I remember when I became a FL REALTOR back in 2004, the gentleman speaking at the podium that day, I don’t recall his name but something that he said that day resonated with me and still does until this day. He said, “when practicing real estate don’t make it about the money,… you’ll make more money”. What he was really saying was to always,… ALWAYS put the client’s needs first in any real estate transaction and by doing so you will eventually make more money. The word will get around that you are the type of agent that goes “above and beyond” for their clients and people will seek you out for all of their Orlando real estate needs.
Well, here I am eight years later telling you that he was totally right! The only marketing that I do, if you want to call it marketing, is writing this blog about real estate [which I love doing!]. Most of my clients are referrals from past clients and my office is running at full capacity, it’s because of this that we are constantly on the lookout for Orlando short sale superstars to recruit.
When I take on a new short sale listing, the law says that my fiduciary responsibility is to my client. However, I feel that a realtor’s responsibility is to look out for everyone involved.. the seller, the buyer, the lender as well as the buyer’s agent. It’s like I tell the agents in my office “Everyone involved in the transaction needs to walk away satisfied with the results”, and if they practice real estate with that mindset they will be successful.
Orlando short sale specialist… not just a job
Making both sides of the closing table happy… there’s no better feeling in the world. Being a good real estate agent is kind of like being a good teacher, you really have to love it to be great at it and there’s just no way you can fake it. Have you ever had a horrible teacher in grade school or high school? I’m talking about the teacher that just doesn’t care and it’s painfully obvious to everyone in the classroom. I’ll bet that there’s at least one teacher that just popped into your mind as you were reading that last sentence. Well, imagine having a realtor represent you that just doesn’t care about you. Sure they go through the motions of what a realtor is supposed to do and they do just enough to scrape by.
That’s because that type of realtor chose the wrong profession to be in and they’re miserable. I’ve known many of these agents over the years and have even made the mistake of hiring a few for short periods of time. These agents will eventually show their true colors and everyone around them will know that their heart is just not in it. Don’t get me wrong…I’m not saying that they are bad people what I am saying is that these people will never be successful real estate agents and sooner or later will realize that they’re in the wrong line of work.
When choosing a real estate agent to represent you and do your short sale, make sure to do your research. I’ve said this countless times and I will continue saying it. Doing a short sale on your home will be one of if not the most important transactions in your lifetime. Make sure that you choose an Orlando short sale realtor that absolutely loves what they do!