. The problem with that is that some brokerages are just not equipped to handle all those new buyers and sellers they just spent a ton of money marketing to. When this happens real estate agents tend to put most of their effort into the deals that are going to make them the most money,… that’s just human nature. Unfortunately, for buyers with lower incomes and sellers with cheaper houses, this can potentially turn into a very bad experience for them.

Real estate agents get paid on commission which means the lower the purchase or sale price, the lower their commission will be. So when the leads get assigned or referred to the agents in the office the buyers with the most money to spend or the seller with the most expensive house to sell will get most of the attention. The rest of the potential buyers or sellers end up getting put to the bottom of the stack. The “when I get around to it” file.

Buying your first home is one of the most important decisions of your life and should be a very happy and exciting experience. The problem is that many people lack the knowledge needed to find the right real estate agent for them.

Is it time to fire your Realtor? Here are some tips that will help you find the best real estate agent for you

1- Google them! – A good agent will have a strong online presence and you should be able to pull up a world of information on them. Take some extra time and read reviews that people have written about them. If they have negative reviews or none at all, then it’s time to move on to your next candidate. From your online search, you should be able to come up with at least 3 good candidates.

2- Set up an in-person interview. – Once you’ve chosen you three candidates now it’s time to meet them in person. They should ask you questions like “are you pre-approved for a loan and how much?” What kind of house are you looking for? How much do you want to spend? What neighborhood?, etc.

Then pay close attention to what the agent shows you. Is it what you’re looking for? Was the agent paying attention to what you said? If the agent starts showing you properties that are far from what you asked to see then…..”NEXT”

3- What’s their track record? – Don’t be afraid to ask questions like.

*How many houses have they sold?

*How many have they sold in the last 6 months

*What do they specialize in? Are they a short-sale specialist? A buyer’s agent?, etc. It’s important that your agent specializes in whatever it is that you’re trying to accomplish. You wouldn’t go see a foot Doctor for a toothache, would you?

*Do they have any testimonials from past clients?

4- Make sure that real estate is their full-time job. A good real estate agent works full time as a real estate agent and there’s just no exception to this rule. If you’re working with a realtor that works part-time as anything else in order to make ends meet then it’s time to cut them loose.

5-Follow Your Instincts. You may have found the most successful real estate agent in town, but if you don’t feel comfortable around them or you just have that feeling in your gut telling you that they aren’t the one for you, then go with it. An agent/client relationship is kinda like a marriage…you’re in it for the long haul. On the bright side, it’s a lot easier to divorce your real estate agent.

So you see, it’s not at all about going for the biggest name with the biggest marketing budget. It’s about you putting in the time and doing the necessary research that it takes to find the right real estate agent for you. Good luck!

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Orlando Short Sale Expert Press Conference Video

Orlando Short Sale Expert Press Conference Video Transcript  | Orlando Realtor

From Speaker: “Hello Everyone My name is John Conde on behalf of Orlando Realty Consultants THIS IS A PRE-FORECLOSURE SITUATION! We don’t have much time. We’re here to talk about short sales today I know you all have a lot of questions so let’s get right to it, let’s please try and keep the questions short and to the point”.
From Crowd: “What is exactly is a short sale anyway”?
From Speaker: A Short sale is a pre-foreclosure arrangement between a homeowner and their lender, where the lender agrees to a sale of the property for less than what’s owed as opposed to taking the property to foreclosure.

From Crowd: “Why would a lender agree to short sale”?
From Speaker: “Well it comes down to time and money, it’s expensive and it takes a long time to take a property through the foreclosure process and banks know that they will never get even close to full payoff at the auction. Most of the time the lender buys it back as an REO property and sells it at well below market value anyway. So by doing a short sale it’s a win win for everyone involved”.
From Crowd: ” What are some reasons why someone would consider doing a short sale” ?

