Orlando Realtor – Seller Series part 3

This is the latest edition in our 6 part “home seller series” designed to help Orlando homeowners sell their homes for top dollar in the least amount of time.  This week’s focus will be on pricing the home correctly from the start.

Research from our own listings clearly shows that homes that are priced correctly from the start, spend about half the time on the market when compared to homes that were priced too high and had to adjust.

One of the most critical steps in selling a home is determining what price it should be listed for. Your Orlando listing agent should prepare a comparable market analysis [CMA] on the property. A CMA is an in-depth report about the subject property and comparable properties that were recently sold in the surrounding area as well as properties that are currently listed and under contract. This report is designed to educate the homeowner and help them to come up with the right listing price for the property.

We’ve found that an Orlando home that is accurately priced and in decent condition will usually have at least one offer on it within the first few days.

 Beware of “Yes Man” Agents

Unfortunately, Some real estate agehttps://www.floridarealtors.org/consumersnts resort to using shady tactics in order to get a listing. One of these tactics is to list the property for an unrealistically high amount in order to make the homeowner believe that they will actually sell the home for “over market value”.

Even though the agent knows that the home doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell at selling for that price, they list it anyway and after a few weeks of no activity, they suggest to the homeowner to lower the price.

Unfortunately, it’s the homeowner who suffers the consequences by losing valuable time on the market with no activity. Even worse, homes that continually get lowered in price on the MLS usually end up being sold for below market value and take several months longer to sell.

Easy Exit Listing Agreement

Homeowners can easily protect themselves by hiring an Orlando realtor that uses an “Easy Exit Listing Agreement”. This listing agreement contains a clause that allows the homeowner to cancel the listing at any time without paying any cancellation fee or penalty.

When interviewing your listing agent, ask about their listing cancellation policy. If they want to charge you a cancellation fee, then chances are they may not be confident enough in their skills to get the job done. An easy exit clause will keep the agent motivated to get that house sold quickly for the highest amount the market will allow.

Need free real estate advice now? Visit our site https://orlandorealtyconsultants.com/ for immediate assistance.

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Orlando Homeowners Embracing The “Green Home”

With all the rage about “Going Green” lately, more and more Orlando home buyers are inquiring about green features when considering properties.

There is soo many advantages to making your home a “Green Home” and homeowners are steadily waking up and joining the going green revolution regardless of whether they’re of selling or staying put.

It just makes sense. Going green increases the value of a property by making it more attractive to environmentally conscious buyers as well as lowering your monthly energy bill.

 By making a few simple changes like using energy-saving light bulbs and appliances, using a tankless water heater system, and tinting your windows, homeowners can add legitimate value to their homes.
 Here’s a quick list of things that you can do to make sure that your home is as green as can be for the echo-friendly buyer.

Simple Green Updates That Don’t Cost A lot Of Green 

Update The Lighting. By using LED and CFL low energy bulbs you can save as much as $6.00 per year on a single light bulb! That may not sound like a lot but I bet if you count every light bulb in your house and multiply that number by 6 I bet you’ll feel differently. Also, the amount of energy being used is about 75% less than with traditional bulbs.

Install A Tankless Water Heater. Traditional water heaters store a lot of water and as a result, they have to consistently heat and reheat all the water in the tank whether it gets used or not. Tankless water heaters don’t store water and because of that, they use about 50% less energy than a traditional water heater. Also, with these water heaters, you will never run out of hot water again. The water gets heated instantly by the coils contained within the unit only when you need it.

Update The Appliances. By using “Energy Star” appliances you can save some serious green over the course of a year. Sure they cost more than traditional appliances but soon they will pay for themselves because they use anywhere from 20% to 50% less than traditional appliances. Make sure to let potential buyers know how much you’re saving on the electric bill because of the appliances.

Update The Bathrooms With Low-Flow Fixtures. By using low-flow showerheads and toilets, you can reduce household water consumption by up to 50% without sacrificing water pressure. Again, there is more of an upfront cost by switching to these fixtures but well worth it in the long run.

Install Energy Trackers. You can keep track of how much energy each appliance in your house uses or for around three hundred dollars you can have a device that will monitor the energy usage of your entire home that provides you with real-time feedback on how much energy you are using and how much you’re wasting.

There are a gazillion models to choose from these days and with the new technology, they’re even syncing them with smartphones and Ipads.

Whether you’re selling your home or planning on staying for a while, turning your home into a “Green Home” just makes sense. If you want to sell, then your home will have an added value that most other homes on the market won’t be able to compete with.

On the other hand, if this is your dream home where you plan on spending your golden years, then you can start saving big money as well as help save the planet. It’s a win-win no matter how you look at it.




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Orlando Realtor- Seller Series part 1

This series is dedicated to Orlando homeowners that want to sell their property for top dollar in the least amount of time but aren’t sure how to get started.

 Over the next few weeks, we will be revealing a 6 step formula for selling an Orlando home quickly for the highest amount possible. This edition will serve as an overview of the steps that will be broken down in detail over the next month or so.

 You must first seek out an experienced Orlando Realtor with a reputation for getting the job. At our brokerage this person is known as a “Listing Specialist.

 A Listing Specialist is exactly what it sounds like…a realtor that specializes in listing properties and nothing else. It’s no secret that if someone dedicates and focuses themselves at doing just one thing, they will become experts in their niche or their “one thing”.

A Listing Specialist will sit with you and discuss your time table for selling as well as the profit needed at the closing of the sale. They will also lay out the best plan of action to market the house and get the results you desire.

 Another critical step to selling your house is to price it right. Your realtor should prepare a detailed CMA [comparable market analysis] and go through it with you. This in-depth report of your home together with current market trends will help to determine what the highest listing price for your home will be.

