As the Unemployment Rate Falls, Orlando Real Estate Sales Improve

Orlando Realty sales improve partly because of less unemployment



The unemployment rate in the state Florida dropped one tenth of a percent in May. That is the lowest we’ve seen it since 2008. It makes perfect sense that this is having a positive effect on state tax collections, and Florida real estate transactions are leading the way. With less unemployment  things are moving forward again. Not just in the Orlando real estate market, but across everything else the board.


Florida banks are lending money again.  This not only helps people get loans to buy property, but since the beginning of 2012 financial institutions have created fifty seven hundred new jobs in Florida.  In fact, Florida’s financial institutions account for 1 out of every 10 new jobs created in Florida since the first of the year.


The fact that pending sales in Florida are up thirty five percent is proof that people are back in the market ready to buy. It’s a fact that if your making enough money to pay your bills and support your family, your happy.  If you’re happy you will spend more money and feel good about it, it’s just human nature. This is why the Orlando market is improving at the rate that it is. People feel like the recession is behind them and there is hope again. Fact: the #1 cause of divorce in our country is financial problems. I’m not certain but I would guess that the divorce rate in Florida overall has also dropped together with the unemployment rate.


Foreign nationals Purchasing 1 out of every 6 Orlando Properties


With Orlando Realty prices being what they were, foreign nationals are making some serious home purchases. Whether it’s for a vacation home or to move in as a primary residence to escape the cold once and for all. Orlando Real Estate is a hot commodity for people oversees. I have been working with some English investors for several years now which have purchased at least a dozen Orlando properties from us since 2008.


New Construction in Orlando Still Suffering


Although we’re seeing dramatic improvements in the Orlando real estate market lately, new construction still remains one of the hardest hit areas in Florida’s economy, losing about 20,000 jobs within the last year. Orlando Real estate Developers are going to have to come up with some even bigger incentives in order to compete with the rest of the market.


Jenny Zamora, Lic RE Broker/ Orlando Real Estate Expert


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Orlando Realty Prices Continue to Rise while Inventory Drops

Orlando Real estate prices keep increasing as Inventory decreases

It’s becoming painfully obvious that when it comes to Orlando real estate, it’s officially a seller’s market. The market is nowhere near as inflated as it was in 05′ 06′ , but we’re definitely moving in the right direction. For the 4th month in a row Orlando home prices continue to go up. This is great news for homeowners that have had their value cut in half during the past five years, whether or not this trend continues remains to be seen.

Most of our own listings at Orlando Realty Consultants usually will have a solid contract on them within 5 days of putting them on the market,  sometimes we’ll even get a contract within that first day of listing them. More and more we are seeing multiple offers come in and most of the time the offers are above the listing price.

Orlando’s summer Home Buying season is in full swing

It’s that time of year again. The kids are out of school and people that have been wanting to buy an Orlando Property but didn’t want to switch their kids to a new school mid way through the school year are now actively searching for their Orlando home before the new school year begins. The evidence is in the numbers, median home prices are up 2.6 percent since April. This is proof that Orlando home buyers are on the hunt with a certain sense of urgency.

However, even with the increased seasonal demand and attractive interest rates, Orlando Realtors completed fewer sales in May than they did a year earlier. Orlando agents reported a preliminary count of 2,337 home sales last month, down 5.8 percent from May 2011

If you’re thinking of selling your Orlando Property, now may be the perfect time to do it. Finding a buyers for Orlando realty has never been easier. Sellers are finally back in the drivers seat for the first time since 2006. Find out what your Orlando Property is worth here



Jenny Zamora, Lic Orlando RE Broker
Serving the Orlando community since 2005


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Is Now a Good Time to Sell your Orlando Property?

Right now may be the best time to Sell your Orlando Real Estate

If you are an Orlando homeowner, you may be asking yourself, ” Should I put my house on the market now, or should I wait another six or eight months?

Here’s what I think, The inventory for Orlando Realty has decreased dramatically. This means that Orlando real estate values have increased and buyers are sometimes having to go through bidding wars with other home buyers to get the home that they want. The fact is that buyers just don’t have the power that they had 2 years ago and they know it.

Here’s what I suggest; Contact an Orlando realtor who is experienced in your neighborhood. The agent should be able to pull data showing you recent sales [within the past 2 or 3 months] and tell you how much your house should sell for within what time period. The best part is that  Consulting with  an Orlando Realtor doesn’t cost you anything and there’s no obligation. You can get a feel for what the market will give you before making a commitment. You have nothing to lose.

Make Sure You are selling your Orlando Property for the Right Reasons

If you know exactly why you are selling then it is easier for you to follow the right plan of action for getting what you want.
If you are a seller who needs to close a sale as quickly as possible, then you should know that getting the highest price possible is not one of your priorities. It does not mean that you won’t or cannot get the highest price, but it means that the price is not the deciding factor. A buyer who can give you a quick closing time will appeal much more to you than a buyer who can offer you more money but the negotiation and closing time drag on.