From Speaker: ” There are a several reasons why someone may need to do a short sale. Loss of employment  , transferring to another job,  maybe your payments have gone way up,  or Maybe your upside down and you just want to get out of a bad investment.
There could be a million reasons why someone would need a short sale”.
From Crowd: “Don’t you need an attorney to complete a short sale”?
From Speaker: “There’s a common myth that you need to involve an attorney when doing a short sale on your home and I’m here to tell you that it’s just not true! Not only that, real estate attorneys charge thousands of dollars for what a short sale realtor does for free. We actually service short sale files for several law firms in Central Florida. So long story short,… no you don’t need an attorney, but the bank does require that a licensed real estate agent represent the seller”.

From Crowd: “How will a short sale affect my credit”?
From Speaker: ” This is a subject I will be going into detail with in the coming weeks but in a nutshell, It’s much better to have a short sale on your record than a foreclosure or bankruptcy and it will be a lot easier for you to get another mortgage in the future”.

From Crowd:”What goes into a short sale package”?
From Speaker: “Another great question,… there are many different components that make up a complete short sale package, We don’t have time to get into it today but in the days ahead we will be going into each component of what makes up a complete short sale package .

“I know everyone is desperate for answers and unfortunately we just don’t have the time to get into it today. But I will tell you this… In the coming Weeks we’ll be breaking down in detail,  the different Components that go into a complete short sale package.
In closing, just know this… by completing a short sale, homeowners can walk away from their properties without having a foreclosure reported on their credit – all while having their mortgage debt completely forgiven by the lender.
Not only that but in most cases we’re able to get money back to the seller anywhere from $3,000 – $30,000.00, and you can quote me on that.
For the folks watching at home feel free to visit the website below or call the number. For everyone here I do have some business cards here for any one that wants one so just come on up”.

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Short Sale Specialists vs Real Estate Agents

Like any profession in the world, there are specialists in every field… Orlando short sales are no different. If you’ve ever attempted to do a short sale, you know that not only can things get frustrating but the situation can change at a moment’s notice without any warning whatsoever. You could be negotiating with a lender for weeks or even months then finally get your approval letter with the buyer lined up and ready to go, etc. Then all of a sudden WHAM!… the loan just got sold to another lender and all of your hard work is gone… just like that.

As short sale realtors, we have to follow very detailed instructions as laid out by the lender. The problem is that these instructions can sometimes be ever-changing and you have to be flexible enough to roll with the changes… it’s kinda like trying to hit a moving target.

The 2nd worst part of a situation like this is that the real estate agent handling the short sale will usually get blamed [out of ignorance] by not only the seller but the buyer and the buyer’s agent as well. I know this because it’s happened to me more times than I care to remember. A true short sale specialist will or should handle a situation like this with patience, persistence, and grace. Also, a good short-sale agent can’t be the type of person that is easily discouraged or they won’t get anywhere in this “dog eat dog” profession.

They call us “specialists” for many reasons. It’s not just about getting the short sale done, it’s about educating everyone involved along the way on what’s going on and why. We’ve been Negotiating Orlando short sales since 2004 [before it was even in style] and we understand what a stressful time the homeowner is going through which is why we maintain good communication with them and keep them informed every step of the way. Even if nothing happens inside any given week during the process, our clients get a weekly update regardless if there was any progress with their file or not.

The way I see it, If a distressed homeowner had enough trust in our company to hand us over control over their short sale listing, then we owe it to them to get the job done, and get it done in a timely and professional manner, after all… we’re not just real estate agents, we are short sale specialists and that’s something that we’re very proud of.

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Winter Park FL short sale | 1760 Elizabeths Walk

Winter Park FL short sale | 1760 Elizabeths Walk

This gorgeous 5 bedroom 4 bathroom house is located in the premier neighborhood of Windsong in Winter Park! This 3,710 square ft beauty has 2 floors of carefully planned open layout designed to make anyone fall in love at first site.

Other Great features

* Wood burning fireplace

* 2 car garage

* Screened in porch

* Community Clubhouse

* 2 Large Community Pools

* Playground

This property has easy access to top rated schools, first rate restaurants and shops and nearby Orlando’s top medical facilities. Don’t wait! This one won’t last for long.

Visit us at Orlando Realty Consultants to see this or any other of our terrific Orlando properties.



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