 It’s then time to get the home ready for showings. You only one chance to make a first impression which is why it’s good idea to clean, de-clutter and even do some light staging if possible. A Listing Specialist can offer the seller tips on how to make the home look the best that it can without breaking the bank.

 Next, your realtor will help you to negotiate the offers that come in. Terms like contract price, contingencies in the contract, inspection periods, and closing date are all negotiable and an experienced realtor can prove invaluable in these instances.

 Once an offer has been accepted and a contract has been signed, you can start making plans to move out. You can count on your Orlando listing agent to be at your side at the closing table along with the buyer and the buyer’s agent and the title company. Once everyone signs the paperwork it becomes official and your you will receive your proceeds from the sale. 

Feel free to submit your questions or comments about this post below. For a quicker response, contact Jenny Zamora Lic Broker/ Listing Specialist at Orlando Realty Consultants at: 407-902-7750

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Kailey’s Ridge Update

Floor plans and pricing for Kailey’s Ridge in Hunters Creek are being finalized by both builders and are expected to be ready within weeks. With the entrance roadway now paved, construction moves to the next phase of development. The builders (Ryan Homes and Surrey Homes) will each control 50% of the 134 homesites and are scheduled to begin construction on the actual homes by the end of September or the beginning of October of this year. The development will cover about 53.4 acres of land.

Home prices are expected to run between the 3 to 4 hundred thousand dollar range and provide buyers with top-quality residences with some very attractive and functional floor plans to choose from. The plan is also to provide a rural feel to the community for future residents which is why at least thirty percent of the new subdivision will remain protected and unspoiled.

 Hunters Creek Roadways Will Remain The Same

As a follow-up to my last article about Kailey’s Ridge “Kailey’s Ridge Underway Residents React”  Many residents will be very happy to know that the roadway leading into Kailey’s Ridge will not be connecting to any other road. The plan was to have the road connect to either Osceola Pkwy or International Drive. There were even plans to connect the road to 535! As a resident and realtor in Hunters Creek, I’m glad that the Hunters Creek Community Association would not allow this to happen. Developers agreed to pay the  $2,700.00 per lot in order to be part of the HCCA. There will be additional fees to pay by the builders as well as the homeowners as the development progresses. 

About The Builders Of Kailey’s Ridge


Ryan Homes

This builder has been building residential properties since 1948 and is known to be one of the top 5 developers in the whole U.S. They are known for providing quality homes to buyers with a personal approach. This builder will also be constructing homes that are Energy Star rated which will be a terrific value to homeowners that will cut down on monthly energy costs.

Surrey Homes

In the last 25 years, this builder has built over 5,000 fully customized residences. Their base is right here in Central Florida and over the years they have earned a lot of trust and respect in the industry. Surrey Homes is known for providing the best features, great warranties, and top quality at affordable prices. Their team has a combined 50+ years of experience building homes.

Kaileys Ridge

There’s no doubt that the construction of Kailey’s Ridge is and will continue to be an enormous undertaking until its completion. Hunters Creek is known for having beautifully and quality built homes with sharply designed landscaping. Expectations for Kailey’s Ridge are just as high if not higher than existing homes in the area.

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Avoiding Home Buyer’s Remorse

  Home Buyer’s Remorse

Have you ever bought something on the spur of the moment then later on you ask yourself.. “what was I thinking? I don’t even like or need it”. In most cases, you can usually return the items like an expensive shirt or an ugly painting as long as you have the receipt. However, if you paid cash and bought it from someone’s trunk in a parking lot, then you’re probably stuck with it.



Unfortunately, you can’t do this when you buy a home which makes the home buying process even more stressful. Purchasing a property is a big deal for any family. Not only is this is the place they will call home for years to come but is probably the biggest or one of the biggest investments of someone’s lifetime.



In today’s competitive housing market where you have bidding wars on a very limited amount of inventory, it’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of wanting to be the one to “win” the home. Sometimes new homeowners will start to have serious regrets about the huge purchase they just made just days or maybe even hours after the closing. Oh No! What Have We Done!?

There are several things a potential home buyer can do to avoid going through buyer’s remorse…


Look at several properties that meet your criteria.

Even if you love the first home your realtor shows you it would be wise to visit several homes that meet or come close to meeting your criteria. Sometimes you think that you’ve found exactly what you’ve been looking for then you go see another home and you like it even better!


Don’t fall in love until the negotiations are done!

From my own personal experiences, I know this is a hard one to do but it must be done. Let’s say you put a fair offer on a home that you really like. Then after a few rounds of offers and counteroffers, the price has gone up another $30,000 more than what you can spend.

If you’ve already fallen in love with the house, then you are done…your mind will find a way of justifying the price increase and you’ll probably do whatever it takes to get the house even though you can’t really afford it.

Keep your best poker face throughout the negotiations. Tell your realtor what your budget is and stick to it! You’ll be glad you did.


Go see the home several times.

You should go and see the home several times before buying. Seeing the home only once before buying is a sure fire recipe for buyer’s remorse. Go through the home slowly and methodically, Open every door and window, walk through every room and leave no stone unturned.


I also suggest visiting the home at night for a another perspective. Don’t be afraid of bothering you realtor. Your real estate agent is getting paid to do their job, so make them earn it.

Make sure you have an inspection contingency.

Your best insurance is to make sure that there’s an inspection contingency in the contract. Some agents call it the “buyers remorse” contingency and it allows you to get out of the agreement if there’s a serious issue with the property you didn’t know before making your offer.


Hire An Experienced Buyer’s Agent

Enlisting the help of a realtor that is experienced in the area that you want to purchase in it will make your home buying experience much easier and even pleasurable. Let your agent know about any concerns or questions you have about a particular property or situation.

A good realtor will help you navigate through the entire home buying process as well as advise you of what to watch out for.


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