Frustrations Increase among active Orlando Real Estate Buyers

Active Orlando Realty buyers are more frustrated than ever

People that are actively searching for an Orlando property are getting more and more concerned about rising prices on quality Orlando homes and they have every right to be. Inventory is at an all time low while demand is through the roof. Many of them have even decided to put their home buying plans on hold and have elected to remain in their current housing situation.

One of the biggest concerns right now is the lack of inventory in Orlando real estate. Buyers get very frustrated when they find a property that they like only to find that there is already 10 offers on the table for the same property.

In Orlando there is about half as many homes for sale as there was this time last year. Some people still believe that prices will drop and are holding out for that “deal of a lifetime”.  Thinking that prices will drop in the near future is just not realistic and is just flat out not true.

The fact is that prices of Orlando real estate will continue to rise for quite a long time. Sure you can still try to get a good deal on a house needing to be refurbished, but in that market you’re competing experienced Orlando real estate investors. Re-habbers make their living on buying properties, fixing them up and selling them for a healthy profit. If you think that competition is tough on the retail side of real estate, try competing with local investors. The wholesale market is just as competitive if not more than buying an Orlando home that is move-in ready.


Orlando homeowners are staying put

For homeowners who were on the fence about selling but really don’t want to, have reconsidered and have decided to remain in their home. They see what’s going on in the Orlando Real estate market and they are loving it.  There seems to never be a time when both buyers and sellers are pleased with whatever the market is doing. Sellers will always want top dollar for their home and buyers will always want to get a fantastic deal on a great property.  Let’s face it, Who in their right mind would sell right now if they didn’t have to?


Jenny Zamora, Lic Orlando Real Estate Broker


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The days of Low Ball Offers on Orlando Real Estate are Long Gone!

Buyers are realizing that they have to Pay the Price if they want a quality Orlando Property

Orlando Homebuyers have had the upper hand since 2006, but today’s reality tells quite a different story, sellers are back in the drivers seat. Prices of Orlando Realty have been rising steadily much like many other parts of Florida and inventory is way down.

The problem with some Potential buyers is that they have trouble accepting the market has changed and they continually miss out on good deals because they bid too low. These days you have to go above the asking price to get taken seriously, and even then you might not get the house you’re after.

Some buyers come into my office thinking that the Orlando Real Estate market is the same as it was in 2008 and 2009 when sellers were desperate to sell their homes. Sellers are no longer desperate and they know that they now have the upper hand. The days of submitting low ball offers are over.

A typical Orlando Seller considers a low ball offer to be anything below 90% of full asking price while on the other hand Buyers feel that offering 80-85% is a reasonable offer.

Orlando Buyers are starting to get the “Big Picture”.

Some people are the type to stick to their guns even if they’re wrong about something, however the majority of Orlando property buyers are starting to realize that if they want to get their hands on a quality piece of Orlando Realty, then they have to pay the price.


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Is Now a Good Time to Sell your Orlando Property?

Right now may be the best time to Sell your Orlando Real Estate

If you are an Orlando homeowner, you may be asking yourself, ” Should I put my house on the market now, or should I wait another six or eight months?

Here’s what I think, The inventory for Orlando Realty has decreased dramatically. This means that Orlando real estate values have increased and buyers are sometimes having to go through bidding wars with other home buyers to get the home that they want. The fact is that buyers just don’t have the power that they had 2 years ago and they know it.

Here’s what I suggest; Contact an Orlando realtor who is experienced in your neighborhood. The agent should be able to pull data showing you recent sales [within the past 2 or 3 months] and tell you how much your house should sell for within what time period. The best part is that  Consulting with  an Orlando Realtor doesn’t cost you anything and there’s no obligation. You can get a feel for what the market will give you before making a commitment. You have nothing to lose.

Make Sure You are selling your Orlando Property for the Right Reasons

If you know exactly why you are selling then it is easier for you to follow the right plan of action for getting what you want.
If you are a seller who needs to close a sale as quickly as possible, then you should know that getting the highest price possible is not one of your priorities. It does not mean that you won’t or cannot get the highest price, but it means that the price is not the deciding factor. A buyer who can give you a quick closing time will appeal much more to you than a buyer who can offer you more money but the negotiation and closing time drag on.

It’s always good to know how low you will go on your Orlando Property, in terms of selling price. This will help to eliminate some of the offers that you find simply offensive or ridiculous. Even though you should consider all offers seriously and take into consideration the terms of each offer, sometimes, if you know the bottom line and are strict about it, you can save yourself time.
Once you know what your limits and reasons are, discuss them with your Orlando agent so that they can help you set your goals realistically. If you decide to list your home on your own, make sure you do research on the current market, and you get the proper advice you need in terms of legal issues, etc. The key is to be realistic and to know what your goals are so they can be met.

Finding the Best Orlando Realtor for You

I you’re in the market for an Orlando Real estate expert, check out 9 critical things you need to ask a realtor. 
By following what is outlined in the list, you will have a blueprint on hiring an Orlando agent that will work for you.