It’s always good to know how low you will go on your Orlando Property, in terms of selling price. This will help to eliminate some of the offers that you find simply offensive or ridiculous. Even though you should consider all offers seriously and take into consideration the terms of each offer, sometimes, if you know the bottom line and are strict about it, you can save yourself time.
Once you know what your limits and reasons are, discuss them with your Orlando agent so that they can help you set your goals realistically. If you decide to list your home on your own, make sure you do research on the current market, and you get the proper advice you need in terms of legal issues, etc. The key is to be realistic and to know what your goals are so they can be met.

Finding the Best Orlando Realtor for You

I you’re in the market for an Orlando Real estate expert, check out 9 critical things you need to ask a realtor. 
By following what is outlined in the list, you will have a blueprint on hiring an Orlando agent that will work for you.



Jenny Zamora Lic Orlando RE Broker Since 2005.                                                                                             Ask me anything, I’m here to help.


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Buying Orlando Real Estate without an Agent Can Prove to be Costly

Buying an Orlando Realty without a Realtor can Result in Disaster


Buyers loves to get a great deal on Orlando real estate and there’s nothing that I enjoy more than to provide my clients with terrific Orlando homes at great prices. However, If you you don’t want to use a realtor, there are other options available such as bidding online for properties going to foreclosure or searching craigslist for motivated sellers.

Bidding at the Orange County online foreclosure sale.

It’s true that you can find a good deal at the auction on an Orlando property. Although, if you don’t do your research prior to bidding, there’s a good chance that you could lose big.
A family was recently bidding in an online auction on a foreclosed home in the Orlando neighborhood of Meadow Woods.  However, those bidders didn’t know they’re now on the hook for the previous owner’s mortgage.

The home went to auction on the Orange County Clerk’s foreclosure website, and someone bought their home for $16,000! What a deal right? Wrong!… the guy that bought the house online didn’t do his research until after he bought the house. It turns out that it was an HOA foreclosure and there was a mortgage attached for 200 thousand dollars. Can you imagine thinking that you just got the deal of a lifetime and then finding out that you inherited a $200,000.00 debt?  It’s like, “Oh, my God. What have I done?”

People have this misconception about the online auction where they think bidding on foreclosures is a lottery ticket. The truth is, many people end up losing money bidding on foreclosures.


Before bidding, you need to do a title search.

One of the problems with trying to get a house online is all that you have to put in a lot work to be successful. Spending a hundred dollars on a tile search can save someone from making one the biggest mistakes of their lives. Doing a title search is just one of the things you need to do. It’s always a good idea to go to the house even if you can’t get inside. Most of the time you won’t be able to get in but you can at least get an idea of what the outside looks like.

Unfortunately, disgruntled homeowners that have been forced out because of a foreclosure can sometimes take out their frustrations by causing severe damage to the inside of the house. I’ve seen houses with well over $20,000.00 in damages caused by angry homeowners and their favorite sledgehammer or golf club.

The moral of the story is this; If you choose to find a property without the help of an Orlando Realtor, make sure to do your due diligence or you could end up losing money.



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Certified Distressed Property Experts and Orlando Real Estate

What is a Certified Distressed Property Expert [CDPE]?

It means that an Orlando Realtor with the CDPE designation is someone that is supposed to understand the complex and ever-changing issues in today’s Orlando Real Estate market. The agent should have knowledge of foreclosure avoidance options available to homeowners. A CDPE can provide solutions, specifically short sales, for homeowners facing market hardships.

Many times Orlando homeowners make the mistake of trying to do things on their own when they’ve fallen into foreclosure. This is always a bad idea because when someone is in financial distress, they’re just not thinking clearly, especially with the emotional burden of potentially losing their Orlando home to foreclosure.

Speaking with a realtor that is CDPE certified, also known as an “Orlando Short Sale Expert” is by far the best course of action to take. First of all, it doesn’t cost you a cent to consult with an Orlando realtor [if a realtor ever tries to charge you for a consultation, turn around and walk away], so you have absolutely nothing to lose in this regard. CDPEs have the tools, knowledge, and experience to help homeowners figure out the best solutions for their specific solution through the execution of an Orlando short sale or loan modification.

Are you considering an Orlando Short Sale?

If you’re currently looking for an Orlando Short sale Expert, make sure to select an agent that possesses the CDPE designation to make sure that you have a trained professional to address your specific needs.  CDPEs have an obligation to go above and beyond for their clients in need and you shouldn’t settle for anything less.

It’s not just about the CDPE Designation…

With all of that being said about CDPEs, it’s important to also consider the amount of experience the Orlando agent has had as a CDPE and what is their success rate with short sales in Orlando. This is something that is easily researched online or even better… ask your potential agent to show you proof of how many short sales listings they have and also ask them how many short sales they’ve closed in the past 6 months.

Another great option that may save you some time is just Google Orlando Short Sales and see what comes up. The top three results that come up should give you a great starting point. Like most people in the world today, I use Google for just about everything.

You want an agent that’s aggressive and doesn’t take no for an answer. Working with short sales is tough and you need an agent that is willing to go toe to toe with the bank for you. Unfortunately, this kind of tenacity and work ethic is something that is difficult to teach, realtors either have or don’t have.

Ask me anything, I’m here to help.

Jenny Zamora, Lic RE Broker.  Certified Distressed Property Expert

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