Jenny Zamora Lic Orlando RE Broker Since 2005.                                                                                             Ask me anything, I’m here to help.


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Growing Demand for Orlando Real Estate is Absorbing Shadow Inventory


Orlando Realty Sales are slowly overtaking the number of distressed properties coming on to the market

Chief Economist Dr. John Tuccillo says “The fear is that the inventory of delinquent and foreclosed loans will be released onto an already weakened market,” , explaining the findings of a new report conducted by the Florida Industry Data and Analysis department. “But the reality appears to be different, even here in Florida where distressed properties make up a significant portion of the market.”

Lenders have no reason to flood Florida’s real estate market with more homes especially if it ultimately affects their profit. Think about it, if the Orlando real estate market gets flooded with homes all at once then this would drive prices down significantly. Many people thought that lenders were holding inventory back on purpose when the true cause of this hold up was because of all the robo-signing issues they had to figure out.

Tuccillo says, “We looked at the recent history of distressed property listings and transactions relative to normal market data, as well as estimates for the shadow inventory, and came to some conclusions about the likely course for the future.”


These are the findings of recent studies done using data from the Florida MLS

* Even though Orlando Florida remains one of the Country’s hardest-hit areas for distressed property sales, foreclosure sales keep dropping while Orlando short sales continue to steadily rise.

* Prices for all residential properties including both distressed and normal property sales have been steadily increasing.
Orlando Realtors have learned how to cope with distressed properties in a way that stabilizes the market. It’s no longer an issue whether the  property is in distress or not.

* Currently, the number of distressed property sales [Orlando short sales and REOs] is more than keeping up with the amount of distressed  properties [90 days or more behind] coming on to the market.
 * The number of Orlando foreclosures and REOs were significantly lower in February of 2012 than one year earlier, suggesting slower shadow inventory growth.
 Distressed properties in Orlando will be a common trend for many years to come.  It will be so common that “distressed property” will be considered just another property type to a potential buyer.
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Make Your Orlando Home Appealing to Buyers

Give Yourself the Best Chance at Selling your Orlando Home

If you’re trying to make your Orlando home a bit more appealing for a potential buyer, then there are some things that you should consider.  First of all, not everyone has the same taste as you and so that’s why you should keep it simple when staging your home to be sold.

Never leave things out like family photos, personal keepsakes, and treasured belongings. All of these items should be safely packed away which very often creates open space. Everyone loves open space, it makes the home feel bigger and people can get a better feel for the layout.

Believe it or not Orlando home buyers often make a decision within just seconds of seeing your home about whether or not they want to buy it. So remember that and picture your home through the eyes of your potential buyers. What impression do you get in the first 30 seconds?

Sometimes a neighbor can help you out with this. If you do ask someone to give you an honest opinion about the first impression they get of your home, don’t take it personal if they don’t like some of your choices as far as decorating, just listen.

Here’s a List of easy things you can do to increase your chances of getting a contract on your Orlando property

•    Remove all loose clutter inside and out.  When you walk up do you see children’s toys scattered across the front lawn or throughout the house? Get rid of it something as simple as clutter can be a deal killer.

•    Make sure your yard and landscaping looks as good as it possibly can. Overgrown trees ,  shrubs and grass are eyesores and it’s the very first look that they get at the home.

•    I think it’s always good to get a fresh paint job when selling a home. It makes a huge impact and is relatively inexpensive to do. If painting is not an option, at least touch up any spots that are chipped wore out or can’t be cleaned.

•    Remove any furniture that is causing the house to look smaller or that is in the way when you show a potential buyer your home. Most of the time less is more when it comes to bulky pieces of furniture that can absolutely change the look of a room.

•    Add artwork to long hall ways. You don’t have to buy artwork that costs thousands of dollars but, if your home has long hall ways, it’s nice to break up the monotony with some tasteful artwork. Use contrasting shades and hues to coordinate with the flooring. When you’re shopping for the artwork or borrowing it from a friend or your real estate agent or homestager, if possible bring swatches of the carpet or flooring and wall paint to match the artwork colors.

•    Make the kitchen a focal point. Whether they cook or not, the kitchen is of primary interest to many buyers. Winning over buyers with an appealing kitchen can often convince them that they must have the home. Make sure your appliances are clean, sparkling, and working. Return on investment in the kitchen is usually high and worth every penny, and more, you put into it.

•    The bedroom needs to look like a bedroom. It sounds funny, but many people use their bedroom for other things such as an office or storage. Boxes or newspapers are scattered or stacked in a corner. There’s no “ah” or sense of relaxation with that kind of room. So even if that’s how you’ve been living, understand that’s not how you should show a home.

Making your home more appealing means seeing your home through the eyes of your potential buyers. When you start receiving more offers than you know what to do with, you’ll be glad you did.

sell your Orlando Home

Jenny Zamora, Lic RE Broker

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